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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Welcome, fellow Whovian! Might I ask, which Doctor is your favourite? Mine is Eleventh Enjoy your stay!
  2. sai

    Don't really know any of those artists except for the Gorillaz and Daft Punk. Would probably go with Gorillaz. 1. ROTTENGRAFFTY - NO THINK 2. Schwein - Schwein 3. DEAD END - I Can Hear the Rain 4. BUCK-TICK - Brilliant 5. U-KISS - 만만하니 6. Versailles - Thanatos 7. BUCK-TICK - 囁き 8. Schwein - Slip 9. Lorne Balfe - Farewell 10. the GazettE - VORTEX Eh, kind of shitty shuffle. Going with DEAD END.
  3. sai

    looooool obvious new vocalist is obvious. Also pretty excited about having Troy as a permanent member, I really like his input in their material. Still not sure if I'll buy the DVD though. I saw some live material but the Imaginaerum songs just fit better with Anette, sorry.
  4. sai

    Bands we have in common would be lynch., 9GOATS BLACK OUT and RENTRER EN SOI. Welcome to the forum, enjoy your stay!
  5. sai

    ^ Most of the post was actually directed to the fight that had ensued between Biopanda and freundin a few days later, but that's irrelevant and it probably sounds like I mean to be defensive so lol sorry if it does seem that way. Apologies for the late intervention from my part. Also Linh, you do make a valid point. I too have stanned for at least one staff member to post a welcome to new members in their respective threads and that went well for a while, until recently. I must say I myself haven't participated in it either lately, but as most of the regulars already I am currently very busy with my studies and therefore can be on the board less than usual. I would argue we have the report button for most situations (so that at least one of the staff members will see it), but for situations that people need to contact staff members directly it would come in handy if they knew who to contact in order to get a swift reply. I understand why inactive staff members annoy you, so if it's not too much to ask I would like to ask you guys what you define as "inactive" if you have to put it shortly. Is it the amount of posting, the time online, the interacting with the community, or a mix of the three? As far as I can deduce, it's mostly the lack of posting/discussion on the staff's part, so if that is not correct please notify me of this. I want to make sure we understand eachother well so that we can solve this as effectively as possible. I do also agree that if we're hiring someone new (the staff is still discussing this) that it should be someone who is in the loop with the current scene (that's why we hired Yasupon back in the day). I personally still have some artists within the VK scene that I do enjoy, but I do think we need someone who is more familiar with the needs of the younger members. But I'm not going to say or promise anything, because this is my opinion and does not reflect the general look of the staff or the current discussion at hand.
  6. sai

    The main problem that we've had with hiring new people who seemed very enthusiastic and active at that time is that basically all of them dropped off the face of the planet after around 6 months. They stopped doing their work completely and hardly even logged on without giving us a notice that they were in fact busy. When it comes to staff members, the problem isn't that we've got too few, just the fact that a part of them doesn't have the time to be here (which I have my own opinion about but which I'm not going to state here for obvious reasons). Finding enthusiastic candidates for this role won't be hard, but all we can do is give them trial runs and hope they won't disappear after about a year or so. We're willing to give it a try, but the attempts in the past (and especially the green mod-project) have not been very successful, so you might understand that there's a bit of scepticism from our part on this solution. I agree about the whole "showing your face more"-thing. Posting a couple of times or opening new threads is not something that takes a lot of time, so everyone on the staff could do this. However, there is only so much we can do. We can start threads and continue discussions, but when other members don't participate there's hardly anything we can do to encourage it apart from that. So basically it's an arm for a leg. We can promise to be more active on the board, the users agree to help the threads stay alive.
  7. Wait isn't that the article of which people claimed it was Kiwamu
  8. I'm also going with LTS. 9mm never really managed to grab my attention as much as LTS did. Like said before, TK needs some getting used too, but their output has been consistent from day one.
  9. sai

    Aww, these are really fun to read. I doubt I have much to contribute though. All of my music is linked to bad moments, hardly with any happy moments.
  10. sai

    Would anyone be so kind as to share the link to the picture with me
  11. sai

    I don't like it, lol. Then again, I didn't like Thoughts but Lost World was really good, so I'm hoping for better b-sides.
  12. sai

    Tbqh I don't like it at all. I've heard this type of song so many times before, I prefer their more "hip hop-like" stuff like Nili mambo, Nanlina and Halo (it's also what I associate Block B with). The MV is just really tacky and way too over the top. You can leave that to GD, guys.
  13. sai

    I like the fact that there aren't songs over 5 minutes long. Ever since the switch to SONY GazettE ballads that were over 5 minutes long were incredibly boring. I miss ballads like Nakigahara. It can also work out badly though, especially if songs seem to be going strong and then just randomly stop.
  14. sai

