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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    November comeback delayed...again. GETTING REAL TIRED OF YOUR SHIT YG.
  2. sai

    I read "Tour in STFU" What has become of me Have they been playing the new single already?
  3. sai

    I guess it's time for my monthly review. I've never been a fan of MIYAVI's music, but his last two collaborations got me interested for this mini-album. I've listened to it a couple of times now and I have to say I quite like it. GANRYU has kind of a goofy beginning, but it totally fits MIYAVI so I honestly didn't expect anything else. What follows after the wacky intro is just funky and some great guitar-slamming, filled with some cool drumming beats. I honestly wished this had been longer, but as an intro track it does its job exceptionally well. STRONG is an older track which I loved for the upbeat rapping, MIYAVI's excellent guitar work and the fact that when I listen to this while walking down the street it takes a lot for me not to break out in some spastic dance moves. DAY 1 is strong, powerful and bombastic. YUKSEK handles the electronics really well and MIYAVI's vocals and English are top notch. The guitar made it more MIYAVI as well, I really like this one. SILENT ANGER is a calmer track, but even though I like the track I feel like it was a bit misplaced after DAY 1. All three prior tracks were upbeat, the next even more bombastic than the other. DAY 1 should've probably put somewhere differently, but that doesn't decrease how I feel about SILENT ANGER. The best part is near the ending, I have to say. PLEASURE! and HA NA BI leave me content as well. I don't like them as much as STRONG and DAY 1, but both can definitely grow on me more. I love the traditional instrument in HA NA BI along with the acoustic guitar parts. The last song in my opinion is the weakest. It's a bit on the boring side, but has a few interesting hooks, yet not enough to keep me interested all the time. If they would've taken off 2 minutes of the length it probably would be more exciting. Overall, I think this mini deserves a solid 7.5/10. MIYAVI surprised me with this release and I will look forward to more collabs if he's going to be doing them again
  4. sai

    Welcome to MH! I'm also a big fan of D, good to see more of those here I hope you'll enjoy yourself here, and don't be afraid to join us in the mini-chat to talk to the other forum members!
  5. sai

    Happy birthday Champster!
  6. sai

    Hi Tetsu! Welcome to MH, I hope you'll have a good time here (perhaps you'll remember me from J's blogspot, but that was like 3 years ago, haha)
  7. sai

    Lindsey Stirling - Zi-Zi's Journey My new musical pleasure
  8. I really missed you <3 good to see you're back.
  9. sai

    Likes my journals
  10. sai

    ... But I thought I was your Waifu ;________; WHY ZESS, WRYYYYYYYYY *packs bags and moves back to the submarine*
  11. sai

    8,5/10 Really pretty
  12. sai

    You certainly missed out on their GEMINI album then It's a great album with lots of diverse tracks and the trilogy is seriously the best thing they ever did. Give it a shot
  13. sai

    ^ that face you're making reminds me so much of that gif of that Vivid singer you had a while back lolol
  14. I'm sure this one will be fun! D VS Versailles So, who do you prefer and why? Cast your votes!
  15. sai

    I'm so sorry to hear that I honestly have no idea what could cause it, but I hope you enjoy your vacation!
  16. sai

    I haven't played anything in ages. I have no idea what to play to be quite honest. A friend of mine got AC 3 and since he told me the series is great he'll let me borrow AC Brotherhood and Revelations. I hope I'll like it, since I have no idea what to expect of the AC games.
  17. sai

    D - Canon del Colca
  18. sai

    Horrible tracklist apart from 3 or 4 tracks Not surprised if the last one is an outro, lolol.
  19. sai

    Personally for me, there is a clear winner, which would be lynch. DEATHGAZE's stuff always sounds very similar in my opinion and their drumming triggers are just very annoying, along with the fact that I think Ai's vocals can be a bit too much sometimes. So yeah, definitely a vote for lynch.
  20. They still suck, just great. Lol those screams.
  21. sai

    Kagrra, - あまふらせ たんまいな
  22. sai

    Nope, they don't celebrate it here Panda said I should get some leather and go as...you know what nevermind.
  23. sai

    That sounded awesome. I can't wait
  24. Agreed. Perhaps the existing popularity of VK is decreasing and that's the reason why they sold less magazines? If that's the reason for quitting at all, really.
  25. Ik bedenk me net dat ik nog steeds niet het tweede seizoen van Ghost in the Shell SAC heb gezien. Oeps! Maar ik ben ook meer van wat bountyxhunter zegt, ik heb het laatst nog een keer geprobeerd, maar 't ligt me niet meer zo erg. Ik kijk inderdaad liever gewone series zoals Castle, Doctor Who en The Mentalist.
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