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Everything posted by Seimeisen

  1. Such blatant use of the studio vocal track on the PA system. Whenever the singer bothered to sing along with it, he sounded god awful. The rest of the band themselves seemed to do fine from what I could tell. Maybe I'd see them live if they played a show without the singer (or they just kicked him out of the band lol). I think there was only a brief period in one of the songs where it was just him singing horribly with no vocal background track.
  2. I hate it when auctions end on Sunday afternoons. Can they not? I have to fucking work and can't have my eyes glued to my phone in the damn kitchen!!!!!

  3. Trying to translate the paragraph of text on the album page. It looks like TYPE A's running time will be ~60 minutes, TYPE B's running time will be over 70 minutes, RECEPTRIX is supposedly going to be an intro track (but hopefully it's more than that), and 想白の季雪 is a ballad. And apparently, both types have completely different tracklist arrangements because they want the listener to get two completely different impressions when listening to the album, and to set it apart from other "mere multiple type releases". I used Google Translate, so this is probably 100% false. Kind of agreeing with emmny, I think at least TYPE B could survive without THE HOPELESS and sTRIPPER.
  4. Yup, Type B it is! That transition from 失い to 赫音-finis- is gonna be magic! Type A tracklist looks kind of strange.
  5. Seimeisen

    Resurrect-A-Didilly 'cause I had no clue there was a thread for this band This post was gonna be a wall of text. I might write a Reflection for the review section once I've listened to all their stuff. So far, my favourites of theirs are 夕暮れの謝罪, 迷走本能, holy needle, 裸眼, 淋しさと眠れ, and 腐った海で溺れかけてる僕を救ってくれた君. I think my favourite album of theirs is 落首; while the songs on the album might be same-y at first, they grew on me. 落首 has the heaviness that 愚弄色 seems to lack, and has the substance that the self-titled lacks. Also, I hate 闇に笑う黒; I even replaced it with 説教38.5℃ (b-side from 過去形真実). I still haven't really listened to 黒旗, except for 儚き激情 and 腐った海で・・・, and I've previewed other tracks. From what I can tell, it seems like their heavy (metal) influences have entirely worn off, and I'm expecting to hear more of an indie-rock/punk kind of sound.
  6. Happy CAT5 DAY, everyone!

  7. Seimeisen

    For some strange reason, I've been in a super fucking pissed off mood today, so... I'm gonna get some of the hate out of my system! I fucking hate Kpop so fucking much. I don't just hate it because I hate pop music, but because it's everywhere. I used to be okay with the boybands existing, just because I thought the guys were hot, but now I just think they're ALL obnoxious tools. Yep, pretty much this. Also, idol-group girls (AKB, SKE, NMB, XKZ, AKC, DKF) make me fucking puke. [2] I don't even bother checking out Asking Alexandria because their name is fucking stupid. Let's see, who else I can hate on?? Oh, I know! Kiwamu: the run-down hooker of faux-gawf veekay! I blame him for suicide ali's disbandment (I ranted about it here), and will probably always blame/hate him for it. I'm also blaming him for umbrella "leaving" Starwave (my conspiracy theory is that Kiwi kicked them off the label for being a great sounding band that didn't have poser goth beep-boops). I was also unhappy that he deleted the band's back catalogue from distributors, as if the releases never happened. Not sure if I can scapegoat him for lix.'s so-called hiatus. Tokami is the only band on that label that's got a good sound and is going strong. Pretty much every other band on that label either sucks or simply doesn't interest me. Oh, and I think BLOOD is stupid.
  8. I haven't really been keeping up with new music lately, buuuuuuuut... SUPER PSYCHED Katatonia - The Fall Of Hearts (the wait is seriously gonna fucking kill me omg) the GazettE - UNDYING DIAURA - ENIGMA THE BLACK SWAN - OUSIA Looking forward to: Royz - S.I.V.A. グリーヴァ - 混沌の匣 (Box of Chaos) AvelCain - supposed final album (if it's for real) I think SUICIDE SILENCE are planning a new album for this year? darkest hour's crowdfunded album would go in the "super psyched" tier, except their last album totally sucked!
  9. Seimeisen

