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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Reminds me of the guy who uploaded a single in 98kbps and stated "perfection" as the bitrate lmao.
  2. sai

    ^ Ooooooh I have those too! Fantastic headphones, I hope you'll enjoy them
  3. Oh my message wasn't directed at you, please don't misunderstand that. I doubt people are attacking you though, it's just the way most people feel about the statement presented
  4. sai

    Yes, but the difference here is that you didn't intend to lower the bitrate. In your case it just happened because you weren't familiar with the ripping proces and everyone can make such mistakes in the beginning ! The ones I mean are the ones that know what they're doing and choose to go for bitrates like 128 kbps. You know, it doesn't really feel like they're sharing to spread awesome music and share their love of the artist with others. When I find a cool album and purchase it and then share it with my friends, I do it because I enjoyed that release and want to expose it to more people, so that maybe other people will find new music that they'll enjoy and that will make them happy. If I share (though I haven't shared in ages) I do it out of love for music. There's nothing wrong with actually stating "please buy the CD if you enjoyed this release!", in my personal opinion it just doesn't feel right if you put it as an excuse NOT to share to the fullest. But hey, everyone should share how they want, I'm not entitled to anything and if they want to do this be my guest. I agree with CAT on the matter that sharing low quality out of spite isn't the best thing to do. It's probably better to explain the situation to them and if they don't want to listen then they're really not worth your time. As stated before, people can be so awfully entitled to certain things! I do agree that everyone should be free in how they rip their CDs, but there's nothing wrong with personally disliking certain mentalities. Take CAT for example, CAT shares his stuff out of love and passion for music, and because it's his mentality that he'd like to enjoy music to the fullest, he'll always share the highest possible bitrate he can get his hands on, whether that is a 320 or a 192 rip. Other people don't have this mentality and mostly do it because they want to receive a lot of status on this forum and in the online VK community. Like I said, if they want to share it that way I won't be the one to complain in their thread, I'll take the file and be grateful for it, because they still purchased it and took the effort to upload it (they could've chosen just not to), but I guess my mentality is just different.
  5. I really don't care whether my favourite band uses the small amount of money they make from CDs (which isn't quite a lot, considering a lot of the album sales money is used to pay other people involved in the process of making a CD, as someone already stated before me) to take their kids to the zoo or sniff coke from a prostitute's behind. The money they make because I spend it on them is theirs and they can do whatever they want with it, unless they're using it to support neo-nazi's or smth like that lol (then obviously I wouldn't put money into people who support that sort of thing). They put effort and time into making the music so I shouldn't feel entitled just because I bought that CD that they should do what I want them to do. Just buy what you enjoy from a band. They released an album you didn't like? Too bad, then don't buy it. But don't start whining that you spent so much money on them and now they're "doing this to you and you feel so betrayed". A band does whatever they want musically (unless in specific cases with awful contracts or whatever but then again it's still up the band itself to decide to go major and in the process lose some of their individuality) and if you don't enjoy it you should just not support it.
  6. sai

    I agree with this! I know all music forums have both leechers and active community members, but in my personal opinion quite a bit of visual kei fans have started to feel so incredibly entitled lately to have the releases they want on the release date and if they don't they start throwing hissyfits about it. The really old VK veterans had to trade to get the stuff they wanted, they had to climb mountains, cross rivers, fight dragons for that one Gazette release I remember when someone bought the limited edition of an album and uploaded it and also promised to make a DVD rip and people legitly started spamming their thread with impatient and rude messages as to why the DVD (which was a full live DVD in ISO so you can imagine the size of that file + the time it would need to rip/upload) wasn't uploaded yet only two days after the initial album was posted. People need to realize that behind every file there is a person who bought that release, probably paid a shitload for shipping (if they're physical copies) and then was so kind to rip it to their computer in a good quality and share it with the rest of the world. You don't even have to press thanks or even say it, I just wish more people realized this before they start calling someone a liar or an ass. Though concerning bitrate, I've always been on CAT's side with this: share it to the fullest or don't share at all. People who upload releases in 128-192kbps and say "go buy the album if you want a better quality" are obviously not sharing the release to share awesome music and give one of their favourite artists more exposure, but purely because they want a big e-penis. "Oh look at my 320/Lossless rip of that album that you can't have lol", is something I'm very much against. On one side I'm like "yeah okay I'm happy people share it at all" (especially since I've gotten into a lot of Japanese regular indie music, where it's a lot harder to come by releases than it is in VK) but sharing bad quality isn't going to solve the problem. If you really share a lower bitrate to have more people buy the album, then I've got some news for you: it doesn't work. A lot of VK fans don't care about bitrate that much (as long as it's listenable), especially if they're young and don't have the cash to import VK CDs from Japan. I actually would feel more opposed to purchasing an album I only have an 128 rip of because it misses a lot of details that I can hear in a 320 rip. Good quality can just really enhance the musical experience, at least, that's how I see it. People who want to buy the album will buy it anyway, this "here's a low quality"-method doesn't work and it makes you look like a douche, sorry. tl;dr - share to the fullest or don't share at all SORRY FOR THE LONG POST.
  7. sai

