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Posts posted by Seimeisen

  1. Got some gaijin post-rock goodness from Bandcamp:

    a3131269402_9.jpg a2327340234_9.jpg a0745215450_9.jpg a3708669673_9.jpg

    (left to right: TITAN - BURN; Cloudkicker - Little Histories; 初 (Shodai) - With grass above one's head; Retinwaav - Movements)


    With the exception of BURN, everything here is instrumental, so I hope it makes for good studying music.

    BURN, on the other hand, is an excellent fusion of doom metal and hardcore, with a little bit of sludge, with the kind of harsh vocals I'd expect from a punk band. This album doesn't have originally written lyrics. All the lyrics were just taken from various texts from all over the world; as recent as graffiti seen in 2012, and as old as a passage from 95 Elegies (by Martin Tetzel) from 1546.

    Cloudkicker is a project that I've been aware of for a few years, and the guy behind it has grown very popular and is known as a legend in the prog/post-rock world, so I had to try out one of his releases. 初 and Retinwaav are just bands (or solo projects?) that I found a long time ago and bookmarked, and have wound up buried within the onslaught of bookmarked Bandcamp finds.

  2. I at least figured the third movement would be a single. Not sure what the fifth movement would be, though. I still don't understand why the limited box says "KEEP THIS SAFE UNTIL THE 5TH MOVEMENT" ... why until the fifth movement? Why don't I have to keep it safe after the fifth movement? I really don't think it'll be a live show, since they've already got two tours going. Whatever it is, it'll most likely happen in February after the fourth movement tour.

    And I'm still going to assume that THE FINALE will be an anniversary live in March to end THE OMINOUS YEAR.

  3. ^so jealous of your アヤビエ rarez, @Seimeisen :P

    I saw a copy on closet-child a few weeks ago for less than ¥400. You don't see it too often, but if you do, it shouldn't be very expensive at all.


    Brand new Nil???? Where did you fiiiind! Such a good deal. Socks about Dogma damage : (

    I got the NIL digipak on Yahoo! auctions. Most copies I've seen are usually ¥6,000!


    @Seimeisen, what is that Providentia cd? :curious:

    The Providentia CD is promo copy of the full album (limited edition, with regular bonus track tacked at the end for some reason).

  4. It's like motherfucking Christmas today! :D


    I've never gotten three packages in the mail on the same day!



    the GazettE - DOGMA (Super limited edition)

    the GazettE - DISORDER (limited edition)

    the GazettE - 蛾蟇 (digipak)

    the GazettE - NIL (limited; SEALED)

    アヤビエ - メルト・イン・シナモン

    ネガ - 鬱 (case-less)


    BLADE -ブレイド- - Prologue 〜再生と破壊〜 (case-less)

    heidi. - 過奏 (limited digipak)

    As If in the darkness - アローン

    Alice Nine - 名前は、未だ無ひ。(3rd press)


    D.I.D. - Providentia (store promo + DVD snippet)


    DOGMA's artwork and package is fucking awesome, although this particular one was abused through transport, so...

    jtlok0um.jpg lXEebPbm.jpg

    I kinda feel like punching a bitch! But the digipak and photobooks have been unscathed.


    I was so excited to find a sealed NIL digipak for less than ¥4,000.

    I wanna open the shrinkwrap and feel the velvet and gold, and look at the booklet pages, but I want some plastic sleeve for it. I don't want the gold to start wear/chip off like I've seen on some copies.

    I know why DISORDER was only ¥500

    The case has some scratches on it.

    Never sell me CDs if you don't want me to criticise your ability to take care of them! :P

    pjoFyHQm.jpg NkOjgJtm.jpg

  5. On 9/1 via iTunes, but I can't inform if it's worldwide or jp only :3

    Fatal Error Race and W.O.D. II were worldwide, so hopefully this one will be, too. It'll hit the JP iTunes store tomorrow morning for sure, and we'll find out the day after if it's available worldwide.

  6. According to the poster that @Yukami posted, ヒマワリノウタ is the one that's going to be released next month and 紅-べに- is going to be the 聖子-seiko- single. Never mind, I guess the first poster had a mix up.

    I'm going to hold any kind of excitement or looking forward to these releases until I'm sure there's a way that I can buy them (without spending 10x the original prices). :\

  7. junana sai (re-recording)

    Not live limited (as far as I know). It was included in the limited edition of a photo book they pressed in 2006.

    You must be thinking of 十四歳のナイフ (Juuyon-sai no Knife). Also, I'm pretty sure one of these three CDs was actually fan club limited, but I'm not sure which one.

  8. Oh my god, you guys are acting like he's not gonna upload anything else! This guy would probably be scared shitless that PSC would execute him if he leaked the entire thing so early... idk! :shrug:

    He said that he's not gonna leak the entire album all at once, but I'm sure he'll upload something else soon. I don't understand why people are getting so butthurt and saying that he's "stringing us along" when he's showing an unboxing vid, uploading DVD screenshots, asking what songs people want to hear the most, and uploading a CD rip of a song that has been leaked (in lesser quality). He may be a tease, but it looks like there's more to follow.

    Not trying to be a dick, here. If this were some [super rare] live-limited release and he was making all of these teaser posts, I would understand the anger, and I would join in on it, but this is a widely anticipated album that will be available in many formats in presumably many countries, therefore very accessible, and will leak in a few days.

    Trust me, the wait for this album is driving me insane, and I'm doubling the torture by staying away from audio previews/leaks. Basically, what I'm taking away from the unboxing video and screenshots is more stuff to look forward to in the coming days. And if I were going to cave in and listen to the music ahead of time, I'd be glad for an HQ rip of OMINOUS and anticipate more stuff to follow. Be patient, and let the guy get some sleep!

  9. 少女喪失 ... "losing the girl"? Well, Okay then...

    6/16 tracks were already released, and one of them is the last track. Almost exactly as I predicted, though I assumed they'd use 包帯男 instead of さらばビッチ. I kinda hate it when bands make the last track something that's already been released. I'll need to go back and listen to the song to know how I feel about it closing a long album.

    I was hoping 七星 would have composed an instrumental track for this album, as I fucking loved 狐の参列 (from VISUAL IS DEAD), but I'm still looking forward to hearing his track, O.D. And the first track won't just be some intro SE, which I'm glad about. Nothing else to say yet...

    These are my attempted track title translations if anyone's interested.

    They could be totally wrong, though.

    帝都に死す = Die In The Imperial Capital

    少女喪失 = Losing The Girl (?)

    終身旅行 = Journey Of A Lifetime

    晩秋 = Late Fall

    病んでる彼女 = Ailing Sweetheart (?)

    白いキャンバス、赤い絵の具 = White Canvas, Red Paints

    八幡の薮知らず = The Labyrinth

    君はサブカルチャー = [You Are] Subculture (???)

    殺したいくらい愛してる = I Love You So Much, I Want To Kill You

    廃人間 = THE INVALID

    焔 = Burning Passion

    さらばビッチ = So Long, Bitch!

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