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Everything posted by sai

  1. Welcome to MH! Guess you found the mini-chat already Have fun here!
  2. I hereby announce the end of the setlist war. Continue through PM if necessary, not here. No one's been overly offensive yet, but I'm just making sure no one will be.
  3. Warning: this is not going to be KISAKI Google scandal drama pt. 2. Pixyfalse01, if you have any problems with ritsubunny, do it through PM. Also, try to ignore posts like these, it'll only motivate users to keep doing it just to get you angry.
  4. omfg aska SHAKING & CRYING
  5. sai

    Born to Die - Lana Del Rey How would you describe your current situation?
  6. sai

    I don't think I have enough from the Apple coupon left to purchase it from iTunes USA :< (I got a coupon for a 100$ last year when I bought a MacBook)
  7. If it will involve MUCC members dancing around on a beach in pirate clothing with celtic music I am totally up for this. WE ARE ACE MUCC!
  8. sai

    Lana Del Rey - This Is What Makes Us Girls
  9. sai

    Action-filled movie with Toll impaling people with his hair during fights or gtfo. But in all seriousness, I wonder what this'll be.
  10. sai

    Holy shit, 40 minutes?! I hope this'll be good.
  11. I'm sorry fitear I tried the album twice, but I just can't get into it, I find it very boring pop-rock without any spark. AIVIE had a good A-side but boring B-sides, I didn't like Yakusoku either but Io was really nice. That is an improvement from the first album + singles because I didn't like a single song from that, haha.
  12. Hope it'll be good. I didn't like their singles leading to the first album and the first album itself at all, but I thought AIVIE and Io were pretty nice.
  13. AWWW YEAH, glad to see him active already, I love his compositions. I wonder if he'll do the vocals or if he gets someone else to do it for him?
  14. 0Q5XTBmi68M From Delain's latest album. Though the overal album had a lot of weak points, it also had a few great points, Mother Machine being one of them. If you like bands like Within Temptation, Epica or Nightwish, give this a try. However, Delain is more poppy disguised in a heavier sound (they said so themselves in an interview) and there are no overdramatic classic instruments that slap you in the face every other second. Anyway, just give it a try!
  15. sai

    If this was a "you laugh, you lose"-thread I would've lost so bad
  16. sai

    BUCK-TICK - Long Distance Call *sobs*
  17. sai

    What? Oh, for a second I thought they were pulling a DIVISION, lol. So DISC 2 will have their major singles as a collection? And the DVD has a PV collection? Oh well... I honestly don't have high hopes for this. The singles leading to MA[sTAR]PIECE and the album itself were great, but I didn't like I sing for you or Suki at all, thought them very boring. I'm afraid these are leftovers, because I sing for you and Suki clearly were and I think there was not enough time for them to write that many new tracks.
  18. sai

