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Posts posted by Seimeisen

  1. MEJIBRAY, even if their latest single is growing... off ... of me (?)

    I like some stuff from Royz, but I prefer when they're their heaviest. I hated all the previews for THE BEGINNING and will skip that single, I didn't like much of Supernova, CORE was underwhelming, parts of their other albums were kinda bleh——well... I have so much to criticise about their music, a lot of it is just so, meh, to me. Some of their songs I absolutely love, but others I absolutely hate.

    Not to say that every MEJIBRAY song is flawless in my eyes, having certain songs of theirs stuck in my head can really get on my nerves, but none of their songs really bore me, and none of them (that I can think of) have made me cringe enough to delete from my computer.

  2. Here's what my parents know: I spend a large amount of money on CDs that come from Japan. That is all.

    I have no interest in explaining visual kei to my mother who only listens to country and worship music (*has traumatic flash*) or my father who only listens to... classic rock.

    As for my sister who has not lived in my house for over a year, she's the person that introduced me to DIR EN GREY (in mid 2008), so she vaguely knows that I listen to music with Japanese ladyboys that make unnatural screaming noises... and that I throw obscene amounts of money at it...

    As for anyone else in my family, they don't really know anything about my music tastes.

  3. Can anyone confirm the number of live-only Dezert releases? 

    There isn't really a complete Dezert discography on the web yet.


    From my knowledge their live releases are:



    -包丁の正しい使い方(houchou no tadashii tsukaikata)

    -僕の「誤解」と右折禁止のルール違反(boku no「gokai」to usetsu kinshi no rule ihan)


    -暫定的オカルト週刊誌(1)(zanteiteki occult shuukanshi (1))

    -異常な階段(ijou na kaidan)

    -TBA at their live in September


    So, at least 7 (geeeeez).

    This is correct. There are quite a lot of DEZERT rarez, and only one of them made it to a nationwide release so far (飼育部屋). :/

  4. God fucking damnit, the wait is just gonna get longer, and it's gonna kill me even more. -__- That was fucking great! I'm digging the composition (and it'll sound much better without the MIDI stuff in the background lol). God damn that part after the first chorus was awesome.

    I saw the live clip from somewhere on Instagram (I think it was linked here already, but not sure), and I at least thought that I heard strings/a piano in the background, which had me very optimistic. I'm all for a more "symphonic" sound and less "beep-boops."

  5. Obviously, that DEZERT compilation that I'm too lazy to pull up the title of

    (which translates to Tentative Occult Weekly, vol.1)


    Non-obvious, I pre-ordered:

    AvelCain - おまじない (Standard edition) ← because this copy will include the sticker set and should ship "by the release date"

    Sadie - Voyage (Standard edition)


    ... oh and I also got MEJIBRAY's 盈虧 single from mora.jp yesterday.

  6. Whatever happened to bands forming with concepts? All I see nowadays are bands forming out of the blue with a majority of the members being together from a former band.

    I think the last "concept band" I know of is SUICIDE ALI, may they rest in pieces peace.

    oh, and there's also DIAURA with their "dictatorial aura" thing going on...

  7. Kill KISAKI Kiwamu obviously. I guess I'd kiss Kisaki as a way to forgive him for NEGA breaking up, and then maybe I'll just throw up a ton? Then marry Yoshiki, 'cause I think he has more money than the other two (?); plus I'd just cheat on him. :lol:

    And now...

    業-karma- (AvelCain)


    悠希 (Lycaon)


    千秋 (DEZERT)


  8. Not impressed by the previews at all!

    THE BEGINNING - underwhelming

    0 - awful (we wirru keepu singin, obaa ando obaa - please stop singing!)

    HEIL - ehhh... it could turn out okay, but it sounds like a watered down MASK

    umbrella. - another boring song

    For the most part, I only like Royz when they are at their heaviest, but I keep trying to give them a chance with new singles. Clearly, I'm gonna skip this one!

  9. Artwork:

    Limited Edition:


    Standard Edition:


    credit: AvelCain official twitter accounts/blogs

    Re-uploaded to imgur because you can't embed twitter images in full resolution.

    Also, does anyone know which leaked song preview is from the PV preview? I'm not gonna listen to the leaked previews and just wait on listening to all of it until I get my own copy, but I still wanna know which song was in the PV preview ('cos I did see that).

  10. Hi. I'm just gonna go ahead and take credit for you getting into these guys! ;D

    I'm fucking obsessed with them. They've pretty much been all that I've been talking about since they announced the live-limited compilation CD, as I have made it a mission to get myself a copy of it. And succeeded!

    I discovered them late last year, shortly after「タイトルなし」came out, and when I gave it a listen, I was immediately impressed. I was scared at first, because I didn't want to get obsessed with yet another band that's notorious for live limited releases, but I couldn't resist with songs like「殺意」, Infection, and さぁミルクを飲みましょう。, and who could forget the first song split in two. After an impressive introduction of an album, I decided to look into their other releases. Some of my favourites from other releases include: ケミカルドリップ・チェリーパイ,「死刑宣告」, and「目眩」.

    In the first few months I've been listening to these guys, I wasn't exactly sure how I'd describe their sound, but when their live distributed single「変」leaked, I started getting "nu-metal" vibes from not only that song, but plenty of others from previous releases, except with this band, I don't cringe at the "nu-metal" vibes. Along with a slight mid 2000's VK vibe.

    「変」and ゴシック both have me very, very excited for their next album. ゴシック especially, as the addition of synths, and the atmosphere living up to its name are something I haven't heard from their "core sound." Everything this band has released has impressed me, and they have quickly become a favourite of mine!

  11. I found someone who is getting me the album CD, but the shopping service will not be attending the actual show to get me the free bonus CD. If you have a copy of the free CD that you are willing to sell to me, please send me a PM!

    Thank you to those who has reached out to me with recommendations, and to those that I have reached out to who have been of some sort of help! :)

  12. Hey everyone! I know this is incredibly short notice, but I have already tried three other shopping services online. One will not be able to help me for schedule reasons, and the other two have not replied to my e-mails. They are both presumably dead.

    As many of you may know, on April 25th, DEZERT is selling a live-limited compilation album, and giving out a free CD to attendants.

    I really want both of these CDs, but I don't want to get into heinous bidding wars on Yahoo! (or even mbok), so I was hoping someone on MH who is in Japan (or that knows someone who is in Japan) would be willing to get me these two CDs from the live show.

    Aside from paying for the CD and shipping, I am willing to:

    • Pay commission - I'm reasonable, and I'm sure we can work something out.
    • Pay for the live ticket (if you were not planning to go, but are still willing to help)
    • Pay for everything (or some things) ahead of time – but I need to know that I can trust you

    If there are any other rules or conditions that you would have for helping me buy these CDs, please let me know. Again, I can be reasonable and I hope that we can work something out!
    If you or someone who know would be willing to help, PLEASE contact me ASAP! Thank you! :)

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