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Everything posted by sai

  1. Studying/reading: M-Koda/ESNO/Ametsub/anything electronic and calm Relaxing: Shugo Tokumaru or school food punishment I usually study better without music but when the library silence rooms are occupied I usually have to put some M-Koda on if I want to concentrate because of all the loud chatter around me.
  2. sai

    Yeah rumours were that she was his girlfriend and that he got her pregnant and that that would be the main reason why his band disbanded last year (or was it the year before that?). Then again these are all rumours that probably find their origin on tanuki so I wouldn't immediately see it as something that's definitely legit.
  3. sai

    She probably means that now after recycling the same song structures + riffs they've advanced to recycling lyrics bits too, at least, that's what I think. Idk about all this, I kind of gave up after DIVISION, yet they're a band that always manages to get you curious for a new release (probably due too Ruki's somehow smart way of promoting the new stuff through early interviews and PSC).
  4. sai

    I'll probably get shot for this, but now that there's a thread for these I'm going to give it a try anyway. I simply do not understand people who claim they love MEJIBRAY for the vocals. That is mainly because in my ears the vocalist sounds awful. I know there are two kinds of awful, as in "I don't like the sound of his voice or the way he uses it but technically he can still sing" and then there's the "there are so many things wrong technically that it just sounds like shit" option. For me, MEJIBRAY's vocalist falls in the second category. His screams are awful, his regular vocals are weak and usually can't carry the music and he's out of tune about 99% of the time. Like I said, I'm probably going to get some angry replies to this but this is MY OPINION. I'm not stating it as fact, nor am I trying to shit on your favourite vocalist/band. I just can't listen to him. also guys hating on Gazette is so 2007. Idk I'm not even a Gazette fan but I feel like quite some people hate on Gazette because it's popular to hate (while actually listening to tons of indie versions of Gazette themselves, GOTTA RAISE MY INDIE-CRED).
  5. First thought was "goddamnit Imai not again", but judging from the description I'd say Hyde too. Then again, it's still a rumour.
  6. sai

    The review section is only for full releases (meaning an entire single or album) and not for PV previews. Locking this one.
  7. sai

    I'm expecting something either from B-T's side or Atsushi alone, considering he always spoke highly of Morrie as an artist (and I've seen photos of them going drinking together so I guess they're pals?). I hope LUNA SEA will participate too, considering they sort of picked up where DEAD END left of.
  8. sai

    Gackt - Metamorphoze
  9. Isn't Meku the driving force behind GALEYD like LEDA was the driving force behind DELUHI? I either predict the Lycaon route, or that they're getting a new guitarist that actually can do the same thing Meku did.
  10. Instrumentals sound a lot better in this snippet, the audio quality is far superior. The vocals I'm still not too fond of though, I guess the singing itself would not be too bad but...the way his voice sounds isn't really to my personal liking. I'm not calling him a bad singer, he just doesn't have a voice that I can really enjoy...or perhaps I'm still too used to Kamijo's voice and that it's just a matter of time before I get used to ZIN.
  11. sai

    Happy birthday Jigsaw
  12. Oh Jesus. ZIN's vocals are rather weak...I'd have Kamijo over this any day. I hope he will receive more vocal training in the future, because this sounds very bland and uninspiring. Not only the vocals, but also the instrumentals. Then again, this is Hizaki (who has clearly burned out).
  13. sai

    I love how there is absolutely nothing about this release on their OHP or their blogs. I wonder how they're going to promote this without the band participating, considering bands usually get a new look (even for best albums) and give interviews in magazines about it. I think this'll just be promoted with pictures of their last avex release or something, lol.
  14. sai

    Going to make a new list for good. I usually instantly delete everything that I find bad, so it's hard for me to make a list of it. Some releases seemed weaker compared to stuff that was released afterwards, so it's possible a few things get left out. GOOD Alice Nine - DAYBREAK Alice Nine - SHADOWPLAY Boris - Präparat EXO - XOXO M-Koda - Generating Arrow Diagram THE NOVEMBERS - Fourth Wall ONE OK ROCK - 人生x僕= SHINee - Boys Meet U SHINee - Dream Girl - The misconceptions of you SHINee - Why So Serious? - The Misconceptions Of Me 凛として時雨 - i'mperfect 雅-MIYAVI- - MIYAVI
  15. sai

