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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    BUCK-TICK will release their new album "或いはアナーキー(arui wa anarchy)" (Either this or anarchy (Imai probably discovered TPP)) on June 4th. The album will contain 14 songs, but it's not known yet whether or not songs from the new single released in May will be included on the record. Rumours say that there will be some interesting guest performers included in this album, but this has not been confirmed yet. The band will go on a new Japan hall tour starting on June 18th. source: blog-tick
  2. Even if said thing is the case, can you really expect from the the staff that they'll have to contact the uploader of every file that comes out weird in spek? Only if they're the original uploader they'd be able to tell us what settings/program they used to rip CDs, and plenty of people here post rips that aren't theirs, meaning we can not always tell what the cause of the distortion is. Not every staff member can tell the difference between a transcode and a "bad rip" from a mere spek photo. Like Zess says, there are 7 of us and 7000 of you. If it really bothers you that a file is tagged as a transcode when you think it's just a bad rip (which you could only know if you knew what programs the person ripped with but whatever) just use the report button.
  3. sai

    You're missing the point here. The reason why this would come in handy is because it would force blogspot owners to reupload the files, which: Keeps files online longer. If the link dies on one source, there will always be plenty of other sources where you'll be able to get it. It makes it more difficult to find the original source as well, which is safer for the uploader considering the enormous piracy hunt the US government is planning to go on. Plus it makes the file easier to access. Takes away traffic from the original uploader. I remember sugibo suddenly had incredibly high traffic when they uploaded DIVISION and not even a week later the file was deleted by mediafire, not one blog reuploaded it, file gone from the net forever. Forces the blog owners to do some more work on their blog. People who ask not to have their link reposted but reuploaded instead will be helped a great deal by this. Also let's face it; blog owners are really lazy in general. They don't even take the effort to spend 5 minutes to reupload something if the original uploader requested them to do so. Finding a solution for everyone is going to be really difficult, because we've tried A LOT of methods to stop reposting and none of them worked. I'm not saying it is impossible and that we shouldn't try, but there are a lot of different uploaders with a lot of different preferences. Having Draconian measures is only going to be counterproductive because as Champ already stated, why bother going over all these hurdles here if they can get it with a single click of their mouse on a blogspot? It will take potential users away. I was a leecher once and I became active only after about 2 months, just like CAT5 was an original leecher as well. We can't take away the possibility that these people might become active after all. Besides, every uploader is different. People who want their stuff reuploaded and are pissed off by blogspots not doing so will find the encrypter a really nice solution, people who don't want their stuff reposted at all will not stop until there is a police-like brigade on this website that will kick out anyone who is even slightly linked to a blogspot. And Magatsu, you can keep playing this "you're wrong, I'm right"-game but it isn't going to solve the problem. Whether these rules are acceptable are not depends on the type of uploader you are. If more people backed your ideas then we could give it some serious thought, but constantly being difficult because we're not doing it the way you want is not going to help this problem at all. edit: I think changing the rule to what Champ just proposed is nicely put and keeps it flexible for both uploaders and staff members. I've always been a fan of flexible rules when it comes to the DL section because it gives both the uploaders more space and the staff can act out easier.
  4. sai

    In all honesty, probably not. You might enjoy SHADOWPLAY and perhaps one or two catchier poppy songs, but I don't think there's anything for you on Supernova.
  5. sai

    Only 6 months after the release of AC4, Ubisoft has posted a CGI snippet of the upcoming Assassins Creed game called Assassin's Creed Unity on their YouTube channel (the game has been in development for about 3 years). The game is set for release in "holiday 2014" (so I assume that's December?) and will be released on PS4, XBOX One and PC (so no PS3 or XBOX360). It seems like the game will take place in Paris during the French Revolution (which sounds a lot more interesting to me than their last pirate game). Here's the snippet: Nothing else is known about the game, but I hope we're getting an actual Assassin again, bc that's what I didn't like about the last one. I'm not immediately buying a next-gen console for this (still waiting for release dates for KH3 and FFXV, but Nomura said they'd probably be announced at E3 this year). So what do you think? Are you happy we're getting a next-gen only release, or are you not so happy about the fact that Ubisoft is releasing a new AC game every year?
  6. sai

