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Posts posted by Seimeisen

  1. I mean to start collecting Awoi some day as well. However I currently have no shelf space to begin with another discography. Kisaki is guilty of this all.

    Good luck. Ever since アヲイ disbanded, their old CDs have become nearly impossible to find. I nearly had a panic attack when I saw 真っ暗、真っ黒・・・ and 夕焼けカラス at PureSound. XD

  2. Long rant ahead. Apologies to anyone who might have an allergy to walls of text (like myself).

    Bad day because of my mother. I haven't been severely angry with her for years. Today, she was having a discussion with her sister-in-law, catching up and all, and they started discussing what's going on in my life, Is he still in school?, yada yada. In that discussion, she asked me the worst possible question.

    "Are you transferring to university next semester?"

    I know what you're thinking, It's a harmless question. Why did that piss you off?

    I am already feeling incredibly insecure about being at my current school (a community college, but "university quality" curriculum, so the education isn't sub-par, just lower division) for four years, and I feel like I'm getting enough pressure from my family to finally transfer after so long, and I really want to transfer as well. Being at the same school for four years can drive you insane. I would know this, as I've once spent seven years at the same school (all of middle school and high school).

    Frankly, as much as I need school, and as much as I need to do well if I want to have a successful career in accounting, I'm fucking tired of it all. The homework alone is making me fucking hate school. I'd rather say, "oh sorry, I can't go wine tasting wit you guys because I have to work tonight" instead of say, "oh, sorry, I can't go to dinner with you guys because I have to do homework." Hopefully that explains why I'm trying to rush my way to my Associates Degree, and then my Bachelors.

    The reason why my family asking me about transferring is affecting me more than it should is because I've been hoping I could transfer next fall, but there's one class that I might need to drop, and if I do drop it, it will set my transfer back as far as an entire year (unless they accept transfers in spring 2017). It's looking like I may have to drop this class, as much as I dread the idea of re-taking it, but I cannot accept the idea of getting a C in that class.

    TL;DR I'm under pressure with family and school, feeling incredibly insecure about it, and everyone's only making it feel worse. Generally, I'm not very happy with my life right now.



    I think this is just their TOUR DOGMATIC -UN- look. I don't like RUKI's hair/makeup (looked so much better in the album/video photoshoot). Also, I'm pretty sure he's still doing the "two different colour contacts" thing which is so fucking old and just not cool anymore.

  4. I still haven't listened to Sempiternal or That's The Spirit. I did hear Drown when it was first released late last year and thought it was pretty good, though.

    But yesterday, I was listening to all their other stuff. I LOVE "SUICIDE SEASON" just as much as I did in 2008, maybe even more. Yesterday was only the second time I listened to "There Is A Hell. Believe Me, I've Seen It..." which is a pity, because it's also a marvellously done album, and an appropriate follow-up to SUICIDE SEASON. Why haven't I listened to that album more often? As for their older stuff, "this is what the edge of your seat was made for" and "COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS." both had a style that I could appreciate, but they both sounded a little monolithic and I wasn't too fond of Oli's shrieks. Although I will say that standout tracks (from those two releases) were "RE: they have no reflections", "A Lot Like Vegas", and "Off The Heezay". Everything else had an enjoyable sound but was a bit too similar. Those two releases will need to be listened to more to be able to find the different things in each track.

  5. Since this single is rarez now, I was hoping I wouldn't like either track. As much as I love AvelCain, I'm fucking done with live-limited bullshit. But 過食症 is pretty cool and really weird, and I really like 紅ーべにー a lot and can see that one being a favourite, so... Fuck whoever is to blame for this single being live-limited. Seriously! Fuck whoever that person was.

  6. 銀河ノヲト has been available at Tower Records JP since 16 September: http://tower.jp/item/4014431/

    According to A9 PROJECT's official twitter, also since 16 September, the mini album is available worldwide on iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon MP3, Rdio, grace note, and Shazam. Although they failed to provide any actual links. And searching "A9" doesn't get as much success as "Alice Nine."

    Anyone have an iTunes link? I tried googling it with "site:iTunes.apple.com" at the end and got nothing.

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