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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    This looks so tempting to buy, but I'm waiting for the full abum, don't want to be as disappointed as with their previous one
  2. ^ I wouldn't be surprised though; VK fans already write incredibly long paragraphs about how their favourite band has turned to shit because of a 15 seconds preview lmao. But yeah agreed with Bear, it's okay, but not outstanding.
  3. sai

    dat combo [2] Paris is a bit too far away for me but I don't think I could sit through an hour of SuG just for DEAD END lmao
  4. I really hope they'll show some footage soon, especially at E3. I think Saku's right with how Nintendo announced it early to build the hype for their E3 panel. I know I'll be watching it in any case, I really hope they'll show some footage already.
  5. sai

    Everyone's classic favourite: I had no idea this was in English until I searched for the lyrics, lmao.
  6. So I came across this image today: I'm not sure if it's legit, but it seems to be coming from a magazine. It also seems to hint at mega-evolutions for Treecko and Mudkip's final evolutions + the dark shadow beneath Rayquaza might be a hint for a Mega-Rayquaza or perhaps Rayquaza merged with the other Hoenn legendaries? (just like how you could merge Kyurem with Reshiram in White 2).
  7. sai

    It's nearly that time of the year again! Here are a few E3 previews: - Ubisoft will most probably show content of both Assassin's Creed Comet and Assassin's Creed Unity, along with a new different game they've been working on. Far Cry 4 is also rumoured. - EA is rumoured to reveal footage of Mirror's Edge 2 and a new the Sims game. - Square Enix is coming with a new Final Fantasy XV trailer along with a release date for the game, footage of Kingdom Hearts 3 has been rumoured but not confirmed. Anyone excited? FINAL FANTASY XV RELEASE DATE, FINALLY, HOLY SHIT.
  8. I'm curious if Nintendo will reveal some gameplay footage already at E3 next month, seeing as the release is only about 6 months away. I'm not asking for long footage, just a few pictures would do. I really hope the other two Hoenn starters are getting Mega evolutions too ;_____;
  9. @Piisu: No, they haven't been released yet, at least not officially. The three new Pokemon were only accessible through hack, but the code distributors have been forced to remove those codes for Action Replay because Nintendo threatened to sue, lmao. Same goes for the Latiosite and Latiasite. I don't consider it too soon. Hoenn was something a lot of people wanted a remake of, and since there has been lots of critique about X/Y and its difficulty level (at least to more advanced players) remaking Hoenn could take away the bad taste of the first 3DS Pokemon game. X/Y was beautiful graphic-wise and the story was interesting enough, it just wasn't as challenging as the other games, that's what bothered me about it (and the amount of events post-Elite Four were really slim, like all of them were replaced with "we've got a really broad online trading and battle system now, just use those instead). Hoenn in any case had the best Elite Four, imo. Also, I hope the Champion for these games will remain Steven Stone instead of Wallace. /also HG/SS was really good imo, great remake.
  10. Nintendo has revealed through a video on their official Pokémon YouTube channel that the 3DS remakes of Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire, titled Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire will be hitting stores worldwide in November this year. Here's the video: It's not really sure whether this will be a classic remake like how they remade Red and Gold for the DS, or that it will include a whole new story in the (modified) Hoenn Region. Judging from the video I'd say that Hoenn is not only getting remade, but also getting some updates that fit with the current 3DS systems that the original games didn't have. ANYWAY I'M REALLY FUCKING EXCITED HOLY SHIT.
  11. All in all I think that if it weren't for Sawano's music this anime wouldn't be half as good as it is, lmao. I mean it's a decent show and I enjoyed it, but the manga is becoming really political at the moment, there's hardly any titan-killing involved anymore and the plot is getting too confusing for my taste (also I really REALLY don't like the main character, Eren Jaeger is probably my least favourite character from the "good guys"). The only characters that I really liked were Erwin, Levi, Hange and Mike but - SPOILERS FOR THE MANGA The people who make this out to be the best anime they've ever seen obviously haven't seen a lot of anime.
  12. sai

    Aah, looks great Senedjem! You're really talented!
  13. sai

    Yesssss finally! I've been waiting for the tango version of this one for about 2 years already. They played this version of the song live on GO ON THE RAZZLE DAZZLE, but I was always hoping for a studio version! This single is going to be great
  14. sai

    With you holding that umbrella over the deer it almost looks like something out of a Ghibli movie, haha.
  15. "Why stop making art when you have a brain tumor? The best hallucinations come from brain tumors, why treat it?" That's basically the same as what you're saying here because it could make him fall into a serious depression when left untreated and it's going to take a bit longer than a year for him to get out of that. Mental illness is a very serious issue and is more than "going crazy". People with a personality disorder are not crazy, in fact, there are many types of personality disorders that are hardly noticeable (for example, take an avoidant personality disorder; these people are usually just fine until they get into situations where they have to perform, both socially as academically). I'm pretty sure there is someone you know in real life that has a personality disorder without knowing they have it. I think it's good that he acknowledged that he had a problem and is going to seek help. He could've gone on and denied he had a problem but that probably wouldn't have helped, both for his own health as for the band's group atmosphere. Once therapy starts to help him, he could already restart slowly again with band activities, so in cases like these I think it's really important that he's taking a break. Better a break than a disbandment, right?
  16. Let me start with motherfucking 澤野弘之 (Hiroyuki Sawano). Everything this man touches turns to gold. He has composed for video games and dramas, but is most known for his anime compositions. His most recent (and known) works have been the OSTs for shows like Blue Exorcist, Attack on Titan, Kill la Kill and Gundam Unicorn. He often works together with the same singers, being mpi, Aimee Blackschleger, Mika Kobayashi and Cyua. Here are a few of my personal favourites: (from Gundam Unicorn) (from Attack on Titan) (also from Attack on Titan) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNo0EhDhpBE (from Kill la Kill) I also really dig the OST from the Kingdom Hearts games, composed by Yoko Shimomura. I wasn't too fond of the OST of the past few Final Fantasy games, but I've heard that they recruited Shimomura to replace the composers of FFXIII to compose for Final Fantasy XV. The song OMNIS LACRIMA of said OST has already been released on her memorial album last month: I'll probably think of more later.
  17. sai

