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Everything posted by Seimeisen

  1. Anyone else think of yogurt when they see the word Yohio? Like Yohio is not actually a person, but some popular yogurt brand?

    1. Chi


      i think of...ohio

  2. Seimeisen

    Everyone thinks you're a robot there I said it
  3. The plural for "yen" is "yen." "Yens" is not a word. Seeing the word "yens" is like hearing nails on a chalkboard.

    1. Chi


      i love so many animes and mangas i wish i had many yens to buy theys

    2. doombox


      But saying yens is so much more kawaii desu neeeeeeee~

  4. I at least hope Sony will release the full song on the JP/US stores. I mean, they probably won't since they only released the bullshit "radio edit" of anima, and Sony has become the official poster label for pure unadulterated bullshit, but I can still hope... :/ I just don't give a shit about the "b-side" tracks
  5. Seimeisen

    Fucking video is region blocked and the song is only for purchase on the Japanese store. Fuck their new label. :< This song is awesome!! I need this album NOW
  6. Seimeisen

    Short answer: DEZERT > AvelCain Long answer: I was practically in love with AvelCain in early 2014 when they released their self-titled album, and that album is one of the best VK albums of 2014. They were stronger with their album/mini-albums, and some of their singles were weak. When they released おまじない, I was so excited, and I thought things were gonna get better, but instead that 秒 guy joins and they release a sub-par single, and it all just went downhill from there. They completely sizzled out (IMO). I still really enjoy their music, but I get annoyed when I see them, and I get annoyed when I have one of their songs stuck in my head for several hours. DEZERT, on the other hand, have had strong releases across the board. Their second album is not my favourite, but still rather enjoyable. They have a very unique style, of compositions resembling 10 year old VK songs with a sound inspired by western 90's nu-metal/hardcore. I anticipate great things to come from this band in the future. I'm looking forward to the future of DEZERT.
  7. Seimeisen

    Whaaaaaaaaat o__0
  8. Seimeisen

    This is more of a question for @paradoxal, I think. But IIRC, "murder version" is just on the live-limited version, and there's a normal version on the nationwide release without the gunshots. I'm pretty sure that's what para told me.
  9. Seimeisen

    @The Reverend@inartisticI actually didn't mind the "thousands of papers in an envelope" thing they did with the lyrics. I had very low expectations to begin with, because y'know how Shimizuya is cheap as hell (and ultra-basic) with CD packaging. It's not like they would have done some special colour booklet with tons of artwork or anything.
  10. Seimeisen

    Not sure if the CD included a lyric sheet...
  11. Seimeisen

    It's okay I don't think STACKED RUBBISH was a fan favourite... Filth in the beauty and 千鶴 are definitely fan favourites, but I don't think the album itself is. Though I do know a few people who really like that album. Not sure if this opinion is unpopular or not either, but I think AGONY would have been a lot better in Japanese (and maybe if RUKI was screaming instead of rapping?). I've enjoyed making fun of the Engrish rapping, but I've never really enjoyed listening to the song.
  12. Seimeisen

    Thanks a ton! The translations on fuckyeah-avelcain are fucking awful
  13. *bless this post* that fucker needs to have his image uploading privileges removed!! I downvoted, like, 50+ pics. I would have done more, but I got so annoyed. But yeah, with or without jondesu, 己龍's picture section is an irreparable train wreck.
  14. It's July 2nd and I still haven't changed my wallpapers. Tsk tsk

  15. Seimeisen

    If this happens again, I will delete the thread. The reactions here were just too priceless.
  16. I'm liking this! I can't wait to hear the full song!
  17. I FINALLY decided which version of PINK (2016) I'm getting on vinyl. VINYL_V1_ASIDEPMS206_BSIDEPMS706_1024x10

  18. Visunavi and ViSULOG both report that "暫定的オカルト週刊誌②" will be released nationwide in Japan.
  19. I wonder what this will include. And whether or not it will be live-limited. :/
  20. Architects talk: @eiheartx (and maybe @doombox, too) Yesterday I played ALL OUR GODS ABANDONED US in the kitchen at work. I surprised quite a few of my co-workers (lol). I was surprisingly impressed, actually. The album is enjoyable, but maybe not something I'd sit down and devote all my attention to. When I sat down to listen to Lost Together // Lost Forever, I was pretty bored. I wasn't fond of the djenty direction they went in, and I don't really like Sam's half-sang vocals on either album. My favourite of theirs is still The Here And Now (don't understand the hate it gets at all).
  21. Seimeisen

    Happy on-time birthday to @Jigsaw9 and @yakihiko Happy belated birthday to @beni and @The MAD Stallion
  22. The music itself is really good, but I'm not very fond of the vocals.
  23. Seimeisen

    I don't recommend using Buyee; their fees are pretty crazy, last time I checked. Use From Japan. They charge ¥200 + 5% per item (¥200 per item stops after 4 items from the same seller), and once something arrives at their warehouse, you can wait as long as a month to instruct shipments. Which means you can buy from a ton of different CDs from a ton of different sellers (over a period of a few weeks) and have them all sent in the same box. No extra fees for package consolidation.
  24. Seimeisen

    The webshop where they sold 六道輪廻 has 404'd, so I'm guessing Shimizufuck took it down. Also, there's no evidence that the mail-order version of 輪廻転生 will ever be released. Fucking liars. Oh, well, now I can un-follow them on Twitter and stop checking their blogs.
  25. Oooh, I'm curious about this one. I kinda skipped the last single 'cause I didn't like the b-side preview, but...... DAMN! They look cool in this promo pic!
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