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Posts posted by Seimeisen

  1. Both limited editions of DOGMA are on sale for 25% off at Amazon.co.jp

    Deluxe Limited Edition: ¥8,352

    Plain Limited Edition: ¥3,224 (about the same price as regular edition)

    If you are interested in buying the super limited edition, I definitely recommend buying it from Amazon.co.jp! You will save a lot of money. I'm paying $75 buying it from Amazon.co.jp, compared to spending around $100 if I were to buy it from CDJapan.

  2. They revamped the way you can view albums so you can't get at the URL of an image without having to dive into the source code.

    Not that it matters to you anymore, but I was able to get artwork URLs without viewing source; it's all very low resolution though. Last.fm was the place for me to upload HQ album artwork. Images that have uploaded there in the past still exist, ones I've embedded in download threads here are still up, but finding images that haven't been embedded is just not gonna happen. I guess I'll go back to uploading covers on imgur and, I dunno, I can create some makeshift HQ VK cover database for anyone else that gives a shit.

    I don't even know why I bothered scrobbling what I listened to today. I'm starting to ask myself why.

    Why bother trying to keep up with a site that's ran by people that don't give a single fuck what their users think?

    I honestly don't see the site staff getting their shit together at all, and I don't like how the community aspect has changed. I liked the "what your friends are listening to" and "what your friends are loving" sections of the front page, but now there's none of that, just fucking recommendations. I do not care about recommendations made by that site! I know that last.fm staff have been trying to make the site all about computer generated recommendations and fucking goddamn radio substitutes for a long time, but I never cared about that. I only used last.fm to display the stats of my music listening habits, and keep up with listening habits of other people.

    I guess I'll also go back to actually, y'know, asking people if they listened to something and what they thought of it. Le Gasp! :o

  3. For optimist minds:



    Who knows if they manage to get their wits but as I said above, CBS are nothing more but a bunch of bureaucrats who don't take much from your feedback anyway (and this is not your everyday "hurr anarchy"-kind of thought, I tell you)

    I'm pretty sure that's one of the petitions that I linked earlier. I don't really have faith/confidence in these petitions. Last.fm staff seem to be running on a business model of snubbing their users. If they say that they appreciate or read to feedback, I am certain that it is bullshit!

    ETA: Personally, I'm still scrobbling with my iPhone app (I haven't tried scrobbling with last.fm desktop for OS X), but if I encounter even one slight inconvenience with scrobbling, I will go on indefinite hiatus from last.fm.

  4. There is already an online petition to make last.fm revert their website to the previous design! :lol:

    ETA: there are at least two petitions

    Not that I have faith in petitions... or the idea that last.fm staff will actually listen to a word that other people say.

    Considering the fact that the developers seem to be snubbing all of their users entirely, I'm about ready to abandon last.fm & scrobbling and go back to looking at play counts on iTunes. >.>

  5. That is great news, so I don't have to purchase it off iTunes Japan but from US iTunes instead, since my credits are on the red line atm. :P

    I'm assuming that Sony Music Japan will be distributing DOGMA on the US iTunes store, like they've done with every release since TOXIC. Unfortunately, JPU Records doesn't release/distribute anything in the US. They snub us completely. (pretty sure there are legal reasons for it)

    ETA: I really hope that every GazettE fan with a US iTunes account buys the album there! I hope it'll do well in the iTunes US Top 200. BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY made it to #156 around the time it was released.

  6. Last.fm forcing the new beta site on users is very disheartening. It looks bloated and fucking hideous!

    I really don't want to hate this site enough to stop using it. I signed up 8 months ago and put a lot of time into perfecting my experience with the site (correcting song/album title metadata, searching for scrobbling apps, image upload rampages; time that could have been spent more productively), and now it seems to be going down the shitter!

    Obligatory disclaimer that you can't please everyone all the time but this update is pleasing nobody. In an attempt to look modern it just looks cluttered. I use last.fm for statistics and I don't need a fancy layout that tries to infer what I'll like three days from now staring me right in the face. I just want my statistics in a nice, clean format. I also want to be able to load everything on my profile page :(

    This! Amen!

  7. XENO (title track) is surprisingly awesome, but Ghost In The Mirror is only okay and I'm not fond of the chorus, and I do not like Devil's Party at all. Still though, the title track is enough to make me want to give this album a try, which is more than I can say about Apocalyze (I skipped that album).