    As long as you don't drink too much then it's fine. I saw an article in the papers of teenagers (but I assume this also has to do with the fact that they haven't fully grown yet) who got actual heart conditions from drinking 5-6 cans a day =/
  8. sai

    Oh, interesting that it'll have no old songs! I was kind of hoping LIGHTNING and BALLAD would define the general feeling of the album (as I like this side of lynch. the best), so I have no idea what this album will bring. I hope it'll be good though! Also Trombe, does this mean there will only be one edition being 3,564yen with a DVD and no split in regular and limited?
  9. sai

    Welcome to the forum! Don't be afraid to participate in the chat, we're not THAT terrible Also, good to have another BT fan on board. Do you have a favourite album when it comes to them? Mine would probably be 十三階は月光 (13kai wa gekkou) or 狂った太陽 (Kurutta Taiyou)
  10. sai

    Disliking your own size can be due too multiple amounts of reasons, some of which can be more easily overcome than others. The example I set was purely meant for people who feel uncomfortable because they think they will never get a PARTNER due too their size. The other category would be people that have heard from multiple people that they're attractive, but where the idea that they're not is so deeply engraved into their minds due too past circumstances that it's not as easily changed by saying "don't feel about it anymore". The people I'm addressing are the ones where this isn't so deep-rooted. I personally know what that is like, really I do, I was a bullying victim for more than ten years. What I'm trying to say is, sure, if people were nicer to eachother and didn't mind other people's business as much as they do, then people would probably feel more comfortable in their own skin, I agree. BUT sadly that's not the case, and looking at how things are now I doubt that they ever will. Lots of individuals are very egocentric and will have to look down on others to make themselves feel better. So even though you can't change people's behaviour, you can try to learn how to live with it. And that's not something that happens overnight...it can take months, even years before someone finally retrieves their lost self-esteem. All I'm trying to say it's a shame that people are made to feel bad about themselves through pressure from outside. @miyuu being asexual is just basically not feeling any sort of sexual attraction towards others, both male as female.
  11. sai

    In my daily life I honestly don't give three shits about what men find attractive in girls. It's quite pathetic that women are valued by the size of their jeans, hips, buttocks, breasts, etc and not by their intelligence and skills. Advertisement tells us we need to be a size zero to be found attractive in general and it's really making me sick. People who dislike their size because they think they won't be able to get a date due to it need to stop doing that because if you find someone who actually truly cares about they honestly won't care whether you have jeans size zero or jeans size fourteen. Everyone likes different things anyway. I don't know how looks can participate in sexual desire or so though since I'm asexual and don't experience any sexual attraction, so you'll have to educate me on that.
  12. sai

    Yeah, I wouldn't be convinced it's a full-length. After all, YG often says "new album" while they actually mean it's a mini-album. When they announced GD's ONE OF A KIND mini they announced it as an album, so I thought it was an actual full-length until they released the tracklist. Same goes for BIG BANG's "album" that also turned out to be a mini. Seeing as GD's second full-length album was actually promoted as a full-length, judging solely from what YG has been saying, I'm going to guess this is not going to be a full album. So it'll probably be a mini with about 5-6 tracks, of which the 3 singles. So I would count on about 3 new songs + an intro.
  13. sai

