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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    FlyingStar Records? Is that a sub-division of Victor? (since I seem to recall they were moving to Victor) The title doesn't sound very appealing, but judging from the name I hope they're continuing the Namonaki style (as in, the mini that was so similar to 7th Rose), it's been a while since they played their 7th Rose style.
  2. sai

    M-Koda - Inga (so excited for this kid's new album next week, he's my favourite electro musician)
  3. That awful moment when everybody and their mother already received their copy of a release and yours is already on the way for 2,5 weeks and still hasn't arrived :(

    1. CaRaN


      You know why

    2. sai


      It was your DVD so shut your face.

    3. CaRaN


      But it took you too long to order it, so I had to punish you

  4. sai

    Thanks for explaining it to me I always found the generic argument rather weak, as many people who don't know what it means use it, but it makes sense now that I understand what you mean with the general term. Better use an argument when you know what you're talking about, after all.
  5. sai

    Well, to be quite honest, I don't care about the personalities of my favourite musicians. I'm there for their music, and if they happen to be drama queens, then so be it. Doesn't make their music any less good I never really read their blog entries or follow their twitters because I'm not interested in doing so, but what I've seen from them are mostly interviews. The two bands I like most seem like professional artists who know what they're doing and for that I respect them. That is all. I don't think anyone like that deserves to have anything horrible done to them. People with attitudes will see the consequences of their actions one day anyway.
  6. sai

    I mostly prefer the ballads when it comes to EXO-M. I feel like Luhan and Chen have very gentle, smooth voices that fit a lot better to the music of the ballad and therefore make it work better than the vocalists of EXO-K. I really like ANGEL in Chinese, but I don't listen to it much in Korean.
  7. sai

    I liked the album too. Apart from like 2 somewhat boring ballads (Peter Pan and Baby) I thought it was a really good album. I find Wolf rather amusing, reminds me a bit of TWO MOONS (and I liked that one, so yeah). I'm actually more a fan of EXO-M than EXO-K so I definitely can't wait to hear the Chinese version
  8. sai

    So there will be two versions, Kiss and Hug? Kiss being Korean and Hug being Chinese? That confused me a bit since they seem to be promoting as one now and if I do buy the album I'll most probably buy the EXO-M version. Previews sound pretty rad in any case, can't wait. Edit: the Korean version of the album leaked completely (only Chinese song leaked is Wolf). EXO fans are raging all over the internet (tbqh I think it'll sound better in Chinese, like the MAMA album did too).
  9. sai

    Review of the year tbqh.
  10. sai

    2014 for Versus? Too early, 2018 at least.
  11. I'd like to ask AltermaliceNero to use the MultiQuote option in the future. It'll let you reply to multiple quotes in one post, that avoids double/triple posts. Also: I guess it's inevitable that people are comparing the two bands. What did you expect with 4/5 members coming from Versailles and them playing pretty much the same style that Versailles played too?
  12. sai

    Thought this was relevant. Lol. ^ Thanks for the insight on the processor/CPU thing btw.
  13. sai

    Since Windows 8 sort of sucked I didn't expect much more from the XBOX One tbqh, lol. I guess that if no sheets are out yet we can't say anything about the processors yet. I at least hope they're decent and don't repeat whatever happened to the first series of XBOX 360s (as in, the whole story that the device would overheat because the console wasn't strong enough to play newer games like Final Fantasy XIII). I hope at least it matches up to the amount of time and money they spent on their new sales system and Kinect system. Oh, so that's what Kinect does for it. Zess said yesterday: you could be fapping on the couch in front of the TV, someone would call you and your wrist movement would activate the console. Talk about embarrassing, lol. So first primer: don't fap in front of your XBOX One.
  14. sai

