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Everything posted by sai

  1. ^ with background screams provided by Eren Jaeger and Armin Arlelt
  2. With a price like this + what you get for it I might pre-order it, this is VERY interesting.
  3. sai

    Okay Peace wins, I was hoping for a hide revival but alas.
  4. sai

    ^ I meant the new PV! Not the one you linked (though both have synth so I can see what caused the confusion)
  5. sai

    This wouldn't sound so bad if only they had left out that dreadful synth omg. The synth doesn't fit the general DuelJewel song and am I the only one who thought Hayato looked like Takeru from SuG there.
  6. sai

    ^ That actually seems to be the most likely scenario to be quite honest. Or he's doing some classical concerts in other parts of the world, it's probably nothing worth of the title "important".
  7. sai

    9. Yoshiki has finally completed his research and is now able to revive hide from the dead
  8. Wait didn't this band disband last year or something?
  9. Zess recommended me Les Discrets and I managed to get their 2012 album, but I haven't heard their other releases yet. I should probably get to that, I love this kind of music for gloomy mornings especially. I love Neige's voice, probably one of my favourite vocalists outside of Japanese music. I'm not that big on screams in music but I feel like in most of Alcests stuff it is there because it adds to the song, not just thrown in to make it sound "br00tal" or any of the sorts. I'm not that educated yet in these parts of music but I'd love to learn more/discover more similar artists (because hey, I'm always looking to expand my musical preferences).
  10. I agree about Away. What I like about Alcest is just how well the French language fits with the atmosphere of their music. I'm not sure who the singer is in most of these parts (but I assume it's Neige?) but it's just really gentle and calm and very melodious. French as a language itself is a lot more elegant than English anyway, even when regularly spoken. Oddly the only bands that are similar to Alcest that I enjoy are also French. Ito gave me a similar artist who sang in English once but it just didn't sound as great as it did in French.
  11. I haven't watched a lot of anime in years but recently I've felt more motivated to pick it up again...sadly I hardly have time to do so - I finished Attack on Titan about 2 months ago - Currently trying to finish Free!, but only on the fourth episode - Kyokai no Kanata (only managed to watch one ep so far but it seems interesting enough so I'll see how it progresses) - I'm PLANNING on starting Kill la Kill because of all the great feedback its had so I think I'll start it before finishing Free! and KNK - Still need to watch those three new Ghost in the Shell OVAs - Been thinking of starting Psycho Pass as well because a friend of mine won't shut up about it, haha So ehh...I know this isn't the recommendations thread but if anyone could name some good animes from this year or last year that I haven't listed and that are worth watching, go for it.
  12. I really have no idea whether to classify these guys as genre-wise since I've seen them tagged as post rock, post-black metal and black metal with shoegaze influences, so I'm just going to do it here. I'm very pleased with the new Alcest release, I mean boy oh boy, Delivrance is such a killer track. It's probably their weakest release since their first album but it's still good. I don't even really miss the metal elements tbqh, it still has that nice Alcest atmosphere.
  13. ANOTHER best album? Isn't this the third best-of in like 2 years? Lol, are these guys ever going to release another full album?
  14. In a random order: 1. cinema staff 2. Boris 3. indigo la end 4. LAGITAGIDA 5. NICO Touches the Walls 6. school food punishment 7. アルカラ 8. 凛として時雨 9. RADWIMPS 10. number0 I need more new stuff...I DEMAND THE ATTENTION OF MONOCHROME HEAVEN USER CAT5.
  15. sai

    I'm so torn who to be excited more for but I guess it's GG in this case? Idk though there are a few 2NE1 songs that I really really like (I Am The Best, Follow Me, Can't Nobody, Fire, SCREAM) I haven't enjoyed a full release by them yet. GG is basically the same for me when it comes to their Korean releases (because their Japanese albums just slay in every way imaginable) but for some reason I know GG will at least have a title track that will be really fucking great. So yeah, I'll see what this'll bring.
  16. sai

    ^ Pretty much this. This thread is about the conditional disbandments and reasons why bands might do it, not the purchase/download ratio of specific members and which VK bands sleep with underage girls. Please keep it civilized.
  17. sai

    No one's more kawaii than Ito jfc
  18. sai

    You know, the whole "if less than 400 people show up at our live we'll disband"-kind of thing. So yeah, what are your opinions on this seemingly new trend? Do you think it's a good way for bands to see whether they've got enough fans to be able to actually make profit from doing music, or do you think it's a douche move because they're basically guilttripping people into going to their concerts out of fear for disbandment? so yeah, leave your opinions below.
  19. sai

    I never knew Ito was ginger. /or you're still blond and it's just the light.
  20. sai

    I'm looking atm for a Mudkip, any chance you could help me with that?
  21. sai

    Not sure if I can even get to ten at this point... 9GOATS BLACK OUT シド (SID) A (エース) lynch. (do they still count as visual kei?) DEAD END Kagrra, BUCK-TICK Alice Nine These are the only VK bands I still listen to on a regular basis, so I guess this list is the best to make atm.
  22. sai

    this is my favourite PV of all times. also this has to be the worst BT PV entertaining-wise and I know Jigsaw9 will at least agree with me here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2mA4WOjgqE This is just SO BORING. I mean the song is okay but the only thing that's happening in this PV is some vague shots of the lead singer while he's lying on the floor while the other members strut around a bit blurry in the background. That's literally all this video is.
  23. I sense strong hints of sarcasm

    1. Ito


      ....and chocolate? I like strong hints of chocolate.

  24. Trombe already writes in a few words in his thread titles what the thread is about. It takes less than 5 seconds to read that thread title and decide whether you're going to click on it, so I wouldn't say that it's taking a lot of time to figure out what the thread is about. What's next, should we install an audio button and let CAT5 record the thread titles so he can read them FOR you? As many members have said before, it's not that complicated or confusing that it needs changing. I agree with Champ on the fact that if we'd be making changes to the News section we'd definitely have to run them by Trombe, considering it's his section.
  25. sai

    Raison D'Etre also seems to be a VK favourite, lmao. I think I know at least 4 songs called that way.
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