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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Siegessäule in Berlin, Germany. I took this photo last month when I was on holiday in Berlin. It was kind of cloudy the day we visited this monument so unfortunately I didn't get a photo where the sun enlightens the golden statue of Nike/Victoria. I'm no photographer though, just a holiday shot I really liked (though multiple family members have told me I take good photos lol).
  2. sai

    Regular cover looks better even though the bad photoshop makes me cringe a bit. The limited one just looks cheap and quickly put together. Are they even trying anymore?
  3. sai

    I like it! Is there a release date for his album known yet?
  4. sai

    I never really checked out the singles that AYABIE released after their major debut (sans Ryusei) so most of the songs on this album were still new to me. I had very high expectations since their first album was incredibly solid and set the bar very high for a follow-up album. What I noticed is that the electronics are a bit more well-placed than they were on their first album. However, that was nothing that bothered me in VSC -2nd Season- so it doesn't really make a difference, it was just something I noticed along the way. I thought the intro that was like a short version of Ryusei with traditional instruments was very interesting, but I was actually hoping and expecting because of it that the next track would have some traditional moments in it. I was kind of disappointed that wasn't the case, but the track was catchy and energetic enough to keep my attention throughout the entire thing. Reflector was a track I had heard before, but I have to say that I like the single track better. The reason I kept this one instead of the single version was that the rip of the single version I had was filled with static from beginning to end and was hardly listenable on a regular volume (SEE THIS AS A REQUEST). It packed a better punch and I preferred the heavier guitars on the original. However, this version is not bad or boring, just a bit less good. It's nothing I'd deduce points for though, the chorus is still very good and catchy. Kakusei Sprechchor was a single apparently but I liked it nonetheless, very straightforward AYABIE stuff. I have to say that compared to VSC there is less diversity, that was actually a thing that made VSC so good. The rest of the album actually is similar to what I just described so there's no need to review the rest of these tracks individually. There were one or two fillers in there that didn't manage to hold my attention but overall it is a pretty fun pop-rock album that shows that AYABIE still has a lot of potential. Let's hope for some more experimentation again next time. I'd give the album a 7.8/10, just like Daggi.
  5. sai

    ^ Heard them already, sounds really cool
  6. sai

  7. sai

  8. sai

    BIGBANG - BLUE What is one thing you hate?
  9. sai

    BUCK-TICK - Goblin
  10. sai

    Just copy the part after the v=, so in this case the "X_yQaV9-XP4" in between the YouTube brackets. Also lol that band.
  11. sai

    FAITH&DECISION PT. 2 TILL INFINITY. I wouldn't have an objection to a long song, as long as HIZAKI won't compose it but KAMIJO will. Compare God Palace to Faith & Decision and you'll know what I'm talking about. Out of the band KAMIJO is the one who should write the long songs. Hopefully Teru gets a track on this as well.
  12. sai

    Changed the thread title by adding "new album release" since this thread is mostly discussing the new album instead of the hiatus.
  13. sai

    Lol 5 new songs (if you count Sympathia as a remake and not as a new song).
  14. sai

    OMG they actually shipped it now~ Motivation enough for me to order Mona Lisa Overdrive one of these days.
  15. sai

    All the alcohol I've tasted so far I don't like (too bitter) but recently my dad said that it got time I finally started drinking. So can anyone advice me some alcoholic drink that is not too bitter?
  16. sai

    Ruiza can't be left out. I think even with platforms on I was still taller than him, haha.
  17. sai

    ^ Nope, I have the exact same "issue" lol. I like to keep my music taste to myself, is that weird?
  18. sai

    Hope he'll recover soon!
  19. sai

    That Furik guy really sounds like KISAKI's disciple.
  20. sai

    Tea! Movies or books?
  21. sai

    櫻井敦司 - Sacrifice
  22. sai


    Don't be afraid to drop by in the minichat! Most of the regulars hang around in there and it's a great way to meet new people and make friends
  23. sai

    I dreamt last night that I was stuck in some kind of tropical storm together with either Tom Hiddleston as Loki or Atsushi Sakurai (I think it was the second one since his hair was all around his face) and then I get a call (lol in the mountains) from my driving instructor in which he proclaims his alldying love for me (LOL I don't even) and my reaction was something like "are you for real" or "dafuq". Atsushi was like "why the fuck is he calling you to tell you this here". After I got out I was with Atsushi at the pool only to be bothered by my driving instructor again and then a black guy who looked suspiciously similar to Zess appeared to yell "STOP BOTHERING SAI" and then he beat the shit out of him. Ha, good times.
  24. sai

    Hope it'll be better than COLD BLOOD in any case, that one was quite disappointing. RED LINE was decent and METEOR was pretty good so I hope it'll work.
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