    Yes I do. The current law is that fees between EU countries are not allowed, but that there are custom and tax fees for if you want to order outside of the EU. It's to "protect the own market" which I understand, but in cases where you can't get the products here it's kind of bullshit lmao. The fees are also ridiculously high. I pay 21% of the product in tax + around 18 euros in administrative fees, so like I said, I almost pay as many taxes as the price of the CD itself. It really puts me off from ordering Japanese music. Like I said, Korean music isn't so hard because there are different shops who play around with the rules, but for Japanese music it's just not possible. It's just like, if a CD costs 23 euros I don't want to pay 20 in taxes on top of the shipping. That quickly turns a 23 euros CD into a 50 euros CD, so that's why I hardly buy anything. I've been wanting to save up for a trip to Japan in a few years so that I can purchase the stuff I want there.
  18. sai

    http://nyuusha.tumblr.com/post/84126752875/buck-tick-keijijou-ryuusei Full version of the A-side of the new single! Apparently there's a PV already but haven't found it yet. Anyway, here you can listen to the full song. This is definitely A LOT better than what I expected. Really powerful, great song. The lalala's at the end are kind of tacky though lmao, but I dig it as a whole.
  19. sai

    Well someone has been pushed back in the lyric writing department lmao. Anyway, excited to see Imai writing more lyrics as well. Sakurai has been a bit dried out lyrics-wise lately, so I'm curious. The titles and cover art really give me a carnival/circus-like feeling. Also I'm glad STEPPER'S PARADE and LOVE PARADE aren't on it, though I hope 14 songs won't be too long. Cover art looks nice, I hope the album lives up to it.
  20. sai

    I hardly buy anything these days. It's not because I don't want to support my favourite artists, it's just that when I order from any of the shops that offer the CDs I want, I always get hit with really big custom fees that are sometimes larger than the price of the CD itself. These fees + the CDJapan shipping costs just don't make it profitable for me to buy a lot of CDs at the same time (in order not to hit the custom fee limit, I can usually only buy a single album). If I would buy in a big bulk of about 5-6 CDs, I'd still be hit with a lot of unnecessary fees. I'm happy at least that non-VK bands usually are cheaper than VK bands when it comes to full albums, because that makes me able to at least purchase one CD from CDJapan without having to pay 20 euros in customs over a 26 euros CD. I mostly only still buy Korean music because a few websites that I know that sell those mess around with the prices on their packaging/bills, so it always goes through customs unnoticed. That usually only happens about once every 3-4 months though, because I'm very selective when it comes to buying Korean music, and it's been about 8 months since my last order because nothing that has been released in that time has been good enough for me to purchase. So yeah I'd probably buy A LOT if I weren't restricted by customs
  21. I was talking about this with Pretsy and Zess the other day, and Pretsy suggested this subject should have its own thread, so here it is. The main question is; what CDs are so particularly bad (and basically assumed as awful by a majority of fans) that you would basically recommend people NOT to buy, like absolutely never ever, even if it were the last CD in the world. This thread isn't limited to Japanese music by the way, just to keep it broad. What CDs are so bad that you'd prefer that they were to be removed from every music purchasing site on the entire internet, what albums should never ever have been printed to disc? NOTE: IF YOU ARE OFFENDED EASILY THIS THREAD IS PROBABLY NOT FOR YOU. GO CLICK ON THE PICTURE OF JUPITER ON THE TOP OF THE PAGE TO FIND A MORE SUITABLE THREAD TO READ. Opinions differ, but keep it civilized. For the rest, let go of all your frustations about those albums that you listened to, would like to collect all copies of on a deserted island and then nuke said island. That's just how bad it is.
  22. sai

    Judging from that list I'm going to link a few favourites of my own. I would definitely say BUCK-TICK at first, they're one of the guys that definitely belong on that list: They've been around for about 27 years now, and it's hard to give them a label in general as they've experimented A LOT. There's bound to be one of their 19 (?) albums that you will like. If you don't know where to start, watching one of their live performances will probably give an idea of what you like. They're one of those bands that are live even better than on CD and their drummer is still rocking the mohawk, how cool is that? DEAD END is a must as well; they've been pioneers when it comes to VK. I wouldn't call them VK (more like glam metal) but they definitely inspired a lot of VK artists. Their vocalist is fantastic btw, probably one of my favourite singers. I'd also say (even though they have a complete different vibe than the other artists on your list but they were just fantastic) 9GOATS BLACK OUT. They've disbanded last year (or was it the year before that) but their entire discography is incredibly solid. If you want to give them a try, start at their first mini; devils in bedside. Another disbanded favourite of mine is A. They weren't around for long (about 3 years) but their stuff is really really good. If you like theatrics, give them a shot. That's all from me, really. I haven't been into VK that much anymore but these are the four artists that survived my "VK cleaning" from a few months ago. I hope this post was useful to you!
  23. Not a big fan of the song (as I'm not a big fan of recent GazettE) but really well made! I wish I actually had skills lmao.
  24. sai

    Maybe if you worked at an electronics store you could've spotted Kyo shopping for washing machines
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