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Everything posted by Seimeisen

  1. Seimeisen

    Uh... there's not a whole lot there that I recognise. I didn't even recognise the 己龍 song (mainly because I don't read romaji), but I haven't listened to the album that song is from. I just couldn't let this thread stay on Page 2 (lol). 01. 蜉蝣 - 摩擦信仰 02. the GazettE - Red 03. AUGUST BURNS RED - Mosley 04. Para:noir - 刈ルベキ華ヨ刻キタレリ 05. Plastic Tree - 静脈 06. Like Thieves - Picture Perfect 07. UNDEAD CORPORATION - かへりはこわい 08. darkest hour - LOVE AS A WEAPON 09. a crowd of rebellion - Black Philosophy Bomb 10. D'espairsRay - 幻-genshoku-触 My first time hearing Like Thieves, despite the fact that their mini-album "Autumn's Twilight" has been on my hard drive for centuries. The darkest hour song made me so sad, because it's a pretty awful song. John Henry ruined their last two albums (THE HUMAN ROMANCE and self-titled).
  2. Pretty nice looking tracklist. I'm looking forward to this!
  3. Seimeisen

    That's fucking stupid! Why not just distribute a DVD with lyric videos for every song? Or--or, an idea that might seem downright insane to some of you, including an actual lyric booklet with the album itself?! I mean... Is that just a mind blowing concept, or what? Even if they'd let you take all 14 types (and I'm assuming they won't), it's still dumb.
  4. Happy Birthday, 絲さん!! :D

  5. School's over! Summer's starting! I'm on twitter/insta, bitches!

  6. Having an intro track called "SE" is lazy as fuck (lol). The title track is the only preview that sounds bad. Everything else is okay, at the very least. Happy Set, Cuffs, omit, 棘, and 残響 all sound great! This album is definitely gonna be better than Near Equal.
  7. Katatonia's "The Fall Of Hearts" has killed me. I'm dead. Album of the year, end of discussion.



      oh! haven't listened their stuff for ages

  8. Seimeisen

  9. They did, last year. And said compilation was live-limited. They'll never stop. They're pure evil!
  10. Just pre-ordered the AvelCain anthology and ザアザア's new mini album from Brand-X.

    1. Seimeisen


      Whatever you think happened, it's Shimizuya's fault.


      I should get a twitter account just to create that hashtag.

    2. Shir0


      Aaaah *-*

      #BlameShimizuya [2]

      I'll do that for you on Twitter haha

    3. yakihiko


      雨に、雨に、雨に殺される、雨に、雨に。。。ごめんなさい ごめんなさい

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  11. They haven't formally released anything yet. They've only published a handful of songs on their YouTube account last Spring.
  12. Now that I think about it, I'm kind of surprised the band didn't make up a word of their own, like they have for previous album titles. Thanks for the translation/interpretation, @peffy !
  13. LMAO!! But seriously, this song is such a fucking mess. That chorus is ripped from R指定's "Last order" and O, M, F, GEE, QUIT SAYING CHAINSAW! Shut up! I seriously hope Mao and Mizuki don't bring these shitty electro influences back to Sadie.
  14. Seimeisen

    Exit she lab luck marble バースデイ 最近あなたの暮らしはどう ア_-オ Next up is picnic.
  15. Seimeisen

    SUICIDE SILENCE - green monster While it usually only sells for ~$20, a lot of assholes/idiots are trying to sell copies for $50. There's a slight scratch on the runoff, but I don't think it should affect playback. >.> ETA: It wasn't a scratch
  16. Seimeisen

    This doesn't surprise me at all, since lately, they've been releasing a new album every year. Also, while I had my doubts about EVIL, it turned out to be an awesome album, so I'm looking forward to the next one! And yeah, we needed some good news for a change!
  17. RE: Apple as a company: I used to consider myself an "Apple-stan" but there are just some things I refuse to get on board with. And Apple Music marked the beginning of the company treading into new technologies and services that I want nothing to do with. I still appreciate Apple for their core devices and operating systems, but the "Apple-stan" in me is slowly dying over time. RE: streaming services: I'm so glad I never got on board with any bullshit streaming subscription services. I'd rather just pay for each song/release individually, and keep it on my hard drive forever. @paradoxal you are being paranoid. As long as you don't have the Apple Music or iTunes Match services, your music collection, that apparently only exists in Foobar (if I'm guessing correctly) is perfectly safe. But there's nothing wrong with having library backups. Hard drive failures happen everyday, and the trauma I faced from that 3 years ago still haunts me.
  18. Seimeisen

    螺旋と水 marble echo 天井と管 Credits: 螺旋と水 - The Internet marble - THE NOVEMBERS (mini album) booklet echo - @plastic_rainbow with the help of @peffy 天井と管 - @peffy (highlighted parts she's unsure of) Source for tracks 3 and 4: lyric card scan
  19. Seimeisen

    You got dem skills @peffy
  20. Anyone up for a lyric transcribing challenge? @peffy? Wanna give this one a try? I found text lyrics for track 1 (螺旋と水), and there are more readable lyrics for track 2 (marble) in the booklet for their s/t mini album, but I can't find anything for tracks 3 or 4. I can post lyrics for the first two tracks later.
  21. I transcribed 再生の朝, but the rest I was fortunate enough to find on Google web caches from xiami.com. Don't need proxies for Google Web Cache! 再生の朝 夢のあと 小声は此岸に響いて melt More NOVEMBERS lyrics on the way!
  22. Seimeisen

    Make sure you throw out the Miya Records bootlegs (or throw 'em in a fire lol) and replace them with legit versions. ;D
  23. Seimeisen

    y'know what? @doombox's gif says it all. I wanted that album, I wanted them to get through all the tough shit they were going through. Something about this disbandment is gonna make listening to their song "I am..." a lot harder. :'(
  24. Gaijin CreditGate continues. Fuck whoever came up with this!!

    1. paradoxal


      wait what are you talking about

    2. Seimeisen


      Japanese webshops not accepting foreign credit cards.


      hiroki filled me in on the logistics of it, though. It seems there are technical reasons, and their card processing systems are rather archaic.

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