    I think that's probably because of the band's image or so. People often tend to confuse a performer's image with their actual personality. Though I'm not a fan and know very little of the band, from what I've seen they seem like a really serious, ambient band on stage, but that doesn't mean the guys are all like that on a personal level. Plus their interviews are also somewhat more serious, but I remember a video where Shinya and Kyo were at a regular TV show and Kyo smiled quite a bit in between talking about the new release and his idols.
  7. sai

    Do you happen to have a link to the information about the composition? I know this is probably the wrong thread to ask but I'm just really curious who composed what.
  8. sai

    Before I start the typical tl;dr review I'm curious to know why quite a lot who replied here dislike Alpha so much. In my opinion it really isn't THAT bad an album and it has plenty of catchy tracks. In the aspect of poppy Alice Nine, Alpha was a lot better than Supernova and I'll be explaining why. Now, about Supernova; as others have stated before me, the album ended before I had any notice of it. I was at Exist when I started a puzzle of sudoku. I filled in only 3 blocks and suddenly the prelude was playing and the album was finished. To be quite honest I feel like Supernova wasn't made to be an album with any theme whatsoever. "9" also showcased Alice Nine's more basic sound, but "9" was a lot more consistent and flowed well. Alice Nine did not create Supernova with anything in mind. Considering "9" released 2 years ago I would not be surprised if Supernova had to be released before "9"'s release date was passed by two years. So what's the result? Put all the singles on the album, and add 6 more songs of which one is a prelude (which isn't actually a prelude because it's at the end of the album and it doesn't flow into SHINING at all. Nice trying pulling a Sound in Gate guys, bravo) and the other one is an interlude to one of the new songs. In total that leaves 4 full new songs out of 12. Alice Nine has never pulled such a stunt before; their releases always have plenty of new content so the fact that there's so many old songs on top of the fact that it's close to "9"'s release date really gives me the impression that this one was done on a tight schedule. If you look at the 4 newly created songs, you can hear that they all have electronic bits which the singles didn't have. This makes the entire album feel like a compilation album composed of random tracks more than an actual album. Of the single tracks that are on the album, I enjoyed SHADOWPLAY and DAYBREAK. I liked these singles when they were released, though I'm not so big on the fact that they mixed guitar parts with the piano at the interlude of SHADOWPLAY, it feels really out of place. I didn't like SHINING either; it had plenty of interesting vocal hooks, but the instruments were just incredibly dull. All I could hear was Saga's bass. Nao, Tora and Hiroto were hardly audible and when you could actually hear the guitars in the chorus, they did nothing more than play a few repetitive melodies that even Shou couldn't save. Exist and 開戦前夜 were not to my liking. Heavier riffs doesn't equal good and both songs just don't leave any sort of impression at all. 開戦前夜 is a mess with Shou being constantly out of tune and repetitive drumming that completely ruins the rest of the song. Exist is the better of the two but I would only rate it average. Shining star is really dull and I doubt I'll change my opinion on it. Now for the new tracks. +- reminds me of an anime theme that I've heard before but I can't seem to recall which one. The "WOHO"-parts were kind of lame and removed all structure and flowing from the chorus of the song. However apart from these parts +- is a catchy song that I'll be relistening on my own. SEVEN is catchy as hell and probably the best new song. This is one of the few songs on the album where Shou is actually in sync with the rest of the band. Shou's vocal lines on this album are interesting enough, the rest of the band just doesn't back him up whatsoever. I really enjoy SEVEN, so I have nothing more to say about it. メビウス was really mediocre. A track like this needs a catchy chorus or some nice hooks to work; it lacked both and turns into the most forgettable new song. 1 Minute Kidding is just an interlude to KID and could've been left out. Then again whenever I listen to it it reminds me of a song from the Kill la Kill soundtrack. In other words: / 5 KID could've done without the pretentious dubstep breakdown. What is this I'm listening to, a ViViD album? The quality of Supernova makes me think that it was written by ViViD or any of ViViD's ghost writers because I'm not used to this pisspoor quality coming from Saga's side. I simply hate it when VK bands put in dubstep breakdowns in their songs where they a) don't fit are completely unnecessary. Can we just kill this trend asap pls. And that's it I guess? I'm not reviewing the prelude. Least favourite A9 album so far. Not sure whether to blame the band's taste going to shit, them joining UNIVERSAL and UNIVERSAL trying to make them even more into a fujoshi-oriented band without focusing on the material (which they always were, but hey at least A9 cared about putting out good tunes!), or the complete lack of time that they might've had. Another thing I noticed was how their skills were completely undermined here. Usually Tora and Hiroto work together splendidly and they improve on every single release. On this album however, I heard nothing of this. Neither guitarists did anything outstanding and one of them easily could've skipped the recording. The drumming is bland as well; Saga is the only one instrumentally who does anything worthwhile. | only 4/12 songs were new, only two of them of were actually good. Daybreak and Shadowplay remain enjoyable, which makes for 4 out of 12 songs I've enjoyed (4/10 if you don't count the two interludes). Very weak.
  11. sai

