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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    SHINee - Girls, Girls, Girls
  2. How to convince my mother I want the Limited Edition of a DVD which costs 77 euros (probably 80 on yesasia but hey at least no customs like with CDJapan)

    1. Jigsaw9


      Tell her you won't burn down the house if you get the DVD. :D

    2. sai


      Good reasoning! I have stuff to sell anyway (that I got for free) so basically I can use that for the DVD too.

    3. The Bread Wolf

      The Bread Wolf

      By saying that once the band disbands the limited edition will pay itself back 10 times. I always used that.

  3. Oh God that tracklist, brb fapping forever. Alright I'm going to save up for the limited. Now to get my mom to realize I'm not completely fully retarded and pay for me in advance, lol. Considering the price difference is 30 euros the deal isn't too bad, since you get 2CDs (so technically an album probably worth 35 euros) plus a photobook, which would probably cost around 60 together if they were sold separately.
  4. 1. D'espairsRay 2. Lynch. 3. Dir en Grey 4. D.I.D 4. D 5. XodiacK 6. Depain 7. Kagrra, 8. Nightmare 9. SCREW 10. Sadie
  5. sai

    At a very young age I already loved music and everything that came with it. Four year old me would often dance and sing in the living room to random songs on the radio whenever I wasn't at school. My mother tried to keep me away from it though, since my dad used to be in a band and was often gone from home because he and the band often played in small venues throughout the region. So I stopped being interested in music when I was around 7 years old. When I turned 12 I got an mp3-player and I listened to most songs from the radio, some Dutch hip-hop and other things. When I was 13 I discovered YouTube and found an AMV with a Nightwish song. Even though I had never before been introduced to rock music nor symphonic metal, this instantly clicked with me. My mp3-player soon became a mix of techno, electro-pop and symphonic metal. The techno and electro-pop disappeared after a while and more symphonic metal and hard-rock took their places. Bands like Nightwish, Fall Out Boy, Paramore, After Forever and Evanescence was what I listened to the most back then. Visual kei followed. A friend discovered An Cafe and became a big fan and tried to get me into them too. Before that I had already found out about NIGHTMARE, UVERworld, HIGH & MIGHTY COLOR and Gackt by myself (because I watched a little bit of anime at the time). I thought An Cafe were okay, but never fully got into them. I really got into abingdon boys school after that, and stayed closer to more darker bands (mid-2010, the time I discovered D) but after a while it turned into a mix of more serious pop-rock acts and some darker bands. Currently the amount of VK bands I listen to has sincerely decreased (pretty much limited to D, BUCK-TICK, Alice Nine and Kagrra,), but I'm currently still exploring the non-VK scene, so you can say my journey isn't quite over yet!
  6. sai

    Pizza, hmmm. Cookies or chocolate?
  7. 1. D'espairsRay 2. Lynch. 3. Dir en Grey 4. D.I.D 5. XodiacK 6. Sadie 6. Alice Nine 7. Kaggra, 8. Nightmare 9. SCREW 10. Vertex
  8. sai

    Alright, this has derailed for long enough. Whether Kameleo is the next big thing or not is not relevant to the initial question of this thread. That also goes for the other bands and your personal opinion on them. Leave those for the artist thread of said artist, not for here. miyuu, there is no reason to act like a dick, but this also goes for the rest. Since this has completely derailed and the initial question doesn't seem relevant anymore I'm just going to lock this thread. I'm willing to unlock it if you can convince me that you'll continue in a mature and on-topic manner.
  9. sai

    I can't believe I didn't post here yet. Anyway, here's my take on the matter: Whether VK is just a phase is up to every individual. It also depends on what VK means to you, in some aspects. There are enough cases of people jumping from VK to K-Pop, totally abandoning the former. This is something I find very odd, because if you truly loved it for the music you wouldn't be able to make such a dramatic switch. So yes, for those people it's probably a phase. For the ones who like VK mostly because of the music are different cases. You can grow out of it in a way that your musical tastes develop in such manner that you won't see the appeal in most VK stuff you listened before anymore. I can honestly say that I stopped listening to almost 60% of the VK bands I used to listen to back when I just got into the scene. That doesn't mean it was a phase and that I'm over it now, but it just means that my musical tastes have developed and changed, and that most VK doesn't fit in there anymore. I still have some VK bands that I really enjoy listening to and that I still actively follow, the number has just decreased. Other people who develop musically might do that differently than I do and might still find VK more appealing than I did at that moment. So if I have to put it short: it depends on the person, basically. Saying it's a phase everybody gets out of is a bit close-minded.
  10. Ehh...not really doing it for me so far. It sounds like a mash-up of Stargazer and Heart of Gold, and both really aren't my favourite Alice Nine tracks.
  11. sai

