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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Basically another Yumemiru Uchuu throwaway. I can't really remember it that well anymore (lol) because it wasn't that exciting, but it should be on tumblr.
  2. sai

    This would be true if the GazettE actually put in any effort at all (unless their taste has gone to shit which is also quite possible). To be quite honest, I would love to hear this album with a different vocalist. I know I'll probably get shot for this but I think most of the tracks could've been a lot more interesting if they had more diverse and interesting vocals. Ruki sounds as exciting and flat as a cardboard box and he just sings in the same tone throughout the entire album. And at this point it's really starting to annoy me about this band. /also I don't see how To Dazzling Darkness resembles Chizuru. TDD pretty lacked all emotions/build up that Chizuru had, tbqh it was a poor man's attempt at another Chizuru. Last thing: when did they forget how to make decent choruses because even though everything around it is different I heard the same chorus like 6 times on this album.
  3. sai

    LOL. Also about Ruki's range, I thought the lack of his range was clearly audible in LOSS. It would've sounded so much better with another vocalist.
  4. sai

    Kirameki no naka de awwyiss. Though I heard the two songs already and I wasn't too enthusiastic about them
  5. sai

    The thing is that we're not afraid of change. The thing is that we won't go around randomly adding sub-forums while we have no idea whether there is demand for it or not. If you want a K-pop section, sure, but we can't just randomly make sections because YOU want to have a section for K-pop. If we notice there is an actual demand on the forum for a K-pop section, we'll take this into consideration to see if we want to make separate groups for K-pop discussions or not. And I agree with Ito: don't just complain about the fact that there is no K-pop section. If you want a K-pop section, show us that there is demand for it! Start threads about K-Pop, talk about it with others! If we see that this actually is becoming bigger, we can do something about it! Participate in discussions. We deleted a lot of sub-forums in the past because it was just too messy and it took too much time cleaning them all up. We've been fine without them. Also, the tagging system works fine. As far as I know, you're currently the only one who is unhappy with it. If this were more people, you would probably have a point, but since there isn't (or at least people are not vocal about it), there are no plans in changing it.
  6. sai

    Ruki: "This album will be a throwback to earlier eras. We've incorporated sounds and ideas from NIL and Stacked Rubbish into BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY". My only response to that statement is this: I think that at this point we've all learned that we should not trust Ruki when it comes to "what the album will sound like". Remember he said DIVISION disc 2 would sound like DIM? Yeah, I'm not going to say anything about disc 2 of DIVISION. Alright, now to the actual review of this album. Let me start by saying that BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY is a huge step up from DIVISION in the sense that I can actually listen through the whole thing without wanting to throw my computer out of the window. MALFORMED BOX is probably the best intro the GazettE has done since 2010. INFUSE INTO and XI really don't do much when it comes to electronics. MALFORMED BOX does. I love how it flows so smoothly into INSIDE BEAST, which in my opinion is the best promotional song GazettE has released since SHIVER. It's insane, it's all over the place, but it's still good. I do feel like they could've done more with it (just like most of the songs on this album) but hey, there's improvement. The electronics ARE basically the melody while Aoi and Uruha chug along and are therefore really well incorporated in comparison to DIVISION and TOXIC where the electronics were basically some random bleeps and bloops. UNTIL IT BURNS OUT sounds like a lynch. song, for some reason. Both the title and intro sound like it in any case. I like pretty much everything up until the chorus. The aggressive parts just don't fit together with the mood of the chorus (the same problem I had with the song I feel like this one sounds like, namely ASHES from the EXODUS EP). Not really feeling it. DEVOURING ONE ANOTHER is pretty nice, probably one of my favourites on the album (good job Aoi). Could've done without the poor English though. FADELESS I already reviewed in the thread for the single, so I'm not going to go too deep into it. It's probably the only song on here that actually has some NIL/SR influences though. REDO is the lighter upbeat track on the album. It's not outstanding, but it's a decent track that I don't mind listening to again. I felt like the main problem with most of these tracks so far is that they're just not COMPLETE. It's like they could've done a lot more with them if they had released this album a few months later. Then again, perhaps they were forced to release another full length this year, or maybe it has to do with this whole 3-album contract thing, I don't know. LAST HEAVEN is...decent. It's a standard ballad which is in each case better than QUIET. I like how they just went for a standard ballad and not trying to do another Chizuru or DIM SCENE because they've tried and for some reason it didn't work time after time again. It missed the emotion and build-up for it to be successful. On that note, I sort of like LAST HEAVEN after another listen. Luckily Ruki doesn't go overboard with the English on this one. LOSS is also quite good, though it probably would've been better with another vocalist. Ruki just sounds plain flat and there is hardly any emotion in the more driven section. The vocalwork throughout this entire album has been incredibly boring tbqh. THE STUPID TINY INSECT I just don't like. It's a basic GazettE song but it just isn't solid. It sounds like a rejected b-side from FADELESS, which just isn't good. Out of the remaining songs I only remember slightly liking IN BLOSSOM (after that 'urgh' obligatory heavy section it becomes a lot better actually) and 鴉 being a fun upbeat track with some neat bass (not rare since Reita composed this one). The rest is forgettable and were probably filler tracks to fill up the album. DAZZLING DARKNESS' intro was nice, but I didn't like the vocal work. To be quite honest, the last two full tracks could've been left out. tl;dr || It is a step up from their previous two albums, but it's just decent. Nothing more. Like Zess said, there is not a single track that can be described as "the killer track" (like 13 STAIRS was on DIM) and the album doesn't have any specific high or lows, it just sits in between...and if average is a step up for a band, then that is not a good sign.
  7. sai

