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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    In response to coffee000, I have to say that I respectfully disagree with you on the last paragraph. Of course, marketing is very important; it's important that artists give interviews on radio/TV and in magazines to promote their album, that spots will be aired on TV, posters will be put up around the city/in music shops, etc. Without it, people won't even notice you're releasing something new. Good promotion might also get people who don't listen to you to check out your new release anyway, so I agree that promotion is very important, BUT a bad CD still is a bad CD, no matter how pretty it looks or how well it is promoted. Most bands release samples before the release, and if those samples do not seem very convincing to me, then I won't buy the album until I get the opportunity to listen it over at a friend's, download it online or read some reviews on it. I suppose every person is different in this, but I'd take a good CD packaged in a slip of paper over a bad CD in a beautiful book-like package any day. Now, about ghost writers, I think there are actually multiple reasons they're there, and not just for when the artist is feeling lazy, so to say. Bands have deadlines, and sometimes they just don't have enough time to write enough material before the album needs to be due the way the record company wants it. In such cases it really comes in handy to have a few ghost writers who can help you complete the album in time. So I wouldn't immediately say ghost writers are just there to jump in for a lazy artist. I do agree that credit needs to belong to the right person. In K-pop, almost none of the idols write their own songs, and all songwriters are always credited in the album booklets; if you've had a few ghost writers, they at least deserve some credit.
  2. How do you feel about artists who don't write their own songs, but use ghost writers to write part of or all of their material? Do you feel like these people don't deserve their fame, or is it something that doesn't bother you as long as you can enjoy the music? To keep the discussion in line, I'd like to keep this limited to Japanese music only, both VK as non-VK. Also, what do you think about artists who start using ghost writers later on in their career when they've become quite succesful and have made a good deal on a major label (as an example: there have been rumours of the GazettE using ghost writers ever since the switch to SONY, but this is of course a rumour that has not been proven). If this were true, would you feel betrayed because your favourite artist has "stopped trying", or would you just shrug it off?
  3. The Google pictures scandal was probably the thing that took over the forum for about 2 days; haven't had such a good laugh in ages though (I think it was around 2 years ago?)
  4. Awww, thank you! Yato is such a loveable idiot.
  5. Sort of groovy, but I don't like the chorus. It's just a bit of yodeling and there's no hook or so. Also Yusa's voice doesn't really seem to fit this kind of music imo. Also since when are they on avex? Not too sure how I feel about this; usually all bands I like that go to avex get quite dull as a result.
  6. April Fool's is over Augie, just let it go, no need to discuss a harmless April fool's joke. I don't really see the purpose of this thread anymore now that April Fool's is over, so I'm just going to lock it.
  7. sai

    Welcome to CAT5-heaven, the first Japanese music forum actually run by cats. no but seriously we're highly evolved species from the future
  8. sai

    Now I'm curious! How DID you know XD but nah it isn't too hard to spot in general but i'm curious for the random reason
  9. Champ is now the viking cat

    1. Champ213


      That avatar is a pretty accurate representation of me. Fact.

  10. I like how much effort you put into the track titles, GazettE should hire you for them (because really I could see these pop up at some time).
  11. sai

    I actually had to hover over CAT4, CAT7 and CAT9 to find out which one of them was Original Saku XD
  12. sai

    Alright, that's good enough for me. The following part may contain spoilers for the NBC show Hannibal. I recently tried that Hannibal show from NBC because so many people were hyping it, but I'm quite divided on it. When I found out the director was Bryan Fuller I sort of felt hesitant, as I never liked any show he made. I sort of hoped the show would include a level of quality as found in the movie of Silence of the Lambs, but I felt like it fell short in the character interaction department. The chemistry in that movie between Hannibal and Clarice was so incredibly intense and had me on the edge of my seat all the time. That sort of chemistry sincerely lacks between Hannibal and Will, yet seems more apparent during Lecter's interactions with his own therapist; Bedelia du Maurier (could be a woman-only thing, I don't know. I feel like both Bedelia and Clarice were more on Hannibal's level than Will was). Mikkelsen does a fine job as Hannibal (especially considering he has to live up to Anthony Hopkins' fantastic performance), but Dancy's performance as Will Graham doesn't leave me convinced. Guy responds a bit too calmly about vomiting out an ear and randomly seeing stags getting out of a river, lol. Also this has to be the dumbest FBI investigation team I've seen since The Mentalist. Each episode contains a new victim, but they don't seem to get any progress whatsoever until Hannibal cleverly puts the blame on Will. This show is like a combination of horror and thriller but it doesn't know which way to go so it mashes up a little bit of both, which doesn't necessarily HAVE to be bad, but it feels too messy for my taste. I hope it'll get better, but for now I've put it on hold. Also, it seems like NBC can't get the rights for Clarice Starling from MGM for later seasons (for some reason I'm relieved?). I'm also currently watching The Mentalist, Castle and The Blacklist. I casually watch Unforgettable as well, but not as often as the other three. I started the Blacklist a few weeks ago and it's quite a thrilling series.
  13. sai

    I agree with you though, sadly we can't force people to do that. Plainly listing a movie/anime you've seen without giving feedback feels a bit pointless to me but like you said, to each their own. I don't watch a lot of movies in general, I usually prefer TV shows because I really don't have an attention span for movies, whoops.
  14. sai

    I'm still looking for a cheap used copy of either Soul Silver or Heart Gold. I played it on an R4 card back in the day so I can't play it on 3DS + it's harder to convert Pokemon to Pokebank bc I need to trade them to Diamond first. Plus I would love to play the game over again. Sadly all places that I know sell them new at full price and the used ones aren't much cheaper
  15. sai

    ^ I don't think this person really wants to add anything to that. He doesn't do it either in the related anime/video game thread so I think he sees it more as the "what are you listening to"-thread.
  16. Kill la Kill spoilers below
  17. sai

  18. sai

    I expected a lot worse from that description, lmao. It sounds okay to me music-wise but please don't tell me this one is also about his mom or I'm instantly never going to look up translations of this ever. About 5-6 songs is enough geez louise. groovy.
  19. sai

    ready the cannons
  20. lol bye. also 10 likes on that post, you guys do not disappoint in the slightest.

    1. Tokage



      Don't worry, she's pulled the 'I'm leaving forever!!!11!1!' -comes back in like 2 weeks- shtick at least 3 or 4 times now

    2. Keiyuu


      Gotta love people with anger issues

    3. paradoxal


      18 likes and counting!

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  21. sai

    4 fucking types are they serious. Then again it's basically the 3-type promotion except they've got a 4th type because they're offering the chance to get a Blu-Ray (which in a way is pretty cool). I'm not going to pre-order this one yet until the new single releases and I get some previews for the tracks. I was let down by Yumemiru Uchuu when I pre-ordered it so I'm going to sit this one out. YU wasn't bad, it just wasn't worth 26 euros of my money. I'm wasn't a big of STEPPERS PARADE/LOVE PARADE either.
  22. Then it's probably some misinformation. Should've known better when the source said "tumblr" even though the post looked really official.
  23. Yeah, apparently? Not sure if they're remaking everything or are just going to tweak a bit here and there, but since it's the 10th anniversary it's being remade.
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