  8. My computer thinks the VENOMS.app folder is an actual .app application file. My poor computer is so confused. :lol:

    Anyway, VENOMS.app might be my favourite MEJIBRAY release. It's sort of tied with THE "420" THEATRICAL ROSES. I'm honestly surprised by how much I'm hyping this release. I didn't have very high hopes for it since it was announced, although the previews did sound good, and I kept forgetting about the release date, but I guess a day or two ago, I started getting VENOMS stuck in my head, and I saw it on iTunes and was like, eh maybe I'll get it from the UK store since US gets snubbed and JP costs more.

    I'm glad I did buy it, because I love it! Every song on this release is great! Even the ones that have throwbacks to previous songs. kairi and Until... are my favourites, and I love the symphonic elements. If other MEJIBRAY songs have had synthesised string arrangements, they haven't been done like this before. The songs on this mini are slower, which I really like. I think ACME is the only fast song on the mini.

    I am feeling VENOMS.app HYPE! I might delete the SE bonus tracks, though.

  9. I want to wait on hearing OMINOUS until I'm listening to the full album, especially since it's the last song. How can I listen to the last song first? Plus, I already saw all those live clips and fan covers of DEUX, which I now have stuck in my head all the time.

    Getting through the next three weeks just fighting the temptation to cave in and listen to the song is going to be very difficult. :lol:

  10. release of their new CD (originally at 2015/09/30) and their LIVE DVD "「嘔吐のすゝめ-2-(outo no susume-2-)」TSUTAYA O-EAST" (originally in 2015 autumn) will be rescinded


    Best of luck to this Kira guy responsible for these releases being cancelled, I suppose...

  11. I'm still emotionally scarred from Piisu's HDD failure, I don't want to experience it myself.

    No... No, you do not! It is quite traumatic, I can tell you. I've been where he's been. It was spring of 2013, I had an external hard drive die on me, and I had no backup (I was stupid), so I had to rebuild my music library.

    There were... a few things on that drive that I may never get back in this lifetime...

  12. One particular band I can think of that went downhill is アヤビエ! I don't think that 涼平 leaving is what made the band go downhill; they created "virgin snow colour" without him and it was phenomenal. I think 夢人 joining the band took things into a direction that I just do not like. Then they disbanded and formed AYABIE without 葵, and the stuff this ALLCAPSYABIE did was still just not great at all. I do like the DEATHBIE single that they made, and I wish the members would reunite and make more releases under that band/name/concept; gothic metal really suited these guys, and 夢人's deeper voice sounded great. But now, AYABIE, whatever it is now with pretty much all of the members leaving, is a complete embarrassment.

    darkest hour: Not sure if anyone here knows/gives a shit about this band, but I fucking love them... well... everything they did before 2011. "undoing ruin" is one of my favourite albums OF ALL TIME, and their other albums were also very impressive, particularly their debut album "the mark of the judas" which was re-released last month. Their 2011 album "THE HUMAN ROMANCE" was underwhelming, and their self-titled album from last year was pretty damn bad; I think the bonus tracks are the only good songs on those two.

    There are some other bands that I've listened to in the past that I think have completely gone downhill, but I would need to go back to those bands (front to back) before I can really say anything...

    Disappointing albums

    Alice Nine - Supernova: the songwriting is sub-par, the electronica infusion is god-awful (go look for my review of it), I can't even listen to the b-sides SCARLET or 秘密 (or whatever it is), and shooting star is probably their worst song they have ever done. They dropped this below-average album after releasing their best album.

    DIAURA - REBORN: 2013 was an interesting year for DIAURA; they released the best visual kei album of the year (FOCUS), and they also released the worst visual kei mini album of the year (REBORN). 胎動 is a great song and got me looking forward to the mini album, but then I heard the previews for the other four tracks, and oh god they all sounded horrible and boring.

    12012 - mar maroon: I don't even have this album on my computer. I still have the singles and b-sides, but I removed the album itself, it's gone, don't want it, goodbye! I imagine DIAMOND will sound good, it's only a little softer, but mar maroon is just way too soft and watered down for this band, and the album tracks were the most underwhelming. For the most part the singles are alright, and the b-sides are enjoyable, though. I just can't with the album tracks.

    SCREW - SCREW: It's so awkward when a band releases a sub-par album and gives it an eponymous title... I had hope for this album. The band left PSC Indie, their vocalist wasn't hiding his screams with a fucking vocoder anymore, and maybe they'd be louder and heavier. Well, this album is just about as heavy as their previous stuff, but it's very quiet, as a result of the production, the guitars sound too quiet. Also, a lot of the tracks on this album are just average, and "enduring memories" is terribly cringeworthy. I think what's most disappointing about this album is that the first track is such an awesome track, and went on my "Best songs of 2013" list. Everything else is kind of plain.

