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Everything posted by sai

  1. Hoeveel mensen kunnen daarin? Ik zou gokken dat bands als Polysics minder publiek trekken dan een random VK band (omdat daarbij altijd nog mensen gaan die gewoon gaan omdat 't Japanners zijn en VK is, een soort van vaste basis).
  2. sai

    I personally wasn't too fond of the first AC, probably because the start is really slow and boring. I myself started with the Ezio saga, got me into the series way more than AC1 could've done.
  3. "404 is appropriately titled since my interest in this song is not found." FUCKING LINE OF THE MONTH LOL

  4. as long as sai is female i won't be gay - stylelover

    1. stylelover


      i dont know that guy , but he sounds like a wise man.

    2. Raburr7


      i dont know that guy , but he sounds like a wise man. [2] XD

  5. sai

    Currently AC Revelations, but since it bored me a bit I already started playing AC3. AC3 has sort of a buggy camera and I still need to get used to the new fighting system, but so far it's an OK game. Haythem Kenway is pretty cool, I hope Connor can live up to these standards when I'll be switched to him.
  6. sai

    This album had the exact same problems (and perhaps in an even worse state) as their self-titled: lack of variation, no flow, incredible abuse of the standard formula etc. The songs sound very similar, it doesn't feel like an album, more like a random songs collection. Some songs seemed to have nice ideas, but couldn't hold onto them long enough for it to be interesting. Other tracks like riddle were examples of them trying too hard to be cool and edgy (lol, sorry Maiku) and making only something way too messy, particularly the intro. Sakito was like: HEY GAIZ CHECK OUT MY HIGH PITCHED SPECIAL RIFFS, then Ni~ya was like: OH HELL NO BRO MY BASS SLAPPING SHOULD BE TOTALLY FOCUSED ON, and then Hitsugi went like: FUCK YOU GUYS, I'LL JUST TURN MY AMP UP SO HIGH THAT NOTHING YOU GUYS DO CAN BE HEARD EXCEPT FOR BACKGROUND EFFECTS and Ruka probably thought: BETTER JUST ABUSE THE BASS PEDALS AND SLAM LIKE A BOSS AND IT'LL WORK. All in all, I rate this a 5/10. People who like the standard-formula they've been recycling for the past two years will probably dig this album though. I'm personally considering giving up on them, seeing as the last thing they released I liked was the VERMILION single. I guess the change to avex didn't really do it for me musically. Such a shame, really.
  7. sai

    That's enough. Shaolan, this is not the first time I've seen you talk badly about bands you don't even care about. We accept constructive criticism and legit reasons why people think they disappointed them with their last release for example, but just entering threads to say "lol they suck" is pointless and against the general rules. I know TRUST isn't the new generation's LUNA SEA, but there are still people who like this artist and if you like to offend this band you definitely need to get your priorities fixed. Or a more productive hobby. This is your one and only warning. If I see you do it again, I'm going to have to give you a warning point. And that might just include your posts being monitored and checked before you can post, and I'm sure you don't want that, nor do we, since we have better shit to do than check people's posts just because they can't stay in line.
  8. sai

    New Abercrombie jeans, they were on sale.
  9. New Within Temptation album this fall? MY BODY IS READY

  10. So is the poster for Alice Nine's DAYBREAK only restricted to the regular edition? Since it doesn't say + a poster with the limited and I kind of want the limited edition ;____; But I want the poster too

    1. Jigsaw9


      On CDJapan it says there's a bonus poster for the first-press version of the regular edition... so I guess that's the only one? >;

    2. sai


      Yeah, that's what I found odd too, seeing as usually all versions have the external bonus. But then again, with 7 versions I can understand they might restrict it to one version.

  11. sai

    Forever alone together.
  12. Maastricht (wat ik me ervan kan herinneren dan, lol) is best een internationale stad. Als je daar een concert houdt, komen er vast ook Belgen en Duitsers op af. Als ik vaker mensen zie die de bands door het hele continent volgen en om 8 uur 's ochtends al in de rij staan, zouden ze zich het tripje naar M'tricht vast ook wel kunnen veroorloven.
  13. sai

    So we get 4 old songs and 8 new ones? Sounds good in my book.
  14. sai

    I don't know whether we have to blame the financial crisis for only getting shitty indie bands all the time or if the organizers just pick bands because they're cheap, not thinking whatsoever of if they'll make profit and whether people actually like them. Perhaps a more famous band is more expensive, but perhaps there is a possibility to actually bring one if they saved all the expenses they're giving out on indie bands that no one wants to see anyway.
  15. ANOTHER LAST.FM SCROBBLER UPDATE? REALLY?! Jesus last.fm, check your shit before you give out your software kthnxbai

    1. Neon


      that is so stupid , it not worked for me at first time

    2. Zeus


      Is this strictly mac os? I haven't gotten an upgrade yet :|

    3. sai


      Yeah, this is the second update after they introduced the new scrobbler a week ago. So in total 3 updates, lol.

    4. Show next comments  114 more
  16. sai

    Consequences of Panda's curse, probably.
  17. I think I'm just going to stay single the rest of my life, seeing as no one from the opposite gender is interested in me ;___;

    1. sai


      Ito will you finance it then?

    2. Ito


      We can add a donate button next to the one for MH up top.

    3. sai


      Sweet. "Please donate here so that sai can get bigger breasts"

    4. Show next comments  114 more
  18. Lol, PLUNKLOCK komt weer. Is dat niet die verschrikkelijke band met een zanger die backtrack moet gebruiken?
  19. sai

    Stamp all of these for the Cologne/Bochum/Aachen area. Alice Nine, AYABIE, BUCK-TICK (hey, I can dream right?), D (though I think they're coming again this year?), DEAD END, THE KIDDIE, lynch., ONE OK ROCK, A, シド, ナイトメア
  20. Niet dat ze nu super hit nummer 1 waren ofzo, haha. Kennelijk is een D tour voor 2013 zo goed als zeker, dus ik gok dat die wel spelen, maar dan in Amsterdam ofzo.
  21. Wij zijn veel leuker dan Duitsers [2] Trouwens ligt het aan mij, of komen steeds minder VK bands naar Nederland? Het lijkt alleen nog maar alsof de kleine indie bandjes komen.
  22. We beginnen van de Duitsers te verliezen, dat moeten we niet hebben.
  23. So yeah anyone who still thinks Alice Nine sucks needs to go listen to GEMINI

    1. Yasupon
    2. Cupcakes


      Gemini is one of my least fave albums tbh

  24. sai

    Taking my driver's exam retake, sitting through a 4-hour lecture, finishing an essay. ;_____________;
  25. Lol'd at your title "THAT'S MY PURSE I DON'T KNOW YOU" For some reason with your avatar I imagined Imai saying it, heh

    1. Jigsaw9


      LOL that combination never occured to me yet :'DDD

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