    Great thread! It's a great way to promote music players and headphones I will promote my pair of headphones in this thread as well. Why? Because my headphones are greatly underrated and deserve much more love. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you; the AKG K518 DJ. Did I just say DJ? Yes, I totally did. These AKG headphones were originally created for DJs, but they are so much more than just your regular Skrillex gadget. I purchased these headphones in 2010 when I bought my first guitar, mainly for using it on my amp so I wouldn't disturb the neigbours with my horrendous playing. After I got bored with my guitar after only a week, I started using the headphones on my music player. I noticed how great these headphones were when I used them on my iPod Touch and my MacBook Pro. These headphones + my MacBook's sound card + a 320 rip = ultimate eargasm. Not to mention that they sound great on my iPod as well! The thing about AKG is that they make headphones that are mainly rock-oriented, which is also the reason you hardly hear the name of this brand when people speak about headphones. The advantage of this pair is that even though it is designed for DJs, it still has that rock-oriented sound that AKG is known for. It has a stronger bass than most AKG headphones because of the DJ design, but it's not like the Dr. Dre BEATS, that just drones the bass like an idiot and completely forgets about all other elements a song has. The bass is stronger and more audible, but melts in more with the rest of the instruments. That way you can still distinguish the bass lines in a song, but they won't be up front too much. With a good audio rip, these headphones can give you enormous eargasms. They make the different song layers audible, which makes sure you can hear every little thing that is going on in a song. For an album like D's 7th Rose these headphones are perfect and make the album even better than on an initial impression. I can hear everything, from HIDE-ZOU's little gimmicks to Tsunehito's enchanting bass lines. When it comes to comfort it might get a little tricky. The AKG K518 DJ is easy to adjust to fit in the height of your ears, but if you just bought the pair they might start to press on your ears or the top of your head a bit too much. However, once you've owned them for a little while, that will disappear. Another disadvantage might be the length of the wire. That thing is enormously long, but like I said, they were originally designed for DJs. Just watch out you don't trip over them when walking around wearing them on your head. That might also be a nice thing to know: the AKG K518 DJ does a great job at cancelling out noise from the outside. Sitting in a Ryanair airplane with these headphones on pretty much blocks out all the noises that the aircraft makes. Also, you can listen to it on a pretty high volume and no one in your direct surroundings will be bothered by it. Great sound isolation. They are easy to carry around because you can actually click the headphones to a small bundle. It's a nice little feature that avoids them getting broken when you carry them around in your backpack or bag. Now the price. For the great quality that you get with these headphones, the price is astounding: 50 euros, around 65 dollars. Yes, under 70 dollars for a pair of great quality headphones. My pair partly died last week unfortunately, after going through hardships with me for two years (luckily my dad had the same pair and he didn't mind using half-broken headphones lol). Now that I have the exact same pair again (yes, got another pair of the AKG K518 DJ) you can definitely hear that the sound quality of the headphones goes down a bit after long and continuous use. I'm actually surprised they survived for so long. One disadvantage is that AKG is not a very famous brand, therefore not many stores sell their headphones. The K518 DJ model is also really hard to come by nowadays, especially since most stores that do sell AKG sell their more expensive ones. No clue why, because clearly even the more expensive headphones are inferior in quality to the K518 DJ. For 10 euros more, you can also buy the limited edition. There is no change in quality, just the fact that they have a cooler design that come in six different colors. If you don't care about looks, then the regular edition should be just fine. So if you find a pair while browsing the stores for new headphones, I'd definitely recommend you to buy them. You'll be very happy with them and they'll stick around for a pretty long time.
  19. Ik vind dat ze zeker twee weken voor de verkiezingen zijn moeten stoppen met die peilingen. Je kunt duidelijk aan de uitslagen zien dat heel veel mensen strategisch gestemd hebben. Ik bedoel daarmee in de zin van: "die Rutte vind ik maar niks, dus ik stem op Samsom, ondanks dat ik normaal CDA zou stemmen, want dan komt Rutte tenminste niet aan de macht". Zo heeft het ook vice versa gewerkt. Mensen die Samsom perse niet wilden, hebben op Rutte gestemd om te zorgen dat de PvdA niet de grootste zou worden. Ik heb CDA gestemd voor een sterk midden, maar jammer dat ze zoveel zetels verloren hebben.
  20. Totally! I would love if they pulled one like that
  21. sai

    Oh, thanks. Took a while to find though. I actually am in such a bad mood right now that it can't get any shittier when it comes to music. In other words, I'm going to try these samples even though I didn't feel like it (lol at WARENR MUSIC JAPAN btw). Previews are...I don't know. The old tracks are still the old tracks (though I like Illusion and ayakashi more now) but from the new tracks Created Beauty sounds like it could be promising, Holy Grail amoroso is like Faith & Decision without vocals (which equals boring), Brave sounds kind of catchy, I forgot about Edge of the World already (but I thought it was OK I think) and Truth was also meh.
  22. instant initial thought NSFW! dafuq
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