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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    I don't buy from CDJapan anymore (because every package I get from there that's above the limit of 22 euros gets me 18 euros of administration fees + tax) but when I order from yesasia I usually order more stuff at the same time so I can get the free shipping option. Because of that I only order once every two-three months though. I guess since you're from Canada all importing fees from Japan are scratched due too trading agreements, while Europe doesn't have such a contract with Japan (therefore making everything above 22 euros eligible for tax and customs).
  2. sai

    From what I read they wrote messages that it was the fault of the Germans, that Steff was a fascist and that he was greedy like every other German. Very racist stuff, basically.
  3. sai

    moshi moshi moderator desu.
  4. sai

    I fully agree, I never liked anything MIYAVI made, but this whole Samurai Sessions-style is just really great in my opinion. It's more mature too, it really fits him. Anyway, I heard the album would be releasing world-wide, but I'm not sure if that means physically or digitally.
  5. I guess I should've changed that to "almost everyone" The general consensus in that thread wasn't too positive though, from what I recall. /off topic.
  6. I find it funny how when the old ayabie disbanded/went on an indefinite hiatus everybody was overjoyed because they thought they were so incredibly awful, and now everyone's favouring them over the new AYABIE (though that one was from what I recall received quite well when they first popped up). Though I suppose this isn't the first time that this happens (note: XodiacK and BFN). I myself prefer the new AYABIE. Better vocals, catchier songs and just better overall. The old ayabie had some nice tracks here and there but was not consistent enough for me to prefer them over the new AYABIE. Especially when they went major they went downhill incredibly fast. So yeah, new AYABIE it is.
  7. sai

    The point in picking these two is that I was curious to see what people would prefer: traditional influences with more calm and structured music like Kagrra, or more theatrical and crazy music like Kiryu. Picking two bands that were almost completely different was the whole point of this band battle. Anyway, I myself voted for Kagrra,. I don't really like anything Kiryu has done, as it all sounds very similar to me. They have perhaps one song I sort of like, but the vocalist sort of really puts me off. With Kagrra, I feel like there is more depth to their music and I just prefer the traditional influences with calmer music. Plus Isshi's voice truly is one of a kind that really fitted the music well.
  8. sai

    I don't know any of the songs listed, but I do know most of the artists. Apart from BIG BANG, they don't really stand out to me. 1. DEAD END - 虚無を超えて 2. Plastic Tree - あバンギャルど 3. UVERworld - SPARTA 4. トクマルシューゴ - Decorate 5. Kagrra, - 闇に散りけり… 6. AYABIE - 善悪の彼岸 7. 凛として時雨 - a over die 8. Boris - Statement 9. アルカラ - はじまりの歌 10. NoGoD - Downer's High Most songs I like on here (some I forgot about lol) but of course Shugo wins. This one is one of my favourites of his most recent full-length.
  9. sai

    BUCK-TICK - Yumemiru Uchuu finale live DVD [Limited Edition] Ouch, my wallet
  10. Kagrra, VS. 己龍 (Kiryu) The battle is on! Two bands who are mostly known for the traditional Japanese influences that they incorporate into their music. Which one do you think is better AND WHY?
  11. I do. I reset the router earlier on but it didn't work, then just as I wanted to go and reboot the modem the problem seemed to fix itself. Haven't had any issues after that...I guess it fixed itself?
  12. Just pre-ordered the limited edition of the new BUCK-TICK DVD. There goes my money ;____;

    1. Ito


      Bye bye money!

      How much was it?

    2. Ito


      Bye bye money!

      How much was it?

    3. sai


      101$, around 77 euros.

  13. sai

    My bets are on: "the new album will be revealed in 2047 because at that point we've probably found a way to bring hide back from the dead. If not YOHIO will be our new guitarist."
  14. Hello fellow Monochromiums, I will be forced to be a lot less active on MH from now on due too my ISP fucking up the connection. I cannot decently access MH without having to wait 5 minutes for the webpage to load. This occurs on every device in the house, on every browser, while I can access the website just fine from another IP. As long as my ISP won't fix this (or whatever the problem is) I won't be able to do much here. If anyone has a suggestion, I'd gladly hear it.
  15. sai

    I would definitely vote for DIAURA. I don't really listen to either of these two artists, but I can honestly say that what I've heard from DIAURA is more original and better-sounding than anything I've heard from MEJIBRAY. I see MEJIBRAY in the lane of the metalcore movement in VK sans a good vocalist. The guy from DIAURA has a nice voice, whereas the guy from MEJIBRAY either can't really sing or is desperately in need of singing lessons. So if I had to listen to either one of them for a whole day, then definitely DIAURA. To be quite honest, I don't get the hype around MEJIBRAY at all.
  16. sai

