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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Treating someone with respect who isn't nice to you isn't pretending or you being two-faced, it means you're mature enough to handle such a situation. Like Yuugi said, hitting someone back isn't going to solve the problem. You have to make sure you don't care, and make sure they notice that too. That's why you're being "nice". Even if it does bother you, fake it until you make it. Just pretend you don't care, cry at home for all I care but NEVER show you're offended or hurt in front of them. This is really REALLY hard and I have firsthand experience with it but when people see you simply don't care about what they think about you they'll stop and automatically start looking for someone else to nag.
  2. sai

    ^ I can confirm that this definitely helps in certain situations. I once had someone in my university's group project be incredibly mean to me. I had never met the girl before, I didn't even know her name but it was clear she hated me from day 1. She talked about me behind my back, spread rumours that weren't true and refused to take any of my suggestions for our group project. I decided to ignore her behaviour and to treat her normally, and the more I ignored it the more frustrated she became that her insults weren't doing anything. At some point, she let it go and treated me normally (first I thought she needed something from me but she never asked so yeah). We never spoke again but I do not see the point in that either. Turns out she hated me because she went to the same high school as my best friend (whom she disliked because my friend just did a lot better in school than she did) so she instantly hated me too, lmao.
  3. sai

    Wrong thread son ^ Put it in the right one for you. Also, groovy b-side. Initial reaction was this though:
  4. sai

    All you have to do is paste the youtube link, that's all! No more codes needed, IP board automatically changed your link into the video
  5. Vampire themes are my favourite because like 99% of VK bands pull them off so poorly and it just adds to overal cheesiness of the song/scene ahahaha (except Kamijo who won after his glorious battle which resulted in his euphoric song "Death of Asagi"). Well since VK IS and always will be something "mysterious" (at least, that's what most bands try to go for, but see previous paragraph for how this usually turns out), vampire themes and themes like Alice in Wonderland are quite a perfect fit to achieve that idea, at least, that's how I saw it.
  6. sai

    Mana in between palm trees omfg best poster
  7. I'm interested in watching Guilty Crown, it sort of looks like a mecha anime, I'm not sure? I found out Hiroyuki Sawano did the OST and since he always adds quality to quality I figured it had to be a neat show. Anyone who has seen it and care to enlighten me?
  8. sai

    KOREAN PROMOS ARE WHAT I LIVE FOR JESUS CHRIST. /no but seriously they make me laugh so hard omg Another favourite of mine:
  9. Korean promo videos for Hannibal are the most beautiful thing to exist
    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      my life is complete now

  10. sai

    It's not bad to like anything musically at all, it's not like someone gets murdered everytime you listen to NYAPPY around the world Anyway, welcome! I hope you'll enjoy your time here (paradoxal certainly seems to do so!). If you have any questions, please don't be afraid to contact someone with a blue or red name. The other members are also usually very helpful.
  11. sai

    Welcome! I hope you'll enjoy your time here! I'm sorry to hear things didn't go so well the first time; if there's anything that's bothering you can just message someone with a blue or red name and we'll try to help you as best as we can!
  12. I consider Titan a pretty nice show, but it's not "the best thing since sliced bread" such as most of the tumblr anime community likes to make you believe. Or to quote my friend: I haven't rewatched the show, but I don't really have any intention of doing so considering I never rewatch shows. I quit reading the manga because it's getting too confusing for me at this point and I'd rather just wait for a second season of anime to be released in a year or two (yeah I'm lazy). I'm glad that Titan at least isn't filled with hords of sexism considering all the females in the show are fantastic characters in their own ways and in no way made inferior to the male characters (off-topic but something that should be said at least). But yeah, it's not the best show I've ever seen, that's a bit too high of a score, lol.
  13. Did anyone watch the new Attack on Titan OVA? I didn't really like it. The unfitting humour that is portrayed throughout the series is basically all thrown together in one episode and I wasn't really digging it (except for drunk Pixis shooting through a roof and turning into a Titan of course, lmao). Ilse's diary was tons better than this one.
  14. sai

    澤野弘之 - KILL la KILL ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK Alcest - Shelter indigo la End - あの街レコード cinema staff - Drums,Bass,2(to)Guitars Super Junior-M - SWING Not so many good things from outside of Japan for me, sadly. I was disappointed by quite a few things I heard from Japan as well that I expected more of, but Korea has been really disappointing so far. Same goes for the west apart from Alcest.
  15. sai

    I think you also have to take into account that Mads has gotten about 2 seasons of material of screentime as where Hopkins had 2 movies, one of which he spent most of his screentime in a cell and his only form of interaction with the outside world was through Clarice Starling. Silence of the Lambs showed his more human side along with his intellect, Mads portrays a more manipulative character, which has a possibility to be more well-rounded also because he has more time to do so. I respect your opinion of course, it's just that this is the first time I've heard someone say they prefer Mads! I always preferred Hopkins, merely because he gave me the creeps from the first scene on, unlike Mads. I mean, that opening scene in Silence of the Lambs in his first meeting with Starling, how he just stood there in an elegant position with a smile on his face...really unnerving. Mads hasn't been able to give me that feeling yet, sadly. I'm not that big a fan of the show considering it's not really that closely related to the novels. I'm sort of scared what will happen when Fuller decides to bring Clarice into the show (though he can't atm as he doesn't have the rights for her character), because she's absolutely one of my favourite female characters from a lot of movies and shows I've seen (Jodie Foster's version of course, wasn't too big on Julianne Moore in the role). On another note, this show has hilarious fanvideos: NEVER AGAIN WILL
  16. Agreed! I'm 6 episodes in and I have no idea what's really going on but it's a really intruiging series so far. I just want to keep watching to see all these mysteries and hints be resolved.
  17. sai

