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Everything posted by Seimeisen

  1. 絶望した!雄大な桃色係長に絶望した!

    1. Seimeisen



  2. Seimeisen

    A RarezHut box has arrived! 2 Plastic Tree flyers (bonus freebies, nice!) heidi. - 翼 (通常盤) (帯無) DuelJewel - VISIONS (limited edition?) lynch. - enemy (limited edition) (帯無) Jin-Machine - さよならアキラレモン (limited edition) 彩冷える-ayabie- - 桜舞う季節に (TYPE A) R指定 - スロウデイズ (通常盤) 葵&涼平 - モノクローム (TOKUMA limited edition) (case-less) オトガデッド - Asterisk Plastic Tree - Single Collection Plastic Tree - トレモロ Plastic Tree fan club 'zine (another nice freebie) I might wanna replace a few cases, especially "enemy" (that poor case is all banged up). トレモロ was the second only time I've won a little "bid war" on the RH streams, and it's one of the rare instances where I get a CD purely for the artwork.   Oh... and I need to brainstorm on new places to put my CDs... ... 'cause I have a few more on the way ... and some more that I plan on buying...
  3. Even though the kanji is slightly different, I can't not think of the band 88kasyo junrei (八十八ヶ所巡礼). Also, I think the b-side title means something like, "Fuck you for going major." Too bad there's no bonus track for the regular edition...
  4. Seimeisen

    AvelCain - 月 -MOON- THE BLACK SWAN - 赫音 heidi. 恋愛リマインド MERRY - 平日の女 (limited edition B with music video, and the same postcard everyone else got) MERRY - Happy life (regular edition with second unwarranted remaster of 絶望) Got them from CDJapan, which I didn't want to do. I originally wanted to buy these from Amazon, because they were selling a discounted limited edition of Happy life, but noooooooooooo, they decided not to stock any more copies of MOON, so I had to buy CDJ and just went with the plain version of Happy life. I also didn't want to buy a physical copy of MOON at all, because CDs published by Shimizuya are not worth the money (minimalistic artwork at a higher price). Only reason I'm buying physical copies of the new AvelCain singles is because the band/label aren't posting HQ covers.
  5. Seimeisen

    Sorry, but it's not a best of without "Extremely Waltz"
  6. Seimeisen

    I just ordered my copy an hour ago; I should get it in less than a week and will be making booklet scans.
  7. Seimeisen

    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword I haven't had too much time to play it, so I haven't really gotten anywhere yet. So far, it seems like a watercolour textured 80's high school movie (that storyline) that takes place in medieval times, and everyone looks totally weird (especially Zelda). And I'm pretty sure the giant birds eat people... Oh, and you can only save your game if you "pray" to a bird statue.
  8. Higher resolution (click the thumbnail for full size)    I think I have the font that they keep using Not official, but better:  
  9. Seimeisen

    Listened to a playlist of their last live set while washing dishes at work
  10. Seimeisen

    I still prefer their DOGMA look, but at least they look better than they did in their look for UGLY.
  11. Seimeisen

    HOLLOWGRAM - Qualia [ALBUS+RUFUS] (from iTunes)
  12. The Qualia mini albums are now on the iTunes store (and other worldwide digital shops) as one full album: Qualia [ALBUS+RUFUS].
  13. Seimeisen

    (dock not shown; it's on auto-hide) source
  14. I'm really digging that artwork. I haven't been too impressed by their post-終焉 material, but hopefully they'll do something a little different with this album.
  15. I don't want to be rational right now. I want to blame others until I get bored enough to accept the truth.

  16. Bleh, not dark enough for me. The first two and the last two were the only ones that seemed to stick out. Everything else was pretty bland. I guess I should take the previews with a grain of salt though, as Pentagon are notorious for out-of-place choruses.
  17. Seimeisen

    I'm surprised it's not a single, since コドモドラゴン and 己龍 announced singles two days ago, and BP bands always announce the same kind of release on the same day (conspiracy). I have low hopes for this album because I hated THE BEGINNING, and Supernova was only okay. I guess I can hope the other tracks on the album are a hundred times better.
  18. Seimeisen

    I was actually thinking of flying into LA for that show, just because there's more people here in the LA area, but it's on a Tuesday, which would be impossible for me to manage. I may not be able to go to the SF show either, because it's on a Sunday and I work on Sundays. I might still buy a ticket to the show (in advance) just in case I can get that day off. :\
  19. Seimeisen

    Moved this to the Rumours section because, as emmny said, nothing has been officially confirmed. Before the page at the Regency Ballroom (SanFran venue) website went 404, I'm pretty sure it said that the tickets were supposed to go on sale on January 6th.
  20. Moving ~1TB of backup from one USB3 drive to a 2TB USB3 drive. This will take years, I'm sure.

    1. Ito


      I just transferred around 2.5TB of data from a 3TB to a 4TB drive, so I feel your pain lol

    2. inartistic


      At least it's not USB2!

    3. Seimeisen


      OMG, USB2 was the worst!

      I can't help but wonder how much quicker this would be if it was Thunderbolt tho. :(

      ETA 16 hours

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  21. Seimeisen

  22. "You don't look like a whore! An idiot, maybe... or perhaps both? ... Yes! A Whordiot!"

  23. Seimeisen

    Is that an unpopular opinion? Most people I talk to seem to agree.
  24. Seimeisen

    Yeah, I know about that one, too. :/ I don't think it was a test pressing, but a lottery gift, like VULGAR.
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