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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Currently playing AC4: Black Flag, though I'm stuck at some shitty sea battle in sequence 3 so I haven't played for a few days. Also playing TES V: Skyrim, which I'm enjoying a lot more than AC4 atm.
  2. Deleted those for you.
  3. Welcome to the forum! Enjoy your time here
  4. MIYAVI suing in 3, 2, 1... Lol what did I just watch. It almost felt like a low budget K-pop video.
  5. sai

    I'll get to these albums as soon as I can, I'm currently really really busy with college because apparently they thought it fun to give me an extra course on top of the one I'm doing now =____=
  6. sai

    They sound pretty rad. Is the album this song is on available yet?
  7. sai

    This basically. I see so many MEJIBRAY fans on tumblr go like "eww I hate the GazettE Tsuzuku is so much better than Ruki" while they're basically just listening to a band whose main vocalist is a huge GazettE fan and therefore also incorporates ideas from said band into his music (I wouldn't call MEJIBRAY plain copy-pasta on ALL their songs but I get where you're coming from) and then act like this. Also people who say they don't like the GazettE because of the fandom. Disliking a fandom is no reason to dislike a band.
  8. sai

    Yeah, the thing is that I was afraid that this would happen. Multiple people asked Ubisoft about this issue and whether it would fuck up the screen on 360/PS3 because it's officially meant to be next-gen. Ubisoft said multiple times that it wouldn't make a difference and that it looked fine while it obviously doesn't 8| Also you could've said it a bit nicer than "lol deal with it" tbqh. I also don't plan on buying a next-gen console until KH3/FFXV gets an official release date + perhaps it hasn't occurred to you that not everyone has the cash atm to buy a next-gen, so yeah. I don't see why I should buy a next-gen now when most games will release for PS3/Xbox360 anyway. I mean, yes the screen is a bit buggy but it's not as dreadful as it makes the cutscenes unwatchable. Plus, why spend 400 bucks on a next-gen now when it's probably 50 bucks cheaper in around a year? Also why does everyone hate AC3 so much? I thought the gameplay was really good and that Connor definitely was an admirable character because so far he's been the most human Assassin out of the bunch. I felt I could relate more to Connor than any of the other characters in the franchise. Also sorry to ruin expectations but I already sank through a roof three times in a span of four hours so I doubt the launch bugs are any better this time lolol.
  9. So, I picked this game up yesterday for 360 (bonus of pre-orders, you get them 2-3 days before the official release. I could've picked it up on Saturday but I forgot whoops). Anyway, I've played the game for around 4-5 hours now and this is my first general impression: MAJOR FUCKING SPOILERS What I dislike: - The screen is pretty buggy. Some cutscenes look really fucking weird and it’s awfully glitchy at some points. Even on a HD TV this looks really really weird. If it’s too HQ for Xbox360/PS3 then you shouldn’t have released it on them. - The map is so fucking confusing. It looks like the map in Revelations and I hated the map in Revelations because it was so unclear. Any other map would’ve sufficed. The mini-map is equally awful. - The modern bits so far are cringe-worthy. I’m not sure if there’s going to be an extra storyline but the whole “Abstergo works with Ubisoft and we already brought a game called AC3 Liberation” is just lame because it’s not sure if Abstergo basically turned everything into a franchise (while still hinting at the existence of Desmond Miles because of the “subject 17 project”) or if this is somehow connected and it still has something to do with Juno escaping and so on. - Edward doesn’t seem like an actual Assassin? He mostly seems to be going after the treasure the Templars talk about, he’s not keen on taking them out. Then again I’m at the beginning of the story so I’m not going to draw any conclusions about it. - UBISOFT CHANGING THE BUTTON FOR EAGLE EYE IN EVERY OTHER FUCKING GAME. You have no idea how many times I had to re-do missions because I kept pressing Y and therefore threw a smoke bomb instead of using my Eagle Eye. Now what I did like: - The free-running has become a lot more challenging again. The city of Havana is a bigger playground than Boston/New York was in AC3. - Edward’s fighting style is quite bad-ass, resembling Haytham in several aspects with a big load of “fuck that I’ll just bodycheck you off this platform”. - The soundtrack. The music so far is really really good, I can’t wait for the OST to drop. - The fighting on sea has improved. The fact that you need to watch out for bigger waves and superstorms is quite exciting. Also, shooting cannons has become a lot easier because it doesn’t take 3 hours anymore for your crew to reload the cannons. Use of the burning barrels is kind of useless most of the time though. Overall ordeal so far: don’t buy it unless you’re a big fan of the series. Even though this is supposed to be a gameplay upgrade of AC3, AC3 still seemed way more consistent. Connor's movements in battle and in cutscenes were way more fluid and smooth than Edward's in AC4. It almost felt like AC4 wasn't complete yet.
  10. sai