    Bought Pokemon White 2 to be able to use it to transfer old Pokemon to X/Y but oddly I'm really enjoying White 2. I've heard a lot of bad reviews about the Unova games but White 2/Black 2 is a really enjoyable game with a nice plot and really challenging aspects. After having played X, White 2 was definitely a step up in difficulty.
  18. Finally started Durarara!! I'm already in fucking tears over Shizuo's insane physical strength (and him basically throwing lamp posts and vending machines at whoever pisses him off, though he somehow dislikes violence). Anyway, watched 2 episodes so far and it's quite enjoyable, going to finish it asap so I'm ready for the second season!
  19. sai

  20. sai

    LMAO at this entire thread. I still have a few gems I want to share as well, I'll post them later!
  21. sai

    Quicksilver was 7 minutes, Vanilla was probably about 4 minutes from what I can recall, and Angel around 6 or so? The others might be, but I don't think we'll know until they release the track lengths.
  22. sai

    Sorry if I'm stealing your thunder Wonrei Anyway, Boris is releasing a new album called "NOISE" on June 17th everywhere except Japan (lol) via Sargent House. Sargent House posted one of the new songs called Quicksilver on their Soundcloud already: https://soundcloud.com/sargent-house/boris-quicksilver/ Tracklist: 01. Melody 02. Vanilla 03. Ghost of Romance 04. Heavy Rain 05. Taiyo no Baka 06. Angel 07. Quicksilver 08. Siesta I've heard Vanilla and Angel before when seeing them in 2012, so they've had those songs for a while already, both were really great songs as well. Can't wait! source
  23. sai

    ^ Good point, thanks for letting us know. This indeed isn't a very desirable outcome either. Sadly, this was my only option that might work. All in all it's really difficult to solve this problem; the internet just basically does its thing anyway and you can't change people's mentality without completely locking down the forum, which would result in turning the entire section into an incredibly elitist mess (we've seen this happen with the post4link-method and it soon became a warzone because people refused to send links to people they didn't like). I actually have a list of people I know who are both active here as on blogspots. I keep an eye on them from time to time to see if they respect the uploader's wishes, and if they don't I will contact them about this as it's now an official board rule. I can't do more than that though, sadly. If they refuse to listen warnings/bans can be put in motion but registering a new account or using a proxy is done in less than 10 seconds.
  24. sai

    I understand your frustation, but please do not accuse others of things without any hard evidence. People might not upload because they get their copy after someone else does, or maybe they just can't spare the cash on music because of a difficult financial situation, for example. We'd like to keep this discussion as civilized as possible so that we can all work towards a good solution to this problem. It's perfectly fine not to agree with kai and Rosa's opinions, just don't make it personal when you decide to react to it. Now, in response to what's bothering you, I'm afraid there's not much that we can do about it with all the current possible solutions that we've thought up. We have included the rule that people should respect the uploader's wishes, but we can't possibly play police outside of our own forum. People from blogs usually use usernames different from the ones they use on their blog, because they KNOW a lot of uploaders are not happy with the reposting policy (either because they don't want their stuff reposted or because they prefer their stuff to be reuploaded to take away heavy traffic and to keep the link alive longer) and are therefore trying their best not to get caught. Even if we found out who they are, banning them only solves so much; they can make a new account in a matter of seconds. Banning their IP won't work either; proxies can be found everywhere on the internet. The fact that these people try to hide themselves so well is (as stated before) basically proof that they know that what they're doing is not something lots of people are positive about. This is just pure laziness and very rude behaviour. Why? I know a person who is quite active on here who posts on edohsama (I shall not name them because I do not want them to be harassed by angry uploaders) and when I asked them why they didn't reupload when the original uploader requested so, they simply stated that it took too much effort. We've discussed our options before and so far the best thing we came up with is the encrypter someone (I think Bunny) suggested. We can't FORCE people to respect the uploader's wishes if said people will do everything they can NOT to (several accounts, different usernames, proxies, etc.), but using that encrypter will at least force people to reupload and take away traffic from the original uploader. It's just the way most of the visual kei community is (I haven't seen this problem too much with non-VK indie music, except for J-MP3 lol) and as my mother has always told me "you cannot change the behaviour and mindset of others, but you can change how you react to it". Getting angry at something that is nearly impossible to change will only make you upset and take away your joy in sharing music with others. So at this point, I would suggest to you, kurenaishineek: think about whether or not the behaviour and the consequences of reposters is something worth your time and frustration (since there is money involved, I would assume it would frustrate you quite a lot, which is understandable). If you notice it bothers you too much, make the decision that you think is right. But if you DO continue sharing, I would advice you not to use your paid filesharing websites accounts for files shared on MH, but to use free ones and keep the ones you paid for for other websites/filesharing communities. It'll save you money and frustrate you a lot less. I bring up the possibility of the encrypter in our next staff discussion, but until then there's nothing we can do. tl;dr: you can't change the mindset of reposters, do what you want with that conclusion.
  25. In addition to hyura I'd like to say that in that particular case it wasn't the problem that he took pictures from google; hell, everyone does that. The problem is that he added pictures from google to things he said he had been doing, like the one where he posted pictures of paper cranes fans had made for him as a get well-soon gift, those turned out to be fake as well, making lots of people doubt whether he was actually hospitalized. I doubt any common musician would fake a hospital visit, you see. Anyway, not meaning to start anything here, just pointing out it isn't as simple as "blaming Kisaki for everything" which is something that happens quite often, agreed on that point. I think if any other musician had done it the same effect would have happened, but since Kisaki is more known in the visual kei world, it's no surprise it blows up like this.
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