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Everything posted by Seimeisen

  1. Seimeisen

    WOWW What a surprise!!! /sarcasm I will never understand why Japan has such a huge problem with foreign credit cards. Gaijin CreditGate continues...
  2. There's too many songs here. I think the album could do without tracks 5 (and/or 6), 7, 10, and maybe 1. And track 12 should be where track 7 currently is. I think this would make a pretty great 11-13 track album, but a 16 track グリーヴァ will probably bore me. Their current stuff just isn't as interesting. They could have gotten away with 16 tracks on 鬼ト影. Also, "in the Blue" reminds me of something I've heard before, but I'm not sure what...... endless loop? Either way, it's good. 3 and 14 were the only real stand-out previews.
  3. Damn, that all sounds great! Except for ピチピチチャプチャプランランラン, which IMO should have been the bonus track instead of 青いレインコート. Shit, I've been way behind on these guys, I gotta get back into them. Starting with this mini album!
  4. Seimeisen

    Sources: Limited Edition Standard Edition
  5. Seimeisen

    Their new shop is http://shimizu8.theshop.jp and their checkout form does let you put in addresses from overseas. But that doesn't guarantee that they will accept the overseas order. Their info pages don't say anything specific about overseas shipping. All shops hosted by thebase.in will let you input overseas shipping info and such regardless of the seller's willingness to ship outside of Japan. I know this because another band, THE NOVEMBERS, have a webshop hosted by thebase.in, their checkout pages let you input overseas info, but their personal info pages say "we will not ship internationally." You could always try placing an order there just for the hell of it!
  6. Seimeisen

    What the goddamn fucking shit is going on here??!!! (I don't have time for an epic reaction, but I will be back with melodramatic gifs in a few hours)
  7. Seimeisen

  8. Seimeisen

    Now I'm sad that I didn't get to go to the show in SF. Thanks, guys!
  9. Seimeisen

    JPU Records put some of the bands back catalogue up on iTunes (and similar stores) a few weeks ago. They have been wanting to distribute releases outside of Europe for some time, but it seems there were legal (?) reasons stopping them.
  10. Seimeisen

    Royz and THE BLACK SWAN took over the April blurbs!!
  11. Seimeisen

    THE NOVEMBERS (left) (pretty much) partial discography Special slipcase for the (Two) (melt into) series Live-limited re-issue of their first demo. MERRY (right) 現代ストイック (first press live-limited edition) (← you've GOTTA see the pictures of this) M.E.R.R.Y. (limited edition, sealed, ¥1,000) M.E.R.R.Y. (regular edition) under-world (¥100; DVD case is cracked, some imperfections on the slipcase, everything else appears to be fine) チック・タック (live-limited, 2009, haven't heard it yet) I'm pretty much out of room for my CDs...
  12. First impression: the UNDYING b-sides are much better than the UGLY b-sides.

    1. togz


      I should probably listen to these new releases before the concerts...

    2. eiheartx


      I'm in love with VACANT, damn. I hope they'll play it live someday. But I think, what I prefer the most in UNDYING is the piano part. They should defo use more piano in their songs. It's a nice release, I love the atmosphere. Now I'll shut up xD

  13. OMG OUSIA didn't come with lyrics. You have to go to their anniversary show on 6/3 to get them. Pretty much no artwork here. I'm really getting my money's worth.

    1. paradoxal


      Wow, that's ridiculous...

    2. Seimeisen


      Yeah, that's part of the reason I spent $25 on the album. For the artwork!

    3. eiheartx


      what is this shit >.< fuck this srsly.

  14. Seimeisen

    For the Location field, you'll just have to put ": " before the actual location, like I did ": パラコアランド" for example
  15. @donwea & @ricchubunny: If you two have anything more to say about this "Budokan sold out/not sold out" nonsense, take it up via PM. This is a news thread about 己龍 RELEASING A NEW ALBUM, not a debate thread on whether or not one of their goddamn shows sold out. To the rest of you all, I'm sorry I didn't step in sooner. Opinions on the actual news that should be discussed: I'm looking forward to the new album. 九尾 was EVERYTHING to me and 天照 was really good (sans b-sides). I still haven't listened to 彩, because I the artworks/band look were all so hideous that I just block that one out of my mind (lol). Their previous album was rather solid, it just took a few listens for it to grow on me. I did not recognise Isshiki at all in the group shot. He looks pretty good. As usual, the red guy looks awesome and, idk, maybe the green guy looks less stupid. I think some of them would look much better if they didn't do the "two different contacts" thing; that trend needs to die.
  16. OUSIA and UNDYING have been shipped!! SOOOO EXCITED OMGOMG

    1. eiheartx


      CDJ sent my order too, I was surprised since we are still sunday and they've never sent any orders on a sunday.

    2. Nagisa


      Mine got shipped too. It's still Sunday in Japan too.

  17. Seimeisen

    Skipped the UNDYING preview for no particular reason, but I at least listened to the b-side previews and they sound fucking majestic!
  18. Possible translations could be: "Stepping on Lyrics" or "Treading into a Song" (etc, etc.) Explanation: 詩【ウタ】means [modern] poetry, and other kanji read as ウタ will usually mean song; 踏む【フム】means to step/tread/etc. I came up with "Stepping on Lyrics" because a lot of people seem to have translated the GazettE's 影踏み as "Stepping on Shadows." All I can say for sure is that it's a made up word, thanks 京.
  19. Seimeisen

    At the FJ warehouse, I have 13 CDs awaiting shipping instructions, and the last item just arrived. I will also have an empty balance on my credit card tomorrow. That moment when I'm not sure if I wanna submit shipping instructions to stop myself from throwing more money, or if I want to throw more money to see how many more CDs I can get in this crate. Having to make decisions like these #firstworldproblems
  20. Seimeisen

    ARROW OF THE LIGHT is a rather depressing, farewell-type song, so it's fitting to include it.
  21. Wouldn't it be cool if CDJapan shipped CDs out one week early? I want my copies of UNDYING and OUSIA ALREADY!!! XD

    1. Nagisa


      Don't give in! I'm waiting for the PV to be previewed so I can get some idea of what the song will be about.

    2. -NOVA-


      I wish :( and yes im right there with you, I need UNDYING AND TBS in my life already

    3. Show next comments  72 more
  22. Seimeisen

    DIV - VANISH This fucking song you guys OMG The rest of this album isn't really something I'm into (all the EDM influence and such), but ... THIS FUCKING SONG OMG
  23. Seimeisen

    Wait, which idea are you saying "plzz" to? Re-recorded or remastered demo? Honestly, I think I'd prefer a remastered demo version. If it was re-recorded, a part of me would still want to hunt for the original demo CD on auction sites and such.
  24. mirth-fuelled revulsion

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