    I'm sorry to say I don't know any of the listed songs. I'm familiar with some of the artists, but I don't really listen to them that much, if not at all. 1. BUCK-TICK - JUST ONE MORE KISS 2. Kagrra, - 霞んだ冬の向こうに、、、 3. Delain - Start Swimming 4. 9GOATS BLACK OUT - Panta rhei 5. school food punishment - free quiet 6. BUCK-TICK - 誘惑 7. Lorne Balfe - HomeStead 8. Lorne Balfe - Farewell 9. Nightwish - Higher than Hope 10. BUCK-TICK - My baby Japanese -type II- Wow, this was rather hard. I like all the BUCK-TICK songs listed, but my favourite 9GOATS ballad, my favourite school food punishment ballad and a nice Kagrra, ballad popped up as well. In the end I went with Panta rhei, it's just a fantastic song.
  17. sai

    9GOATS BLACK OUT - Lithium
  18. You can't change it but I can change it for you If you want, shoot me a message if you want it changed.
  19. sai

    I think Reita composed Miseinen? I'm not sure about this though, but I thought it was one of the few that he composed.
  20. sai

    To OP: thank you for making this thread. I'd like to take the opportunity to remind everyone that we now have this thread for all your new VK vs. old VK arguments, so no more derailing in other threads. Next time I'll just start hiding or deleting posts if said thing happens. Edit: whoops, guess it's my own choice. I personally think neither is better, because of reasons already stated: both old VK and new VK had its unique bands and its tons of shitty bands. Sometimes it's harder to see that when it comes to older VK, since the VK community online wasn't as big as it is now, but I've heard out of reliable sources (note: Biopanda) that there was plenty of terrible bands in old VK too. So I guess it comes down to personal taste which one you think is better. I personally am sort of a mix. I enjoy older bands like BUCK-TICK, LUNA SEA and DEAD END, but I also have a few bands that formed in the later 90's or early 00's that I really like, for example Alice Nine, D and Kagrra,.
  21. sai

    Alright, I guess this has derailed for long enough. Let's get back to the topic at hand and leave the 90s VK vs. current VK for elsewhere (or just make a new thread for it).
  22. sai

    To be quite honest, I'm not so sure about the whole "the 90s were incredibly unique"-thing. I don't see much difference with the current VK scene, because both were influenced and yes, even copied plenty of stuff from other bands they see as their inspiration. It's like that in every music-scene: you have a huge ton of crap, and then there are the good ones: you just need to find them. The 90s VK scene wasn't much different. I would gladly give you some samples of what Biopanda has showed me before of 90s bands that never saw the internet for a very good reason. Plenty of 90s VK bands were also inspired by bands like DEAD END, BUCK-TICK, X JAPAN, D'ERLANGER, COLOR or a tad bit later, LUNA SEA (please note if I forgot someone, I'm terrible with lists like these). Even everyone's precious DEG did a marvelous job at pretty much ripping off LUNA SEA's G. Hell, I even dare say that most artists I just named had their music influenced by plenty of other (perhaps Western) bands. DEAD END didn't just appear out of nowhere and started making music without having a prime example. What I'm trying to say is (and no, I'm not attacking any artist in particular, so DEG-fans please spare me), is that even in the 90s there was plenty of copying going on. Those are the ones YOU don't like, which I understand. Everybody's taste is different. However, that's no different from the scene nowadays. We have plenty of artists ripping eachother off (lol 12012) or finding inspiration from eachother, but there are also bands like LIPHLICH and A, who are one of a kind in the current scene, just like how your favourite artists were unique to that time period in your opinion. Also sorry if misunderstandings follow from this post because I just read over 300 pages of case files and my brain is fried so if anyone feels offended then I'm sorry.
  23. sai

    Actually my post wasn't done yet, I notice now. I was going to add something about labels and marketing styles behind it but I posted it like that because I had to go to an appointment. If anything goes to the band? No, only a small part of it does, but it also depends on the label and bands which we're talking about. Take UCP as an example. KISAKI's band (the label's owner, taking aside the fact that UCP will be gone soon) often released quite an amount of types, expensive extras, etc. Other bands on his label (like NEGA) usually only released two types of their CDs and never had any outrageous prices as I seem to recall. If KISAKI does it and he's the owner, while NEGA doesn't, I'm pretty sure they also have something to say in the matter. I in any case wouldn't like being on a label that wanted me to release multiple types just to milk the fans. And thank you for your very nice, positive and constructive input.
  24. Ik ben nooit zo bezig met het Songfestival, maar Anouk is een goede performer die vast wel een goede show neerzet. Gooi wat vuurwerk erin en wat lichtflitsen en de show is gemaakt, denk ik. Zolang het maar niet zo'n drama wordt als vorig jaar. Joan's zang was gewoon niet goed, dus ik begrijp wel dat we niet door waren. Hoe gaat het met stemmen trouwens? 50/50? Helft publiek, helft vakjury?
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