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Everything posted by sai

  1. As long as it's better than their recent releases. I think I might go with the regular if I order it.
  2. sai

    BRAINSTORM pt.2. Well can't say I was expecting anything amazing but I secretly hoped they'd pull an exist trace and actually go from "we sound like any othet VK band" to something a bit more unique. So yeah, I think it's boring.
  3. i guess they're forcing their overseas fans to... pay Toll LEL COMEDY GOLD http://instantrimshot.com/ I thought it sounded pretty nice, excited for the album even more!
  4. sai

    Cologne is on a friday and the week before my holidays so I won't have any exams left. I haven't seen them release anything, but if the price is okay and I can get my friend to come along I might go out of curiosity.
  5. sai

    BLACK LINE is Mikaru's new band?
  6. sai

    Alright, Plastic Tree! Welcome to the forum!
  7. So who will be playing the guitar?
  8. Well, I don't recall having changed views on certain songs, but I assume some song are completely different than your initial impression. I thought BUCK-TICK's Alice in Wonder Underground was innocent enough and was probably Alice in Wonderland-related (because D did Yami no kuni no Alice and that one DID have lyrics related to the fairy tale) until Atsushi started singing about wanting to slide into something *HINTHINT*. I thought Kagrra,'s true beauty was also in their lyrics, because no matter how simple the melodies, Isshi could always tell an entire story throughout one simple song.
  9. I read about this on KAMIJO's blog a few days ago (I think I mentioned this issue in the mini-chat as well) but I think it's utterly ridiculous. I can understand copyright claims but these copyright nazis are taking it to a whole new level. The fact I like most of my favourite bands as much as I do is because, apart from their great music, I started to appreciate and respect these people due too their lyrics and personalities that they reflected in interviews. Perhaps BUCK-TICK is a bad example because they don't interact with foreign fans that much, so I'll give D as an example. D has also toured Europe twice, has opened their fanclub for overseas fans, they translate their facebook messages into English for them etc. Not once have I heard ASAGI complain about interview translations or lyrics translation. He even once said he was happy that his lyrics could reach so many people from different countries, so I don't really get KAMIJO's problem. I in any case wouldn't stop reading these translations.
  10. sai

    Didn't like their last album that much, so hopefully this'll be better.
  11. sai

    Oh my God go listen to Sentimental Macchiato and hikari and then come back. You've surely missed out on some great stuff! And from the second half of dead stock you must try Wife.
  12. sai

    ^ Mine was cooler because of the Atsushi gif
  13. sai

    A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY HASABANDU ZESS! <3 Hope many years are yet to come! Now come here for some of my love.
  14. sai

    Hope it'll be better than their latest album, it was a bit dull in my opinion.
  15. sai

    Oh my God this sounds amazing! Can't wait to hear the full version!
  16. ^ Yeah, I saw some prices underneath the announcement so I guess it's for pay (lol). Too bad then.
  17. Seeing as the time difference would be 8 hours..that'd be around 2PM for me (or 3PM, if the time difference is 7 hours). If it's 8 and the stream is 2 hours then I can watch it (I'll just try to have all that damn college work done in time). I'll look into ways to record it.
  18. sai

    ^ I'm agreeing with ShanethVarosa here. I pre-ordered BUCK-TICK's album because I know they always deliver and in the end I always end up liking what they put out. GazettE lately has been kind of...lacking. I'm actually more bothered by the amount of limited editions that were sold. 90 dollars for a LE and they all got pre-ordered at CDJapan? Damn.
  19. sai

    Oh yeah, just saw HIZAKI is doing the long one. I actually wanted a long KAMIJO but oh well... I'm actually looking forward the most to TERU's songs because TERU I think writes the most distinctive compositions compared to their normal sound and all of TERU's songs kick major ass. HIZAKI I'm not so excited about, his compositions are very boring and similar lately, which I think is one of the main reasons Versailles is degrading in quality.
  20. sai

    TERU gets two new tracks? Awesome. I approve of HIZAKI only composing one of the new songs and the others being done by KAMIJO and TERU. HIZAKI is clearly out of ideas.
  21. Ik dacht eerst SP, maar ik vind die 3%-regeling te belangrijk om maar even te negeren, dus ik neig al meer richting D66. Ik ben absoluut niet rechts, maar links heb ik niet zo veel vertrouwen in op het moment. CDA is een zinkend schip en Pechtold kan ik me wel in vinden (kwam hem trouwens tegen in Den Haag, hele aardige gast + hij heeft m'n boek gesigneerd ).
  22. sai

    Even though they don't actually associate themselves with VK I have to say the VK band that never disappoints is BUCK-TICK. I haven't been into them for too long, but every album I heard so far sounds equally good as the others. Their last two singles were very good as well, MISS-TAKE perhaps being one of the best title tracks they've released over the years they've been active. Each album brings something new to the table and they always manage to keep it interesting. Their live performances make the songs even better than they are on CD, so if you don't instantly like a song you can always check the live performance for better reference That's actually how their 13kai wa Gekkou album grew on me immensely. Though my favourite albums from this band are probably Kyoutoku I love you, Mona Lisa Overdrive and Tenshi no Revolver. A few of my favourite tracks include Kuchizuke, MISS-TAKE, ROMANESQUE, Mona Lisa, Muma -The Nightmare-, ONLY YOU, REVOLVER, Alice in Wonder Underground, My Fuckin' Valentine and Long Distance Call. When it comes to non-VK bands I think it would be ONE OK ROCK. ONE OK ROCK hardly disappoints and seeing an announcement for a new release of theirs never puts me in doubt if it will be good or not. They are less diverse than the band I named above but seeing as the styles of music are too different I can't blame them for it. So yeah, from the few non-VK bands I listen to I have to say ONE OK ROCK is the one with the most consistent releases.
  23. sai

    And I thought it was going to be a full album :/
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