    Lol tbqh if you had any indication of the general attitude of nekkichi you know that these aren't the kind of statements that you should be arguing with. Also, on a personal note: I do not feel like you can judge anyone for being a "fan" or not. It's not that you have to like every single song in order to be true fan, no one can define what a true fan is. The way you're putting it now kind of comes across as "omg I like every single song fuck you losers i'm such a special snowflake". I'm not sure if that was your intention, but if it wasn't, just look out for your wording.
  8. My CDs still aren't here (stupid me for going with regular Air Mail instead of Registered Air Mail). Current feelings: http://media.tumblr.com/8df350ef8f967e730ce9fa9a759bb63b/tumblr_inline_mr0xi6aF6o1qz4rgp.gif

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Never have problem with regular air mail personnaly, I receive it in 4-5 days. and Register air mail doesn't arrived more faster, you can just check his position.

    2. sai


      That's the point yeah. If I had used RA I could've seen where it is now. I think I'm getting customs 8|

    3. Minami


      im also waiting my 3 CD and also air mail.. ((( im waiting for 7 days already.. where are u from, sai?

    4. Show next comments  66 more
  9. sai

    We suspect it's due too the update we did a few days ago, but it should be running again as soon as kai gets on it.
  10. sai

    Eh, I recall nekkichi saying that UNTIL IT BURNS OUT reminded them of a recent lynch. track but couldn't recall which one. I think the song you've got in mind is ASHES from the EXODUS EP. At least, the preview made me think of ASHES.
  11. sai

    The audio quality of these samples is absolutely horrendous so I can't make a full judgement yet. They really haven't lost their electro-kick, lol. On another note, the electronics sound a lot better incorporated than they were on TOXIC/DIVISION. Then again, I'm not going to say anything about it until I hear the full thing.
  12. sai

    I don't think you should feel bad about that. I hardly know anything about it either. I think as long as you enjoy it there's nothing wrong with not being an expert on the technical aspects.
  13. sai

    Plenty of people who used to dig the GazettE or are just curious what this big band puts out now will try the album, thus a higher chance of negative reviews. I'll explain this in the next paragraph. If I think an album isn't good, I will write a negative review but there's a difference between a detailed review on what you didn't like and the "lol this sucks I lost all faith in them gazerock is dead"-review. GazettE has done quite a lot of different things and for each theme that they did they have a specific group of fans. You have the group that prefers their first few singles/minis from when they just started, the NIL group, the STACKED RUBBISH group, then there's the DIM group (including myself) and the ones that like a little bit of everything. Each album is different in a sense and the least amount of variety in between albums of the GazettE were TOXIC and DIVISION. This is the risk if you change for every album. You'll keep all fans and most of them will be disappointed it doesn't sound like NIL/STACKED RUBBISH/DIM, etc.
  14. sai

    Going through my files now to see if I got anything worth mentioning: 12012 - BIRTHDAY PARTY OF SECRET ROOM Versailles - The Love From A Dead Orchestra (I'm sorry but I find this so cheesy lol) This also goes for most of Versailles' song titles on Noble like SECOND FEAR -ANOTHER DESCENDANT-, AFTER CLOUDIA and ANTIQUE FROM THE FUTURE Guniw Tools - Living Hairspring BUCK-TICK - CLOWN loves Senorita (I mean really) Alice Nine - DEAD SCHOOL SCREAMING
  15. sai

    LOLOLOL I ONLY SAW THAT VIDEO NOW. Lana Del Rey's face just doesn't work under current physics/maths I mean omfg. I never believed her "it's all lip-gloss"-story to begin with tbqh lol. Those lips are the work of a surgeon with Parkinson's disease (I mean wtf happened at the top right corner). Since we're on the subject, might as well:
  16. sai

    So wait basically this album is releasing in 6 days and there isn't a PV spot yet, nor are there any song previews?
  17. sai

