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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    TOMORROW'S THE DAY. Also I read somewhere that just like the Gregorian calendar the Mayan calendar just starts over on the 21st, starting a new cycle of 5,125 years (or something along those lines). I'm not sure what to think of all this, seeing as the "Bible" already predicted the end twice this year: on May 21st and October 21st and nothing happened on those days either. Now Christians are yelling again the end is tomorrow so I'll take everything with a grain of salt until I see meteorites falling from space or dinosaurs on a spaceship or something.
  2. sai

    Their last two albums were kind of forgettable, so I honestly don't have too high hopes for this one
  3. Boris last Friday It was awesome! Here's a photo I made (I made it smaller though so it wouldn't be the huge size it is), and Ito edited the filter away for me
  4. sai

    ^ Added you (I'm Phones666 there, don't worry I also listen to some K-pop)
  5. sai

    Do you perhaps have a last.fm? Also if you feel like it, don't be afraid to drop by in the mini-chat (and yes the pain was so bad I walked on bare feet in the casinos so my feet could cool down on the marble floors lolol)
  6. sai

    Welcome back to MH Rie. I've been to Las Vegas once (on holiday) XD Burned my feet on the sidewalk
  7. sai

    The singles as a whole or just the a-sides? The singles as a whole. Mimic reminded me of the filler tracks from their last album (which is no surprise, seeing as the time span between these two releases was two months, thus they were most probably all album leftovers), and deus ex machina didn't leave any impression on me either. The title track was ok, but I've heard better. Actually the last thing I liked by them was the VERMILION. single (so just after the switch to avex).
  8. sai

    Still crying over ASSaulters. I like the covers though, type B is my personal favourite. The promo photo also looks quite rad. I hope the overall quality of the album will be similar, wasn't too fond of the singles.
  9. sai

    I am going to write this review for Maiku, because Maiku is sad nobody else reviews this and you should be ashamed of yourself for making him sad. I am not the kind of person to do track by track reviews, so I'll just take this album as a whole and describe what I liked and what I didn't like. The highlight from this album in my opinion is the first track, CRITICAL ELEVATION, which is (as Maiku already stated) a mix between the songs MA★PIECE and アダルト. It's like these songs had sex, made a love baby and called it CRITICAL ELEVATION. I like both songs, but of those two I prefer アダルト, so I was glad to see CRITICAL ELEVATION had the most elements taken from アダルト. The "I can't no satisfaction"-part is in there as well, which confirms my thoughts that it was definitely アダルト-inspired. I could definitely hear the MA★PIECE sound in this album as well, but then I'm not speaking of the individual song but the whole full-length. 毒 is sort of like a mix between Destination and 美しきREDRUM, for example. I noticed on this record that THE KIDDIE has a really awesome drummer, which I didn't really notice on earlier releases. What I liked about THE FIVE -5- is that it was more consistent as a whole in comparison to MA★PIECE. MA★PIECE had a more really good individual songs like MA★PIECE, mr. FIREBIRD, サマードリーム, Nutty Nasty, 美しきREDRUM, Destination and アダルト. The rest of the tracks ranged from OK to meh, which wasn't really the case on THE FIVE -5-. The awesomeness-level on the individual songs is lower than on their previous full length, but the overall consistency is better, therefore I see myself listening to THE FIVE -5- earlier as a whole. However, that was also kind of a downside for me. If you count the fact that MA★PIECE had 7 (out of 13) really amazing tracks, that's quite a lot. THE FIVE -5- misses that punch, which I like in my THE KIDDIE songs. It's by no means bad, but I missed it here and therefore I need to deduct a few points. However! I wasn't too fond of the single leading to this album, but すき for example sounds a lot better in the album context. Good job on that one, guys. I'd give THE FIVE -5- a 7.5/10 and call it my second favourite THE KIDDIE album. It was a nice album, but it did not beat MA★PIECE for me. I might change my opinion after a few more listens, so I'm not calling this definite.
  10. sai

    I am not going to review the Hide and Seek rebuild, seeing as I did not listen to it/am not planning on listening to it, so I'll just post my short thoughts on Ink itself. This'll just be a short unprofessional review as I don't feel like writing a wall of text (I am not a big Plastic Tree fan, so there). Ink started off really well for me, the intro plus the three/four tracks that followed all had their own unique sound and had something that made them stand out on their own. I am especially fond of くちずけ, which was a new track for me seeing as I didn't listen to the singles for this album. The piano in the background is simply beautiful. After the few good tracks I figured this was going to be a pretty good album. That's when the second half kicked in. I think the second half was incredibly boring and stale. I listened to the album twice and I honestly can't remember anything of the second half of the album. I can't even get through it completely most of the time because it just bores me out of my skull. I think I am giving this album a 6/10. The first half is great, but what comes after just is so inferior to that first half that the album can't be saved anymore. Try again next time, guys.
  11. sai

    Lol. http://instantrimshot.com/index.php?sound=priceiswrong Waiting for the next revival in 6 months.
  12. sai

    And don't forget the shooting in that mall two years ago or so. That's the Capelle one I mentioned =) Oh, I thought that shooting was somewhere in Gelderland or so (had it mixed up I suppose). Also at that image: Sometimes I seem to forget how stupid people are, I guess this was a good reminder.
  13. sai

  14. sai

    And don't forget the shooting in that mall two years ago or so. Yeah, in order to get a gun here you need to be registered at a shooting club, but before you can even register they're going to do firm background checks to see if you're mentally stable and don't have a criminal record. Once they let you enter you'll only be able to get your own gun after being a member for about a year or so. But before they give you the gun they're going to give you another background check. Stopping the black market will be near impossible, but currently it's too easy to obtain one in the US.
  15. sai

    I only have one thing to say about this since I said all there is to say about stuff like this during the shootings in that movie theater: AMERICA FIX YER GUNLAWS PLS. Also I hate how they're starting the whole video game stuff again. I play Assassin's Creed, therefore I must have the urge to kill people with a hidden blade! Who gives a shit what the guy listened to/played/watched, it cannot be the reason for what happened there.
  16. sai

    These fellas. I am really really fond of owls and birds in general. Big predator birds and the cute fluffy birds that leaf always posts. And I like dolphins as well, probably because of their gentle nature and the fact that they're clever. Same with owls, really. SORRY HAD TO PUT THAT ONE IN LOL.
  17. sai

    Nope, that's merely for Ito's giant hatred of yaoi. /off topic
  18. sai

    Welcome to the forum! I hope you'll enjoy your time here Great to see another BUCK-TICK fan! Plastic Tree is a band I like but haven't really listened to that much, unfortunately. Anyway, if you're not too shy, join in on the mini-chat some time Do you happen to have a last.fm?
  19. sai

    It sounds okay in my book, but just like many I seem to prefer SALOME at this point. We'll see how it turns out.
  20. sai

    I wish they'd let him take his time to recover, but who knows, perhaps it's the management who wants him to continue. Perhaps he even wants it himself, we won't know.
  21. For that price I expected more features...oh well, guess I won't be buying this one then.
  22. sai

    Normally I'd ask for your last.fm but lolol. Anyway, thanks for joining the forum and have a great time here! You won't regret me shamelessly recruiting you, I promise! XD Nice to see you've visited the mini-chat already as well
  23. sai

    Alright, I'll change the title of the thread then.
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