    Yeah, looks more like a flyer than an album cover, tbqh.
  15. sai

    Though going to guess that would be digitally? Idk Europe probably gets a physical release of the regular though (like with TOXIC and DIVISION).
  16. sai

    Though probably without the decent music Agreeing with Pretsy and relentless here, most of those titles are your usual case of "pick cool words from the English dictionary". The cover art is really nice, but as Presty said; that doesn't really mean anything when it comes to musical quality.
  17. sai

    I always thought of "Serafine" when I thought of DEAD END, not sure why. With BUCK-TICK "Jupiter" comes to mind, or "ROMANCE" perhaps. As with LUNA SEA "Rosier" and Alice Nine gives me "RAINBOWS". D I would probably also go with Ouka for some reason, considering it had a PV at the time when Night Ship D had not.
  18. sai

    And I guess it would also help if people kept to the signature limit. If you go a little bit over it it's no big deal, but sometimes I see people with huge sigs and we have to take them down FOR them because they refuse to change them. Also, do really that many people have gifs in their signatures/avatars? I can only recall a few. And finally, I personally never had that many problems with slow loading times. There were days when the site would hardly load at all, but usually I can just access the website fine. If I have to wait a few seconds for a thread to load then so be it, I'm not THAT impatient.
  19. sai

    I don't mind if there's a solo in the songs that I listen too, as long as the solo fits the song and there is at least some form of continuity. As Augie already stated, guitarists randomly coming in to show how good they can shred can really put a song down. Then again, the shredding solo in another of DELUHI's songs (Suna no Izumi), was really well put together and matched the rest of the song almost perfectly. Also as far as I can deduce from Peace Heavy mk II's posts he's definitely NOT criticising the fact that bands DO so many solos, but the fact that they feel like they need to put it in in order seem cool, which often leads to the situation that the guitar solo sounds detached from the rest of the song (correct me if I'm wrong though, Nick).
  20. sai

    Ugh this ^ Most VK bands feel obligatory to put in 15-second solos in every single song and it just really annoys me because most of the time the solo doesn't even fit the song properly but it's just thrown in because we are VK and we need our guitarist to wank it out.
  21. sai

    Big Bang comeback in October? I'll believe it when I see it, knowing YG the Big Bang comeback will probably be like July 2014, lol.
  22. sai

    Welcome to the forum! That's a great list of artists, enjoy your time here! If you have any questions about the forum, just ask someone with a red or blue name
  23. sai

    I do seem to recall SUGIZO said that they were working on the album but that he wasn't sure if it would be finished in 2013 and that it possibly could be 2014, so I didn't really count on an album that much.
  24. sai

    I'm not going to answer the question "are transcodes good or not", because usually those discussions end in everyone flaming eachother. As to the question why people upload transcodes, I just don't know. Everyone has their own motive (or lack thereof). You'd think most people who have experience with ripping would know that transcoding a 128kbps YouTube rip to a 320 rip could not possibly improve the quality in any way, right? I think there could be three main reasons why so many transcodes pop up: 1. Most of the VK fanbase is of a general young age (13-16) and hardly buys CDs because they simply can't afford it (especially since most teenage jobs pay really badly and you'd have to work for at least 3 days to be able to afford a Japanese CD + shipping). When they do purchase a CD, they simply don't know HOW to rip it. They put it in iTunes or any other programme and have no idea what the bitrate settings mean or how they work. 2. People want to enlarge their e-penis. Some people just really want their name to be all over the internet. "Look, I'm an elite sharer of VK music, I always have the 320 rips first! Look how great I am!" is the general attitude and goal of these people and in order to fulfil it they upload transcodes so that they can be the "first" that brings the 320 rip and will be considered as the hero of the thread where first only a 128 rip was available. Most of these people are usually too stupid to realize that the people they share it with aren't retarded either and will find out anyway, yet people's ignorance will go so far that they still think they can trick the regular attentive listener. People who do not care whether they have a real rip or transcode are the ones that won't bother checking, yet the ones that do want legit rips will always find out anyway. 3. People just don't check what they upload/share. It often happens that people share stuff that isn't originally their own rip, but is a file they found on either a blogspot or another source like jpopsuki. They usually just repost the link or reupload to a seperate filehost, then post it here without checking whether the rip is actually legit or not. Even though we have a rule that says that you should always check what you upload, not everyone does this (either out of laziness or because they think it's not necessary) and that's how even more transcodes pop up. I guess that's all I can think of at the moment, but that's my opinion.
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