    1, 2, 7, 8, and 9 all stood out. Glad Subaru hasn't completely abandoned his harsh vocals. While 12 seems generic-Royz, it might be a better ending song than SUPERNOVA. 4 and 5 will need to grow on me, and hopefully I won't hate THE BEGINNING when I hear it in the midst of the album. All in all, I'm still expecting this album to be better than CORE.
  10. Seimeisen

    This!! I wish RUKI would have just left the lyrics in Japanese. I think they went with Engrish because of some Japanese music censorship board saying the lyrics were too extreme or something (?).
  11. Where/How/On what was the PV released anyway? Did they do some live-distributed PV DVD on the hush-hush like they did with 片思い and 死化粧? those bastards
  12. I'm still in disbelief what is life anymore omg

    1. Seimeisen


      Fuck Izumi for murdering AvelCain

    2. Shir0


      killer news 2016

  13. Seimeisen

    This can't be fucking real!! :'( Seconding duwang's theory of escaping Shimizuya
  14. Seimeisen

    Welcome to the vortex. Good luck escaping Enjoy your stay! You have good taste in weebcore. I'm also a fan of DEG, NEGA, and lunch.; and DADAROMA are also quite interesting. If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone with a red or blue name!
  15. Seimeisen

    I fucking loved 蛇と姑獲鳥 (and b-sides; fight me!!), thought 紅-べに- was nice, and 影 was pretty damn cool, so I got no problem with the band members composing music. I also like most of what eve has composed and I love the hell out of おまじない and S/T, although some material (mostly single b-sides) sound kind of same-y, so a part of me kind of worries that his material might get stale in the future. Also, I want them to just fucking make a second album already!
  16. Seimeisen

    That ... didn't suck. I actually really like that! Does kinda sound like a rehash of MASK, but I really like that song, so I'm cool with this. I now have higher hopes for this album.
  17. Seimeisen

    You should be able to watch it here (no proxies required): FUCK YouTube Red AND FUCK SONY At least I'm assuming this is the same video that @eiheartx linked. Also, liking that transition from NIHIL to DAWN they used in the video.
  18. I usually don't expect much for b-sides, this band is more of an album band, but these might be worth checking out. 白濁 and 絶望論 sounded cool; 不謹慎が笑う sounded great ... until the chorus kicked in (those repetitive lyrics just bugged me for some reason).
  19. Seimeisen

    Type A cover is my favourite of the two, but ending the album with Supernova seems odd. I wonder if the next 己龍 and コドモドラゴン albums will end with a single as well...
  20. Seimeisen

    Good Fucking Riddance to them! They were just a bullshit repost account. Seriously, they'd take videos already uploaded to the label/band's OFFICIAL channel, re-upload them, and then people would embed those reposts on MH, and said reposts would get more views.
  21. I'm officially obsessed with translucent records. Thanks, TITAN!

  22. I just popped in for the DIAURA and グリーヴァ, but damn I'm kinda interested in that 黒百合と影 DVD, too...

    1. Chi


      you are the hero MH needs

  23. I'm digging this. I'm interested. It's not different at all, but I'm digging this.
  24. Seimeisen

    More vinyl YAAAAAY The pictures (in combination with my room's awful lighting) don't do it justice. The guy I ordered this from threw in a free record from his band autarkeia. They got a pretty good sound, though their vocals aren't really my thing.
  25. In case of a power outage, I go on life support with the help of my laptop and iPhone (spider solitaire, Photoshop, etc.). When those batteries run out, I die. When the power returns, I resurrect from the dead as a violent, blood-thirsty demon. When it's just the wi-fi, I cycle the router. If that doesn't work, I call Comcast and threaten to leave.
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