    I think it's four. Lin first, then NEGA, then CindyKate and a few days ago Megaromania.
  12. The last singles were okay in my book, not too spectacular, but nice enough. I'll be looking forward to the album, but what I don't get is the splitting up on two discs on the A-type. It's the exact same tracks as on the regular (though the regular having a bonus track) so are they trying to pull a DIVISION or what?
  13. I'll write small reviews of the releases I tried from this list here and add stuff to it whenever I listen to more. ESNO - Visionary: Really blew me away. Great electronics, great mixing and really relaxing. This would do really well as studying music too. I'd recommend everyone to try this, because it's simply beautiful in its own way. FilFla - Fliptap: A pretty good release. It didn't grab my attention well enough for me to keep it on my mp3-player, but definitely not bad. It shouldn't have been any longer than it is as well, I noticed that I'd get bored easily at the longer tracks. M-Koda - Inga: Incredibly surprised at this one as well. I thought this might bore me after a few tracks, but I was completely wrong. Definitely recommended. nego - SANSARA: Absolutely great, nego is great at what they do and this album shows it. Each instrument is crucial to the compositions, which also means that using low quality gear to listen to this completely ruins the experience. Each instrument does its job wonderfully and even my friend who isn't that big on electro-rock enjoyed this record a lot. fresh! - What Are You Doing In This Confusion?: Jimanica - Torso: Even though the electronics were well done and created nice beats here and there, I couldn't get over the incredibly annoying distorting vocals. They completely ruined the atmosphere in most of the songs for me, which left me really unimpressed around halfway in. I was practically waiting for this to be over at a certain point. If you can stand distorting vocals, it's probably a great album though. LAGITAGIDA - CartaMarina: This sounds like an instrumental heavier version of school food punishment and I'm actually loving it. All five tracks were just nuts and really well composed. Let's just say "short but sweet". I will definitely keep an eye on these guys! TK from 凛として時雨 - flowering: Good album. I was afraid I wouldn't like it too much because I'm not a big fan of TK's voice but he didn't overdo it on his this album. The upbeat tracks are all very diverse and actually pretty damn great, my only complaint would be the mash-up of ballads at the end, it kind of got boring because of that. The ballads didn't sound very different from eachother most of the time, which is a shame. Overall still very likeable. アルカラ - ドラマ: This has to be the best アルカラ release I've heard thus far. The tracks are diverse, have interesting hooks and bring new things to the table that I haven't heard before on other アルカラ releases. Even if you're not a big fan of indie music, I'd definitely recommend this EP. トクマルシューゴ - In Focus?: Great album, never thought I'd love this style of music as much as I did. Though he's not the best vocalist, his vocals really match the playful atmosphere of his compositions. Best listened to on fine spring days.
  14. http://i.qkme.me/3szxia.jpg Ladies, contain your orgasms
    1. Ito


      Hey, I gotta make a living somehow!

    2. Yasupon


      you posted the ito meme, lol..

    3. Neon


      awesome (=

    4. Show next comments  108 more
  15. sai

    I preferred Genjitsu over this...and I didn't think Genjitsu was that special. The album started rather well in my opinion, the first track had a great raw energy to it that I hadn't seen from NoGoD in a while and really heightened my expectations for the rest of the album. Unfortunately, those expectations were quickly ruined. The tracks that followed until the instrumental all sounded very similar to eachother and with the instrumental NoGoD managed to reach a new level of "I don't think you even tried at all". Having one of the guitarists play the same riffs on an acoustic guitar for 4 minutes straight? Really? IV-他者/Philosophia is another one of the few tracks that seemed to distance itself from the standard formula, but it didn't really leave an impression on me either. STAND UP! was actually one of the better songs on this album, which is quite sad considering how badly it was received when it was just released. The vocals aren't up to par with the instrumentals either. In the first few tracks Danchou just doesn't do it for me vocally, and I have no clue why. NoGoD seems to have lost their spark, and if they're ever going to recover it is something I don't think that will happen.
  16. Wow, 夢??泡 must be the shittiest instrumental NoGoD has ever done. The rest of the album is pretty shitty too.

    1. Jigsaw9


      Tbh I never got all the love for NoGod in the first place. xP

    2. Scarlet Obsidian

      Scarlet Obsidian

      Yeah,definitely! I love NoGoD and I can say that I like the other ones better than this one!

    3. Zeus



  17. sai

    Lincoln, saw it yesterday at the cinema. It was a long movie (I think somewhere around 2 hours and 40 minutes), but it didn't get boring at all. The acting was great, same with the casting and the re-enactment of the storyline was done very well as well. The three bribers were a good addition for a few comical relieves in the mostly very serious plot but it didn't get "too silly" in a way it would ruin part of the plot. I'd definitely recommend this movie if you're a fan of American history or just history in general. People who are not interested in that at all, nor know/like Lincoln will probably be better off skipping this, as you might find it boring.
  18. sai

    Nice to meet you Kevin/octoral/however you want me to call you I don't know too much about non-VK bands (apart from a few electronic exceptions + Boris and Arukara for example), but I hope you'll be one of those who can educate me on that Don't be afraid to drop by in the chat and have a talk with the regulars! Most of them are into non-VK as well And last but not least, enjoy the forum!
  19. My mom heard noises resembling moaning and panting coming from upstairs and asked if it was me getting myself off while I was actually reading a textbook in the bathtub...how awfully embarrassing.

    1. Zeus


      it was atsushi in the corner with the vacuum

    2. sai


      ^ I suspected as much

    3. Number Girl
    4. Show next comments  108 more
  20. sai

    I doubt they will include the whole thing, but we can always hope (and not pull a Sadie and play 35 songs but only put 15 on the DVD).
  21. sai

    Expecting SID and perhaps L'Arc to join in on this. Or HYDE, in any case.
  22. sai

    Hi HIME Nice to see you made an introduction thread! I hope you'll keep joining the chat in the future and that you'll have fun on the forum! I love Alice Nine and A too.
  23. Most were pretty ok, but what the hell did he do to INVOKE
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