    I wish I could use foobar
  11. sai

    ^ Tbqh I preferred DIM SCENE to The Decade, but hey opinions differ. But yeah I would also recommend GazettE's DIM SCENE. Really atmospheric.
  12. Hmm, it depends on the band. When I went to see Versailles a couple of years ago I managed to get a ticket around 2 weeks before the gig though the website said it was sold out (while it wasn't, because a local ticket office still had like 5 tickets left for some reason). I got mine earlier but because of unforeseen circumstances I had to score a second one for a friend because the person I was initially going with decided to go with someone else. I remember Versailles selling out both tours in Germany but that took a few weeks. However, ONE OK ROCK sold out within 2-3 days or so. If I were you I would probably go with the safest bet and order your tickets on the day they start selling. The amount of bands that have been visiting has decreased and were mostly indie bands no1curr about so in this case when a more popular band visits (because of the ex-Versailles members) there's a high chance it will sell out soon.
  13. sai

    Alright, I have received five albums! I will get to these asap, then once I've finished I will take on the next bunch of five, so don't be afraid to keep posting here! I'll get to them too later.
  14. sai

    Agreeing with 13th Floor with Diana. Also, I would definitely also go with BT's Climax Together 1992 gig, it's an absolute classic.
  15. sai

  16. sai

    Very forgettable. [2] It really doesn't click with me.
  17. sai

    So basically this thread is about songs that you really love or that mean something special to you for some reason? Just asking before I write a wall of text and it wouldn't be right lol.
  18. sai

    Basically the same as Zess' thread, but this time you're going to have to recommend good ol' me releases. I've been suffering from a lack of new music lately, so I'm going to give you guys a change to impress me with good stuff. Why am I doing this as well? I think I'm more hilarious than Zess and I need to prove this. I will probably get zero responses to this so please do not make me look like a douche. I always have to smile when I see people being all passionate about artists/releases they like so I decided that it's perhaps nice to join people in this. Same rules: the first five people here who recommend me full length-albums that I do not already know will get a review by me in the review thread. I promise it will not include any silly gifs as in my usual reviews. - One release per person. - Must be Japanese. - No metalcore. I really really do not like metalcore, recommending me metalcore albums will not get you anywhere because I won't be able to listen to it and give an objective opinion. - It would be appreciated if you could send me a link to the release through PM. For the reast, there are no limitations!
  19. sai

    I think what relentless is mostly driving at is not whether there was actual copying going on but whether if they copied this from their OWN SONG or from somewhere else. Even if something sounds ridiculously similar it's quite possible this wasn't done on purpose like "oh wait I need a pre-chorus let's take the same riffs from THE SUICIDE CIRCUS", but more like it's something that is done a lot of times before by other artists, which is usually what people refer to when they speak of recent GazettE: that it's dull and has been done so many times before. It's quite possible they used the same influences on the pre-choruses of said songs instead of just blatantly copying their own stuff. Even if older GazettE material didn't have this, I think we can pretty much all agree that the taste of the band itself has changed, which also means other and (perhaps) fewer/limited influences. So even if these do sound similar (which I'm not denying) we can't say for a 100% sure that they ripped this off from their own song or if they just used the same influence. /also I think I'll be moving these posts to the respective thread in news because we're getting a bit off-topic here
  20. sai

