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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    5/10 A bit too big for my taste.
  2. sai

    歌者森 - Footprints
  3. sai

    Merged the thread into the Music Recommendations Thread ^
  4. sai

    Stop being such a clitoris.
  5. This is actually quite off-topic (considering Kamijo is not part of this project), but I'll give my two cents on this. When it comes to Kamijo's Versailles vocals, I think you can split them up in three stages. Stage one: debut - Noble Stage two: major debut - Jubilee Stage three: DESTINY -The Lovers- - hiatus Stage one included Kamijo still experimenting and getting used to singing in a lower tone. It sounded quite forced at some points, but it never bothered me too much. Then stage two was (in my opinion) when he had pretty much mastered that voice. He sounded great on Jubilee, and great live too when I heard him (note, WHEN I heard him, blame the loud fangirls). After that it...I don't know, he kind of seemed to have lost the power he had back then. I don't know what caused it (perhaps the excessive amounts of smoking), but it really made his vocals sound less sincere. I hope he'll be able to get that power back for his solo songs if it's not health-related.
  6. sai

    That is correct. That's why I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone to post actual reviews and not only comment on other members' small mistakes (like what track belongs on what album) or point out their argumental 'flaws'. That's what the artist thread is for. All posts that are off-topic from now on will be deleted (pretty much referring to Zess' earlier post).
  7. sai

  8. sai

    Believe me, it's possible (in general, not meant specifically at DEG). Also I fixed your message for you, you accidently put your own message in the quote
  9. sai

    Surprise: special performance of RES songs with RES members. Pleasepleasepleaseplease let this happen.
  10. sai

    Welcome to this website I hope we didn't scare you off too much in the chat last night, haha. Anyway, it's always great to see more Alice Nine fans here
  11. sai

    Not familiar with too many of those, but if I had to pick one, I'd say the school food punishment one. I know most artists from your list, just not the songs that were listed. 1. Super Junior - Sexy, Free and Single 2. D - 春の宴 3. ONE OK ROCK - Deeper Deeper 4. BUCK-TICK - JUPITER 5. Kagrra, - 素晴らしきかな?人生 6. THE KIDDIE - Brutus 7. Adele - Rolling in the Deep 8. ONE OK ROCK - Smiling Down 9. D - Sleeper 10. D - 悪夢喰らい Heh, three D songs. None are among my absolute favourites though. Of course I go with BUCK-TICK's JUPITER. It's a beautiful classic with a great message.
  12. The sample hasn't impressed me too much yet (though the guy sounds sort of similar to KAMIJO), but I'll see what this turns out to be. I secretly hope for more TERU compositions, in any case.
  13. sai

  14. sai

    I'd be smart enough not to announce it on April Fool's! Sadly this didn't go as well as I had planned, I guess I'm just too predictable and loyal for people to believe this Though I did scare the shit out of Zess though! The rest of the staff were all playing along. April Fool's!
  15. I have the slight feeling they're pulling our leg here. However, DELUHI announced their disbandment on April Fool's, and that wasn't a joke either.
  16. Hello fellow Monochromiums, After having thought this through for quite a bit of time (and copious discussions with the other staff members), I have decided that I will be stepping down as a moderator on this forum. I am very honoured that you voted me for staff of the year and I've appreciated all the love and kind words, but it's time for me to step down now. There are personal things I must first finish before I can be in full duty of this forum again. I want to thank everyone for the loving support and I hope you won't miss me too much while I'm gone. I wasn't the best mod anyway. Best regards, sai
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TLAfx2962Y Nostalgia reasons. Plus it's awesome. Sometimes I wonder what happened to this band after Jubilee...not to mention I miss KAMIJO when it comes to composing long songs
  18. sai

    Alright, thank you for your feedback We'll try to think of some more categories for next year. We'll also open another thread for category recommendations of course, just like this year. The thing with three people is that it's going to be difficult who to nominate for specific categories. We tried to give everyone a fair chance by doing it this way, but we'll look into alternatives. So far we don't have anything planned for other competitions, but a while back we were considering doing a noseband-contest, though it never got past the stage of an idea. It included people having to take a photo of them covering their nose with a noseband (Reita-style), and the best picture would win. I'm not sure how many people would participate in this or if enough people are interested in a competition like this, but I need to know from you guys how you feel about it (I will make a special thread for it later probably).
  19. http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/20265-mh-user-awards-20122013-the-results/#entry266150 Here are the results for the MH user awards! Please leave us some feedback on the competition!
  20. Here are the results to the first new MH User Awards voting! I tried to fill at least the first three places per category, but that wasn't possible in all of them due too a minimal amount of votes. So, here are the winners! (reposted because MH crashed at the time that the thread was posted, so it threw up a few bugs) Staff of the Year: 1. sai 2. Zess 3. Champ213; kai_desu Most useless staff member: 1. Candy Warhol 2. Yasupon Favourite uploader: 1. stylelover; CAT5 (it was a tie!) 2. nostalgia. Best looking male: 1. Disposable 2. Daggi_X; D.L.S; Biopanda Best looking female: 1. 237Q 2. sai 3. greeeeen Best jokes: 1. Biopanda; Jigsaw9 (another tie!) 2. Senedjem 3. Tokage; Disposable Weirdest user: 1. Senedjem 2. Disposable; Tokage Most fascinating user that makes the most interesting posts: 1. Trombe 2. Zess Best avatar: 1. Biopanda (with an overwhelming majority) Best sig: 1. Candy Warhol (for his cockroach signature) 2. sai (for Maru in a bag) 3. Disposable (for Akane) Biggest spammer: 1. The spambots 2. Trombe Most argumentative: 1. Zess 2. AltermaliceNero Drama Queen/King: 1. electrastar 2. MaddAdam 3. Ryu Most effective Troll: 1. nekkichi 2. Senedjem WTF-Award of the year: 1. The MH-Chat Best drama thread: 1. Kisaki will be absent in live performance (and the picture drama that followed) 2. ZeluvA Best review: 1. sai; Zess (a tie. Zess got most votes for his review on ELEMENTA ALCHEMICA, while sai got most of her votes for her DIVISION review) 2. Jigsaw9; MaddAdam Friendliest/most helpful member: 1. Jigsaw9 2. sai 3. CaRaN; Biopanda Most loyal Kisaki fan of the year: 1. pixyfalse01 (by an overwhelming majority, might I add) 2. inartistic User with most interesting musical taste: 1. CAT5 2. stylelover; Disposable; -timecapsule- Music-creation-award (for the users who post their own creations): 1. bonsaijodelfisch; Yuuko; jiyun_kun MH Theme song: 1. idiot - Fakkin' A 2. ensoku - This is a pen That's it! So how did you like these awards? Do you have feedback for next year's awards? Let us know here! Also, feel free to share your thoughts on the results!
  21. sai

    ^ Judging that bands like PLUNKLOCK and Calmando Qual already charge 25, and an indie band like D already charged 38 last year in Germany, I'm afraid we're going to have to think of prices around 55-60 (same as LUNA SEA, kind of).
  22. sai

    In b4 "NO 'MURICA" or 70 euros for a ticket. I could go to the Dortmund date, but to be quite honest I only really like DIM. They hardly play from that album anymore and I dislike their recent stuff, so I don't think I'll spend so much money on tickets.
  23. sai

    BUCK-TICK - Catalogue Victor→Mercury 87–99 (First Press Limited Edition) It was on sale (and for quite a bit too! More than 50% off!) so I figured "why not?" --> Seems like I got one of the last few copies, the sale's over now. Guess I got lucky.
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