    Interesting thread Zess! I have quite a few album covers that I really like, but I'll try to narrow it down to three of my biggest favourites. Boris - New Album Reason: Well basically Boris is kind of hit/miss when it comes to album covers to me. Their covers are usually very simplistic, a single colour and the name of the album + artist. New Album however matches the style of music the album presents. It's light, yet even though there are a lot of things going on in the image, it still manages to portray a very calm atmosphere. The use of colour and mixing of such is done really well, yet Boris didn't drift far from their usual methods, as the woman painted here is most probably Wata, the band's guitarist. 虹の彼方 - Seven Colors Variations - Reason: The album cover is actually made up of two parts, the other side is on the back, but as it was hard to find in a normal size, here's the front. This is an album of an electronics artist, and what I love about electronics is how calm and atmospheric that music can be. A cover like this matches the type of music well. It's simple, the brush strokes rough but accurate and the font clear but not over the top. The wooden border looks better in the complete picture, to be quite honest, so I'm going to disregard that one. RADWIMPS - Xと○と罪と Reason: I guess this is a very personal choice, but I do love this cover. The black background with the huge mash-up of colours that are all unorganized yet still manage to show recognizable shapes are in some strange compatible with how this album sounds. And let's be honest, it's just pretty to look at.
  14. sai

    I sadly don't know any of those artists minus LUNA SEA. Actually, I do know DEATHGAZE by name, but I haven't listened to them a lot. 1. LEO今井 - Kaeru St. 2. Yoko Shimomura - The Worlds 3. BUCK-TICK - SECRET REACTION 4. school food punishment - Ura Omote 5. 4MINUTE - Gimme that 6. Boris - Bataille Sucre 7. トクマルシューゴ - Suisha 8. M-KODA - Panorama 9. Nightwish - Escapist 10. LEO今井 - Ame Zanza Lots of great tracks in this shuffle imo, but urgghh Ame Zanza tho.
  15. sai

    I need both. If there is a really REALLY great vocalist at work then sometimes I can overlook a lack of good instrumentals, but mostly it's necessary. Especially with good audio gear, hearing small details in the instrumental is great and adds to the song in general. I can't listen to a song where the same riff is just chugged 5 minutes in a row. Vocals are not needed for good tracks either imo. Some instrumental bands are just fantastic without. I've heard progressive rock bands and also post-rock bands without vocals where there really was no vocalist necessary.
  16. sai

    What is Pokebank about, actually? I heard from Zess it's a way to get Pokemon from older generations into X and Y, but how do they do it? Do you have to use old games, or are there codes/events?
  17. sai

    soon to be released /i hope it'll be before 2020 tbqh lmao
  18. sai

    tl;dr tbqh. Pokemon games are serious business. Anyway the entire proces sounds tedious. I'd rather play the game for myself and not battle people online instead of spending all that time breeding "the perfect team". It's just a game, after all. I'm the simpleton who just catches Pokemon, raises them, gets attached to the team I've used all through the game and never switches it in for others.
  19. sai

    Well yeah that was a surprise for an episode. FUCKING MORIARTY.
  20. sai

    What are IVs even I have no idea everyone keeps mentioning them.
  21. sai

    I still need to see the new Hobbit film, but I just don't have the time to go to the movies with my current school schedule /and none of my friends like Lord of the Rings so I would have to go alone lmao
  22. Yeah...I don't really like it that much either. It's not even good K-pop, haha. Actually it reminded me of ViViD for some reason. I really do hope this is a one-time thing.
  23. sai

    I would go with J from LUNA SEA, definitely when it comes to men. Also 凛として時雨's TK looks very handsome imo. Takeshi from Boris too. I only noticed at a conert though, haha. Morrie from DEAD END and Atsushi Sakurai from BUCK-TICK have looked better in the past, tbqh, currently...eh. For females I'd have to say Shiina Ringo too! And AI, the j-pop singer, whoa.
  24. sai

    Well bands like DEAD END were obviously inspired by western glam metal bands. What I've read from interviews, bands like BUCK-TICK were mostly inspired by bands like Bauhaus, the Cure and mostly David Bowie. Tbqh I think Bowie himself also had quite an influence when it comes to late 80s/early 90s VK.
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