    Would go with Kagrra, as they're the only one on the list that I like. Can't really choose between the two though. 1. LUNA SEA - Rouge 2. BUCK-TICK - アンブレラ 3. BUCK-TICK - M・A・D 4. Lorne Balfe - Trouble in Town 5. Lorne Balfe - The Tyrant 6. シド - 涙の温度 7. 彩冷える - Day Dream 8. U-KISS - 만만하니 9. U-KISS - Coincidene 10. LUNA SEA - STORM Really weird shuffle, but probably liking MAD the best.
  21. Also just because you don't like the punk genre, that doesn't make it the worst thing in music (also I don't recall Fukurou or whatever it was called to be screamy, nor any other songs on that single).
  22. My Doctor Who shirt arrived but the website apparently forgot to tell me the sizes were American so now I have a shirt that's two sizes too big =_____=

    1. Ito


      Sorry we're fat >.<

    2. sai
  23. sai

    Gaze i love you too but imma punch you back I'm not comparing this one to DIM at all. Where in my post did I say that? Just because I think this album is average that automatically means that I have this opinion because I compared it to DIM, and not for other reasons? I realized that if I do keep comparing everything to DIM I'm never going to be content (lol). People can actually dislike this album for other reasons than just "comparing it to DIM" and tbqh I'm starting to get a bit tired of the regular stan's argument of "OMG YOU CAN NEVER LOOK AT IT OBJECTIVELY BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS COMPARE EVERYTHING TO DIM". I see every album for what it is. Do you think I could ever enjoy BUCK-TICK's latest three albums if I constantly compared them to Kurutta Taiyou or DTD -style93-? Seriously, DTD shits all over both Yumemiru Uchuu and RAZZLE DAZZLE but I still think these songs are catchy and fun and well-executed. Is DTD better? Absolutely, no doubt it about it. Is RAZZLE DAZZLE therefore horrendous? No it's not. There are plenty of reasons why people dislike this album (as stated throughout the review thread) and you're going to have to come to terms with the fact that just because you like everything the GazettE does doesn't mean that everyone who dislikes it (or thinks it average, in my case) does that based on a very flimsy argument. You also have to realize people will ALWAYS compare, it's natural. Even if you don't like it, sorry (it may sound harsh) but you need to get over it. Also wow god forbid me that I mention DIM in a normal GazettE discussion because I actually really like that album (I didn't mention it in any GazettE thread for the last year so your argument fails on this part too). The problem with the effort is that not EVERYONE seems to have tried because be REALLY REALLY honest here...if you have to look at the individual members' progress, isn't one of the 5 sticking out like a sore thumb (in a negative sense)? As multiple people have already has stated, Ruki is currently the weakest link of the band because the instrumentals on this album are GOOD and do lots of different things. Uruha, Aoi, Reita and Kai are the only ones who actually shine on this album but I feel like Ruki just drags the whole thing down with either stale vocals or boring choruses. /anyway I'll quit now because this is off-topic and opinions differ blahblah so if you want to get back at me send me a PM though I doubt it's possible to change your mind on this
  24. sai

    My niece's boyfriend has quite a bit of knowledge of Mac computers, and afaik he said that it is possible to take out the Mac CD-drive and replace it with either an extra processor or an extra harddrive. However, I highly suggest you let someone who knows what he's doing do that for you, lol. Also, how many inches is your MacBook? I know this is possible for a 15-inch but also with a 13-inch (though harder because the 13-inch is smaller).
  25. sai

    The promotional photo that was released today/yesterday really had a 13kai-ish vibe though: Also, really? ^ I figured that around 2003 they were still in their industrial type of music, then switched to whatever 13kai was, then went straight-rock with Tenshi no Revolver and so on.
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