    Welcome to the forum! I myself think that you should not feel ashamed of the music you like/listen to, nor should you have to justify it towards others. Subjectivity in music is a great thing, it would be dull if we all liked the same thing, after all I hope you'll enjoy your time here, and if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask anyone with a blue or red name!
  16. sai

    Lmao. They're apparently releasing a single in August (major re-debut single, as far as I know). But yeah, now that they're major again they can probably get a hold of the rights of their major era stuff (meaning they'll be able to distribute it and sell it again at their own concerts unlike the past two years), so they're making use of it by immediately giving out an all-time best album. At least, that's my guess.
  17. This made me laugh irl
  18. sai

    Even though Monsters wasn't very exceptional (I liked only Human-clad monster, lol), I still prefer it over Coll:set. Coll:set for me is very hard to get into and it sounds like it tries too hard at being something that it hasn't succeeded in. Monsters is a way more accessible album than Coll:set is, generally. That's why I usually don't understand people recommending Coll:set to people who want to try this band, mainly because I myself would rather recommend MIRRORS. MIRRORS still has something the newer albums don't, but it's more accessible than Coll:set is. Though I guess if the person who is asking for recommendations is into the kind of stuff Coll:set is, I'd understand why you'd recommend it. I myself got recommended Coll:set and I couldn't make it through the first 4 songs because it really REALLY seemed to annoy me because the tracks felt like they weren't going anywhere. I'd have to say MIRRORS > REDEEMER > Monsters > Coll:set
  19. sai

    I know almost all artists on your list, but they're not really to my liking (apart from Plastic Tree). 1. the GazettE - 13STAIRS[-]1 2. ESNO - Childs 3. EXO - 狼 美女 (Wolf) 4. BUCK-TICK - 楽園(祈り 希い) 5. the GazettE - 泣ヶ原 6. Boris - Pardon? 7. Adele - Lovesong (The Cure cover) 8. EXO-M - HISTORY 9. the GazettE - THE INVISIBLE WALL 10. Lorne Balfe - Through the Frontier Wow iTunes, thanks for reminding me how good DIM is. Is it really expecting me to choose between Rakuen, Nakigahara and 13 STAIRS? I actually do prefer 13 STAIRS over Rakuen (even though I really like that song), so 13 STAIRS it is.
  20. The only reason they're doing this is because they lost the market to the PS4 already before either console was even released and they know it. Removing these restrictions is not "listening to their customers", it's a mere attempt at trying to gain back their customers who jumped on the Sony bandwagon after E3. The Xbox One was a device that wasn't specifically marketed at gamers, if you look at all the special features the One had. It looked more like a home entertainment system. Removing those will take away the entire purpose the Xbox One had. This is a win/lose situation for Microsoft. They're hoping to get their gaming customers back, but at the same time take the risk to lose the ones that were attracted by all the features the new Xbox One had to offer (though due all that online criticism I doubt many believed there were a lot of those). Then of course there's the 100$ price difference. They're practically stripping down all the features that made the Xbox One more exclusive than the PS4 (which actually CAUSED that 100$ price difference) but still charge the same price for less options. I'm expecting a price reduction from Microsoft's end soon, or otherwise I doubt they will be able to compete with the PS4.
  21. sai

    Augie's correct. The album will be released in Japan and on Japanese iTunes on 19.06.2013, but the album will be released in other countries both physically as digitally in October. I wonder why only October, considering they probably don't have to translate much lyrics (seeing as as far as I heard from the previews everything is in English). Then again, I don't really know the process of something like this.
  22. sai

    I like it too. It's fun, upbeat and really catchy. The English could still be improved, but he's already come a long way.
  23. sai

    KH3 has already been confirmed for Xbox One too though. I do hope they made the town designs better after so many years though. I mean, KH's design is KH's design, but with the current improvement in graphics I'd be disappointed if it's the same block buildings with just a little upgrade.
  24. sai

    Pre-ordered Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. Can't wait for it to release!
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