  13. Get ready for a wall of text, you guys!


    The mission of complete music library organisation will never end for me. :lol:


    I got an external hard drive that I use for my iTunes library, and it also has torrents that I seed, various other shit that I've downloaded, and lossy upload files I've saved in case their links die. There are also folders within folders of music that I've downloaded but not added to iTunes. There are folders like this on my main hard drive as well. I take batches of downloads and put them in folders named by the date that I got them all (various "download runs"), like 2015-07-24.


    Why? Because I tend to avoid adding stuff to iTunes. Again, why?! Because I like to use the album view, which is a fucking hot mess when you've got over 1,000 releases in your library.


    Within Finder, it doesn't matter too much how things are sorted, but I do envy you guys who can use custom folder sorting. With iTunes, you're stuck with "artist name → album title", so when I'm organising my computer (replacing rips of certain releases, or moving deleted stuff I still wanna keep on my HD), it can be tedious to scroll through over a hundred band names.


    I'm stuck with iTunes, because foobar for Mac will never happen; I'm not sure if it's technical obstacles, elitist software developers, or both. With iTunes, organisation, the way that I want it, is becoming more and more unachievable as Apple continues to fuck up their software, making iTunes and iOS less and less user friendly as time goes by.


    Within iTunes itself, I put the release date in the Sort Album field (e.g: 2004-03-21 number three), for sort artist/song, I add back all the missing The's and A's and such, romanise kanji and kana, and spell out numbers, so this is what a typical sorting tab looks like.


    And then, I use the grouping filed to specify if a band is VK or not. And if they're not VK (or Doujin), I specify which country/continent they're from, and for the comment field, I also put the release date (for when I'm browsing in "song view"), e.g:【2004年03月21日】(I use a custom autocorrect shortcut "codedate" to quickly get the formatting).


    Of course most of this is for nothing, because iOS 8 ignores my sorting rules in artist view (and even ignores some artist sorting), because fuck them!


    What I'd like to be able to do with Finder sorting is something like this:

    iTunes Media

    ┗━ Grouping Field

     ┗━ Artist Name

      ┗━ [YYYY-MM-DD] album title

       ┗━ 01 Song Title.m4a


    Within iTunes, I'd LOVE to go back to the artist grid view from iTunes 10 (although I do like the special album colour view in iTunes 12), or at least have an artist separator/navigator in the current album view. On the iPhone, I'd love to go back to the artist view that iOS 6 had (there are some apps that mimic this, but they're too ugly lol), and be able to view artists by grouping!

  14. If its another Guitarist that'd be cool, no matter what it is its still gonna be cool. But if another guitarist then their sound is gonna get even more greater.

    This!! I hope this fourth member is another guitarist, though it may not be the case if 葬-sou- comes back, since he used to be their drummer. But he could play guitar, since he played bass when he was in 麗麗.

    eve might as well be a permanent member he writes everything LOL he can be their scary onnagata

    Why haven't they done this yet?! I agree that they should just make eve an official member of the band since he already does all the studio drums, production, and composition!

  15. Well, I am feeling iffy about this album!

    They have released SIX single tracks since VISUAL IS DEAD:


    If all of these singles appear on the album, then the tracklist might be very messy and have a terrible flow, just like VISUAL IS DEAD, which had seven single tracks and only 9 new ones. Although I don't think a tracklist flow can be worse than VID, since that album ended abruptly with their worst song ever lol.

    Also, I just don't like how they've been producing their music these days. It sounds way too overdone, and all those fake glittery cymbal noises get on my nerves after a while. I miss the [more] raw production style that 日本沈没 and 人間失格 had.

    I'm sure this is just me missing their heavy stuff from the past. After all, songs like 毒盛る are what caught my interest in this band. Regardless of my pre-release cynicism, I am looking forward to see how this album turns out.

  16. If this come to US or BR store, I should probably get.

    But I think Paranoid Personality wasn't available too.

    No, none of their stuff is available outside of the JP store, as far as I know.

    I'm kind of tempted to just shell out $6 right now to get a ¥500 gift card and buy this damn single. I've waited almost a year for it, and it's renewed my interest in D.I.D. (that pretty much died in 2013).

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