    Pretty much. Not buying either until a release date for either KH3 or FFXV is announced (which might take another year). The reason for that is that back when FFXV was announced as FF vs. XIII in 2005/2006 they said it would come to PS3 and lots of people bought a PS3 just because that game would come to PS3. Now it's suddenly renamed and is coming to PS4. If I buy a next-gen console it will be mostly for KH3 and FFXV so I don't really want to find out afterwards that they're going to be for PS5 or so lol. On another note, KH3 looks incredibly pretty. ALSO TRAINS. @nekkichi, though which one do you prefer atm? I do seem to recall that the graphics difference between PS4 and XBOX One will be pretty much zero compared to the difference between PS3 and XBOX360 (since both now have Blu-Ray), yet for the current price/performance I'd probably go with a PS4. The lack of backwards compatibility kind of sucks still, but that applies to both consoles. Especially when they stop making them. If your 360/PS3 breaks after they stopped production, your entire game library for said console dies with it. Also, afaik XBOX One will automatically restrict second-hand games, but PS4 will support second-hand games though it's up to the game developer whether or not they want to restrict their games for a one-time purchase/limited to only one console. Could be that Microsoft changed that in the meantime but idk I haven't been keeping up too much since I'm not planning to get the PS4 for the next year or so.
  18. I guess Japan truly is a land of tradition. They are pretty stale when it comes to this type of marketing but as style also stated, it isn't just tradition, it's profit. Hell, if I could decide my own CD prices, charge 30 bucks for a CD and still have people buy it I'd definitely not put the same CD up on iTunes for 10 bucks less. People who want the physical copy will buy the physical copy anyway, but for people who are only interested in having the files and not the package around it, they will most certainly switch to digital purchases. The thing with VK bands (even though there is an increase when it comes to iTunes) is their multiple types policy. If fans want to have all the tracks on their new single release when each type out of three has a different b-side, they will have to buy all three types. Say that two of these types are 1,800yen (Type A and B limited) and one is 1,200yen (the regular edition), which is together 4,800yen (basic single prices of a major band/artist). Now, imagine this same single to be put on iTunes. All songs would be under the name of the initial single, meaning all 4 tracks will be listed under the same release. A single song costs 250yen, the entire single of those 4 tracks is therefore 1,000yen. If you buy all types to get the bonus content, this theory doesn't matter. If you do it to get all the tracks, it certainly does. It saves you 3,800yen! Unless you actually want a physical copy, you'd be bonkers to buy all three types. I guess most VK bands (or more like, their labels are) are too afraid to lose cash on these digital releases when they can just milk everyone with these 3-4 types. Also if my math or price check is incorrect please notify me of said mistake.
  19. sai

    My mother isn't a big fan of music afaik. All she listens to is what my dad listens to. My dad listens to a little bit of everything really. He plays with a few guys in a band and back when he was younger he did some touring here and there. He likes classic rock stuff, but also listens to country (or as I call it, farm emo), but is also a big fan of Beyonce. I can't really pinpoint him...he did once say that he had no idea where my taste in music came from but he does think that me liking older VK bands like B-T and DEAD END is a tad bit influenced by him, haha.
  20. sai

    Wait wasn't Phallus Phaser that song that had MAMAMAMATATATA or was that another song. I wanted to say "Night Rider" but I'm starting to think that was a DEAD END song or was it Night Boy? Urgh sorry I get so easily confused when it involves Morrie lol.
  21. sai

    He was a drummer in the band he played in before the GazettE. I'm not sure whether he can play bass, but he can at least play guitar and drums.
  22. sai

    I know a few of these artists, but sadly do not like any of them Would probably go with exist trace. Also wow I should probably clean up my iTunes, too much stuff I don't listen to anymore. 1. Block B - 난리나 2. D - Gate to the Sky 3. Super Junior - 나쁜 여자 (Boom Boom) 4. 凛として時雨 - Can you kill a secret? 5. Plastic Tree - みらいいろ 6. ギルガメッシュ - shining 7. Versailles - Thanatos (again?! lol) 8. BUCK-TICK - 真っ赤な夜-Bloody- 9. EXO-M - WHAT IS LOVE 10. Alice Nine - Sleepwalker I've never heard that D song before no idea why it is in my library lol. Definitely going with Rin, this track is just really really awesome.
  23. sai

    I know, the message wasn't directed at you for creating this topic, but for the ones that derailed it and were being extremely negative. On a personal note, I do indeed wonder why people waste time posting negative things in threads of artists they don't like instead of spending that energy on music they do like.
  24. It's not THAT bad. The chorus sounds a bit lackluster but for the rest I find it pretty ok so far.
  25. sai

    Alright, one and only warning. Keep this on topic, if you've got nothing of value to post don't post at all. Idfc if you like Cher or not but if you don't at least post a few arguments on why you think she should quit instead of "lol she sucks she needs to quit". If you can't, just don't press the post button.
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