    I really like the new battle system, it's a lot more interactive compared to the paradigm shift system. The most complaints storywise that I've heard were about the time limit. You are on a tight schedule and people who complain about that are just absolute shit at time management. I mean I'm the biggest procrastinator that ever lived and even I haven't run out of time yet. If you do run out of time it's game over and you have to completely start over again. The game starts with 6 days on the clock and since God only awakens to create a new world on the 13th day, it's your job to extend the end of the world up to 12-13 days, which you do by saving souls. There are as far as I know 5 main quests, each one leads to you save the soul of one of the main characters (that being for example Snow or Noel and so on), so unless you do too many sidequests it shouldn't be too hard. Speaking of hard: NORMAL MODE IS INSANE. I started on Normal like I usually do and jesus christ is it hard, so I had to restart on easy, lol. Idk I really enjoy the story then again I've enjoyed the entire XIII-series. I'm not speaking directly to you Saku in what I'm going to say bc I agree XIII-2's story wasn't too great, but I feel like a lot of male FF fans dislike the series because they're mostly dominated by women. A lot of these people tend to not understand that linear doesn't equal bad. I'm not surprised that most gamers who liked the XIII-series were actually women. The guys who hate on XIII because they dislike Lightning are the same ones who keep saying FFXV is going to bring the series back on track and it's no coincidence it has an nearly all-male cast (and so far Noctis' impression as a character isn't much different from how Lightning is). At least, on the "good" side there isn't a female at all, just Noctis and his guys. I don't mind it having an all-male cast again, it just bothers me that I feel like this series is getting more hate than it deserves just because of the womanly touch of it (I mean srsly everyone hated X-2 as well and it had all girls too). So yeah, don't let others dominate your opinion too much, but I understand if you want to wait. I'll be doing the same with any upcoming Assassin's Creed games bc of AC4 as well.
  12. sai

    Rough translation of the fee (last time I paid was with EMS, so 17,50): construction of the required customs form paying the calculated fees in advance opening and resealing of the package investigation of the product and said products value safekeeping costs (as they're being kept in their warehouse) general costs of informing customs of the package administrative costs (wages) so yeah, that counts for 13,00 euros on Air Mail and SAL, and 17,50 for EMS
  13. sai

    ...I think I'll skip then XD I played the demo and I enjoyed the concept of it, but it was a bit too hard for me. I've played Final Fantasy III on DS a few years back and even though I enjoyed the combat system and the story, I just wasn't good at battles. I was sincerely underleveled at pretty much everything I did, though I had minimal to zero problems with Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. Then again, I really don't like long grinding, lol. I even get impatient if I have to grind my Pokemon for gym battles, so I guess I'll skip out on it until I can get it out somewhere cheaply XD Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright is something better to invest in my case then, I think. I've never played any of the Professor Layton games so I'm not sure how I'll like the puzzle aspect of the game but I've played every Phoenix Wright title to date (except AAI2 which was never localised outside of Japan) so I doubt I'll dislike that part, haha. Logic and trying to connect the dots is the best part of these games and they actually made me go to lawschool, haha. Yeah, I just wasn't really feeling AC4 As a pirate game it was a lovely game, but it didn't feel like an AC game to me, if you know what I mean...and that's why I bought the game, to have an Assassin's Creed game; good old Assassins vs. Templars. I stopped after sequence 4 or so, and since Lightning Returns released I haven't been playing it at all. I'm considering taking it back to GameStop or so to have it sold as used, I can at least catch a few bucks to spend on other games that way. /also i sucked so bad at naval battles lmao By the way Saku, have you picked up Lightning Returns yet? If so, how do you feel about it?
  14. sai

