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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Can you guys not do this here and take it to PM? Thank you very much.
  2. sai

    A rather similar thread already exists here: http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/124-random-thoughts-thread/ Locked.
  3. sai

  4. Still quite a bit away, but I'll definitely pick up a copy if it gets released here. I'd prefer it over the Japanese one, because this one will probably be cheaper and buying it here might also help the company into having more bands releasing their material overseas.
  5. sai

    Lmao that castle. I always figured it'd be the one to win, yet the obvious white/grey room-thing seems to be really popular right now.
  6. sai

    I am not familiar with any on the songs or artists you have on your list, apart from DIR EN GREY. I don't listen to DIR EN GREY though, so I have no clue what the song is like. 1. 歌者森 - Asura 2. ESNO - RR 3. Kaya - Awilda 4. M-Koda - Glow 5. D - 青い果実 6. 摩天楼オペラ - Merry Drinker 7. MBLAQ - You're my + 8. D - Solitude ~最後の手紙~ 9. Adele - Skyfall 10. 9GOATS BLACK OUT - Reminisce Had a difficult time picking my favourite out of these, I was mostly torn between M-Koda, ESNO and 歌者森 (SingerSen). I went with the last one in the end, because of its theatrical aspects that I love.
  7. Looks nice Not too big on the backtrack during Elise no tameni though, but the footage of the older songs sounds rad!
  8. For getting my degree I think I'll treat myself to a B-T DVD pre-order :D

    1. CaRaN


      You hadn't pre-ordered it yet??? D=

    2. kai_desu
  9. sai

    I'm shamelessly ripping off Arithmeticas format >_____> FASHION: I don't care about clothes, as long as they feel comfortable. Most of my clothing has dark colors and is usually one or two sizes too big. For some reason I don't like well-fitted clothing. I pretty much only own jeans, t-shirts, sneakers and sweaters and hoodies for the cold days. SKIN: I used to put on bodylotion, but as I felt like it didn't do anything I stopped using it to save money for other things. So I don't use skin products. EYES: Only thing I do is put on a little mascara on some days. When I'm in a hurry or too tired (or lazy) I don't put anything on. I'm pretty okay with that anyway, I prefer walking around natural, a lot less of a hassle. LIPS: ...there is stuff for your lips? HAIR: One explosion of frizzy hair 99.9% of the time. Styling it and using hairspray works for approximately 10 minutes before it blows up again, so there's nothing left to do than to put it in a ponytail, haha.
  10. sai

    Your wish is granted, but then Scandal Heaven crashes into an infinite clusterfuck and you lose all your posts. I wish to own B-T's entire discography.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3CVpjqblQ8 Nuts and awesome as always. Oddly I prefer the remake over the original, mainly for the craziness that the remake has but the original doesn't.
  12. sai

    Lol. Honestly not surprised at this.
  13. sai

    I knew it would either be a disbandment or them going major again. Their diary messages were very positive, so I expected this more than a disbandment. On one side, I'm glad they're going major again, as that means no disbandment is near yet and they're getting access to better production again. I've heard that Victor is pretty easy on their artists, so I think there won't be as much pressure as there was under avex. I hope that proves true in this case, as they promised another EU tour in the near future. I like Victor, they have respectable artists, not to mention that BUCK-TICK released their best albums on Victor in my opinion.
  14. sai

    I prefer physical releases too for pretty much the same reasons Pandabear has already stated. Reading through the lyrics, looking through the artwork, playing it on a CD player...plus you can decide what bitrate you want it in. With digital releases that's pretty much impossible unless you buy from bandcamp. If it's really hard to get a physical copy, only then I'd buy the digital version if possible.
  15. sai

    Sherlock season 1 DVD box Sherlock season 2 DVD box
  16. sai

    Lol @ everyone who thought this was going to fail. I didn't buy tickets in the end, wasn't too interested to go (because of their recent material and the distance, etc.), so I'd rather spend the money on artists I really like.
  17. Wow, this wasn't as terribad as I was expecting! Apart from CHABOO CHABOO (that sounded like one of their self-titled leftovers) the previews sounded pretty rad, especially track 4. I'm not a fan of metalcore, but for some reason they put way more emphasis on the melodic parts this time and it seems to have less aggressive parts. I hope that the remaining parts of the songs aren't filled with awful grunting and screaming. I think it sort of sounds like a mix between the stronger melodic tracks from SEVEN and their early heavier indie releases.
  18. sai

    I tried Coll:set the other day, but I couldn't even get through it. I was three songs in and I felt like this just wasn't what I'd like so I quit. So...anything else besides Coll:set? I might try MIRROR.
  19. Well, Saga did compose my two favourite A9 ballads (birth in the death and mugen -electric eden-), so I'm kind of looking forward to it Though I guess because this one's an A-side it will probably be a bit more radio-friendly.
  20. They announced on A9 channel that shooting star will be a ballad, composed by Saga.
  21. ^ Because KAMIJO is not in this project whatsoever? He is not part of the band, ZIN is. Also I guess it's going a bit off-topic with all the KAMIJO talk, so I'll just keep it at that and continue to the actual thread topic. I'm not too excited, actually. Mostly because I felt that Hizaki's compositions were running a bit dry near the end of Versailles, so I was actually hoping he'd take a break. I sort of hope he'll let the other members compose too (especially Teru) and I wonder how ZIN's voice will fit into this project.
  22. sai

    Really excited for this I loved his last EP and single.
  23. sai

    BUCK-TICK - 悪の華
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