    All I can say is: booooo. I bought an XBOX 360 a couple of years ago (luckily the new model that wouldn't crash every time somebody tried to play Final Fantasy XIII on it) and I'm pretty content with it console-wise, so of course I was curious too about the new XBOX. I was fairly disappointed. Here are a few things that bug me about the new console (please correct me if any of these statement turn out to be rumours): - The fact that you need to be connected to the internet 24/7 in order to play, even if you're not playing online (my internet connection isn't too stable when more devices access the network, which is probably only going to get worse once a machine like the new Xbox is going to need its connection 24/7, even when I'm not online) - The Kinect should be connected to the console at all times, even if you are not playing a Kinect game (I mean how is this relevant? I don't want a Kinect, in my opinion Kinect games are quite lame. The Kinect machine better be built in, because it'd be a total rip-off if MS would want you to buy a Kinect solely for the fact that otherwise your console just won't work) - The fee to be able to play used games (now as far as I know when you buy games, they're going to be registered to your account and your account alone, meaning that if you want to play a used game, MS is going to charge you a fee in order to play it. Now there aren't any EXACT amounts out yet as far as I know, but the most recent one that popped up is that this fee is going to be around the price of the original game, as in, if you would've bought the game new at a store) - The fact they spent more money on their new way of selling games and online connection than on actual processors (apparently Zess told me that the processors in this new XBOX are going to be drastically weaker than the ones in the XBOX 360 when compared to actual software. If that isn't the lamest shit you've ever seen then get out of my face). I could probably name a few more, but so far I'm really not pleased with what the XBOX One is shaping up to be...I hope they'll improve stuff (or at least make a new one since the first XBOX 360 model wasn't too good either) but for now I'm more tempted to save money for a PS4 than an XBOX One.
  15. sai

    Both of these two albums have 50% cool stuff and 50% "should I fall asleep at this or just feel offended he never bothered to make his ballads sound different"-ballads. When/what was his last decent full-length? DIABOLOS in 2005/2006?
  16. The feeling I get from this preview is no different from the feeling I got from most Versailles songs after JUBILEE. This is basically why Versailles started going downhill in the first place, because obviously Hizaki was out of ideas. It's not so much that their style of music has become boring for me, hell, they could shit out another 5 God Palaces and I'd still love every single one of them, it's just that it seems less convincing. For me personally Kamijo saved around 40% of those compositions from making me fall asleep during it (until at some point he started sounding less powerful than usual too). This ZIN guy sounds sort of...flat? I don't know, perhaps he'll develop just like Kamijo did, but at this point he sounds rather unexciting and doesn't really give the music a boost.
  17. sai

    I voted for 9GOATS BLACK OUT, because amber gris' music has never grabbed me as much as 9GBO's music did. Actually I find amber gris to sound a bit dull in comparison to 9GOATS.
  18. ( ͡° ͜ʖ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ͡°)

    1. Jigsaw9


      ( ‾ʖ̫‾)

    2. kyoisKILLINGME


      ( ͡° ͜ʖ͡°)

  19. sai

    More like dysfunction and megalomania.
  20. sai

    I can see tumblr on a laptop in the background though, lol. Nice photo CAT, as always.
  21. Guess who just saw someone looking at someone who picked up a wallet filled with money? Damnit.

  22. sai

  23. sai


    Welcome to the forum, enjoy your time here
  24. sai

    As far as I know it's like this: 22 euros and above: tax + 18 euros administration fees 150 euros and above: customs + 18 euros administration fees The tax percentage is relatively low but the administration fees are a bitch if your package is only one euro above the limit. The last time I ordered from CDJapan (November 2012, I ordered a mini-album of around 2300yen) the yen was a little lower than usual so when they converted it I got lucky (21,81) but my friend who had ordered an album of 29 euros got taxed and had to pay the administration fees too. That was in September 2012. However, I used Registered Air Mail (took 4 days to arrive, shipping was around 13 euros so if they count it all together it is less than 50 euros) while my friend has 29 euros from the album + EMS. Not sure what the exact EMS fees are at CDJapan, but if she got above 50 then it might be possible that what you say is true (plus she had to wait over 2 weeks to get her package, it spent an eternity in customs).
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