    Brb moving to Germany. Here if you buy a 25 euros CD the total you have to pay is about...I'd say with the new taxes, 24 euros, so almost as much as the CD itself. 5 euros in taxes, 19 in administrative fees. how isn't this illegal lmao. i should probably go check this soon bc having a total of as much (or more) than the actual product seems very...fishy to me.
  15. sai

    Recently bought Pokemon White 2 bc I needed it for PokeTransfer from older games, but I'm enjoying it so far. I notice that I have no GEN-V Pokemon in my team whatsoever except for my starter, though I'll probably replace him as well as soon as I can get my hands on a Lapras in-game. Also currently playing FFXIII-LR, though not that far ahead yet bc of my lack of time to play it. I'm enjoying it quite a lot though. Also I dropped AC4 because I really didn't like it that much. Still wondering whether I should purchase Bravely Default or save the money for the Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright thing coming out at the end of this month.
  16. sai

    ^ Pretty much. The tax percentage on CDs is 21% (it used to be 12% or something but they included it in the 21% group lately) so on a package of 25 euros you pay like 5 euros of tax which isn't that bad at all. I mean for 5 euros I wouldn't mind ordering at CDJapan but having to pay 18 euros extra to the company, lmao, go eat a dick.
  17. sai

    Nice track, catchy! Made me quite excited for the rest of the album. I agree with Bear on the drumming though, it sounds lackluster and hardly packs any punch at all. I hope it won't be a thing on the entire album.
  18. sai

    Same. Considering that there's only one company in my country that delivers international parcels and their service and delivery speed are pisspoor I refuse to contribute to them in any way or form. I'd rather wait 4 weeks by ordering from a shop that lies about the value of the package (and even have free shipping) than to pay 14 euros for Air Mail, having to wait 2,5 weeks anyway (because customs has a sincere lack of staff) and then have to pay custom tax + administrative fees (which are ridiculously high).
  19. sai

    Does anyone know any good police drama animes? Something along the lines of either Ghost in the Shell or Psycho-pass would do. Also would you recommend Gurrenn Lagan (or whatever it's called) if I enjoy Kill la Kill? Afaik US Netflix has a few animes, they have Attack on Titan subbed but with a few name changes, like Jean is John and Eren is Aaron or smth like that lol.
  20. sai

    Apart from the metalcore parts (which I'm not a big fan of most of the time) this sounds really promising, can't wait!
  21. sai

    Did Riku and Kisaki break up bc this is like the first Kisaki project ever without Riku lmao
  22. Same here! I love Satsuki's character development in this episode. Also poor Senketsu crying his eye out, haha. Can't wait for the Elite Four and Mako to kick some ass as well next episode.
  23. hnghhh the new Kill la Kill was fantastic

  24. sai

    I agree with Black Flag. I pre-ordered it and I have a total of 9 hours of gameplay so far. The story is really uninteresting and I don't feel a connection with the main character at all. I think I might sell it because I spent too much money on a game I probably will never even finish. I didn't enjoy Revelations either but AC3 wasn't too bad imo, though Connor was a bit dull. He could've been a fantastic character though so I blame this on not developing him enough.
  25. sai

    I'm going to repeat what Pretsy already mentioned at the end of his post: Political talk does not belong in this thread. If you want to talk about the Russia-Ukraine situation, you can make a thread in "Current Events" in General Discussion, or if you would prefer, through PM. All irrelevant posts from now on will be deleted.
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