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Everything posted by Seimeisen

  1. Seimeisen

    TZK looks ridiculous (in the bad way); MiA looks less annoying now that he's ditched the third-rate-kamijo look, but I'm sure he's still an obnoxious brat; Koichi looks like Koichi (lol); Meto is giving me serious Yuuki vibes and he is pulling this look off. The winner is obvious, and so is the loser!
  2. Seimeisen

    If you got any of this from Bing translate, then I'm 99% sure it's false
  3. Scrolled through Cassis, it didn't sound all that different, which was very disappointing, and now I'm worried that reira will also sound too much like the original. I mean, I didn't want or expect these songs to get an UNRAVELING treatment, but I wanted something more. After seeing the cover art, I started to imagine a darker sounding Cassis, maybe slowed down a bit, with no piano or acoustic guitars. I usually know better than to let album artwork mould my expectations, I don't know what has gotten into me. My opinions may change, since these are shitty quality radio rips being played through my shitty MacBook speakers... I've always really liked 紅蓮, so I don't give a fuck if it sounds the same as the album version (though I didn't listen to that one entirely). It's a good song, sue me bitch. I wonder if any other tracks will get corrected Engrish? Will RUKI actually pronounce the L in reiLa? I'm especially curious about the Engrish in 体温.
  4. Seimeisen

    I'm psychic. I predicted that it would happen sometime this year. I called it. I have powers. In all seriousness, I'm looking forward to this. I haven't really sat down to listen to a full cali≠gari album, except for 5 and 8, but I dig a lot of what I have heard from them.
  5. A part of me was actually kinda hoping they'd replace reira and Cassis with better songs. Silly me! Great artwork, though. ETA: 菫 and 千鶴 would have been great picks
  6. Seimeisen

    I've made peace with them disbanding. They're probably the most flaky, uncommitted band I can think of, and I guess they finally realised that they cannot get their shit together. I'm not getting my hopes up for a "new album" or digital single or whatever, I'm just glad they followed through with WOD II and Fatal Error Race. Weren't we waiting two years for that? I would at least like a formal release of the SKP re-recording, but again, not getting my hopes up.
  7. Seimeisen

    Taking all the b-sides in a compilation and calling it "COUPLING BEST" is dumb. A lot of those tracks are junk! The only one I'd say is worth being referred to as a "coupling best" is Monopoly, which should have just been thrown in on "THE END OF THE WORLD." I never listened to the remixes, I'm sure those are junk, too. As for the BEST OF MUCC II discs, it's nice that they include Diorama, 暁, and those three songs that came with the live DVDs, but everything is in exact chronological order, which is lazy af. Wanna do a best-of compilation, do it right! Get your shit together (lol) Also, "yens" is not a word. The plural for yen is actually yen. Better yet, just use the actual yen symbol (¥), as in: ¥6,920+tax
  8. They just have to be doing this in June, couldn't wait 'til July when I'll actually be in Japan (lol). Anyways, serious note, I wouldn't look into the one-day revival of 彩冷える-ayabie-, I think they do these one/two-show reunions whenever there's an anniversary event for AREA or SPEED-DISK.
  9. Seimeisen

    > Doujin "band" that covers Touhou songs gets butthurt about piracy The amount of stupid here has made my brain short circuit
  10. Seimeisen

    Any more arguments and this topic gets locked, and posts get deleted. Keep it civil, you guys!
  11. VK DARIA is back, and maaan is she hyping them CODOMO DRAGONS

    1. Spectralion


      Does she love 廃SOCIETY?

      Because I'm still HOWL it thru my speaker like WOLFMAN.

    2. tetsu_sama69



    3. Seimeisen


      Context: avatar background is a WOLFMAN/HEMLOCK blend

  12. Seimeisen

    Um... yeah, he's borderline pedo, this is common knowledge. When was the last time they made a video that wasn't centred around a 13 year-old schoolgirl? I don't really give a shit if he's hot for lesbians and thinks bald/bearded men are gross. That's how most straight men think, this shit isn't news. Maybe he's not homophobic, just uglyphobic. I dunno...
  13. OMG PureSound is trying to sell that DEZERT rarez compilation for ¥27,000... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    1. tetsu_sama69


      LOLL SERIOUSLY?!!?!?!

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      "Let them eat cake" - PureSound

  14. Seimeisen

    It's official: everyone, everywhere, is sick *loud, deadly sounding cough*
  15. Seimeisen

    I know right! Bitch had the audacity to stand upright and use a greyscale filter. The! Nerve! Of some people! *tsk tsk*
  16. Seimeisen

    This never existed. It was all a lie. Somebody has been lying to you and that is not okay.
  17. -Conditionally disband- -sold in advance- -Record label scapegoat- Last few times Starwave bands have broken up, I've been very compelled to blame Kiwamu, crusher of hopes and dreams. Not sure if the label is to blame this time, because I don't think any Starwave bands have done this before. It's possible that the band members are just desperate attention whores who require it from some particular amount of girls (and only girls)?
  18. Seimeisen

    I never really believe in doing "New Year's resolutions," or at least calling them that, but I plan on joining a gym, learning some (actually useful and important) Japanese before my trip in July, and if my blue pig bank filled with loose change gets all the way full, I'm gonna invest it all 'cause why the hell not (it'd probably be only $25 anyway lol). Organising digital music collection sounds like a great idea, though that's something I've been trying to do for more than three years! 😆
  19. Yes, back in 2010 but it was a very basic, very unnecessary best of album. Just singles between NIL-DIM eras, placed in chronological order, no remixing/remastering, pretty pointless IMO.
  20. Seimeisen

    Uh, maybe a week or two? I dunno, and still no artwork either, it looks like. I'm curious about the tracklist, though. I was hoping we could get a shorter version of Brilliant World that doesn't trail off into random Christmas songs...
  21. OMG please don't get my hopes up that they'd switch out reira or Cassis for something better, like おくり火 or 十七歳.
  22. I'd prefer a re-recording album to only be comprised of rare oldies and STACKED RUBBISH songs that are not so great, and I'm not really dying for more reila or Cassis. Still though, I'm really looking forward to this. And I'm with those hoping against some UNRAVELING-esque reinterpretations.
  23. Seimeisen

    Hopefully they remember to put this one on Bandcamp. Apparently they released one of these new tracks as a single a few months back and I never knew about it.
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