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Everything posted by Seimeisen

  1. Seimeisen

    YEAAH, those are my favourite アヤビエ tracks! MELTAWAY More rant: I actually kinda dig the b-sides from that one. I gave all the post-涼平 material a chance, and at first I was pretty into it, then a few years later I went back, and was like noooooope. Of post-涼平, I still like the beastly virgin snow colour, 桜舞う, Cubic'「L/R」ock, DEATHBIE, and インテツ's metalcore version of 妄想日記. But everything else I don't like. And don't even get me started on their TOKUMA material, gg. Still annoyed that they abandoned this project. It was pretty much an アヤビエ revival (all that was missing was タケヒト and インテツ lol). Also annoyed that DEATHBIE was abandoned.
  2. Seimeisen

    This is a screwy poll and I'm not voting 'cause I can't decide. Instead, I'm gonna take this time to rant about these bands. Old アヤビエ will always be a million times better than ...... whatever the hell 彩冷える turned into after ... you-know-who joined. Old ギルガメッシュ is way better than mid-career girugämesh, and relatively better than current girugamesh (may vary depending on tolerance to djentified beep-boops). Also, I can't say enough that I miss 2004 era アヤビエ; hell, even "virgin snow colour" era 彩冷える, that album was golden! I mean, I didn't know about the band until 2011, but I just wish things could have turned out differently. As for girugamesh... let's just forget all about GO (and some of NOW).
  3. Seimeisen

    TITAN - the chrysanthemum pledge (12" black vinyl)
  4. So... it's live limited? That's not cool at all! I'm seriously gonna be pissed off if this doesn't get a nationwide release!
  5. Seimeisen

    FTFY Although, this time, I think I don't wanna cave in with the radio rip/track preview vid... Haven't decided.
  6. Seimeisen

    Cool Welcome back panda doge
  7. YAAAY my very first Discogs order just got shipped! And so my vinyl collecting begins...

  8. I'd like to remind everyone that this is a thread about Fixer being kidnapped signed to Starwave Records and releasing a full-length album. Let's stick to that topic, shall we? If anyone wants to further discuss free music, the struggle of purchasing rarez, entitlement and such, please find another thread (or perhaps create one?) to do so in a civil manner! On topic: I have mixed feelings about this. I mean, yay for full-length album, it'll give me a chance to really get into this band, but booooooo for any association with Kiwamu. I worry for any band on Starwave that isn't a second-rate Versailles clone. I can dive into this more when I make a post in the "music hate thread" which would be a better place for my Kiwamu and Starwave rant. What I will say is this: I'm not worried about the label influencing a change of sound, I'm worried about the label sealing the fate of the band. Most bands I've listened to that have been on Starwave have either disbanded, been kicked off the label (then went in a not-so-great direction), or sent to Purgatory (indefinite hiatus). What I hope for is that Fixer can release some good material on this label to fulfil their contract, and then GTFO!
  9. Seimeisen

    I was so certain it'd be released sometime in March. Oh well, another month won't hurt. Also, the background image on the release page is cool. Looks like I found my wallpaper for April or May. Also, I edited the topic title to include release date.
  10. Seimeisen

    Shipping was free!
  11. Seimeisen

    蜉蝣 - 落首 (first press gold cover) 蜉蝣 - 愚弄色 (regular edition) something from Art Cube idunno Got these for $22 total from some site called plajapan.com. Was pleasantly surprised that 落首 was the first press and not regular edition. Would have been cool if the other one was the limited edition, but it's $20 for two brand new and sealed CDs so who'm I to complain? The Art Cube CD was thrown in for free.
  12. Seimeisen

    Lately I've been getting into 蜉蝣 (Kagerou). About a month ago I tried out their first album (self-titled) two different times, and was less impressed by it each time; it was quite difficult to get into. But I didn't give up on them. I decided to check out some of their other stuff. At first I thought they'd be a "singles band," so I got all their singles and the ones they released before their self-titled album were pretty good with some strong moments. I then decided to download all their other full-length albums (落首、愚弄色、黒旗), and they are much better than the first one, and more engaging than the singles. TL;DR, 落首, 愚弄色, and 黒旗 are very solid (s/t is tricky), pre-debut album singles are worth checking out, post-debut album singles are for die-hard fans only.
  13. Seimeisen

    It would have been better if: - It had rarez (melt, cult, Judgement demo, 自壊 prototype) - They didn't remake the GENESIS tracks; the originals were better (they murdered 禁示録) Other than that, all the re-recordings are fantastic! Also, I don't get why SIRIUS is the only non-rerecorded track to get a remix (not that it isn't an amazing mix, the guitars are more present). I'll talk more about the comp later, perhaps even do a review.
  14. Seimeisen

    Updated my list with more shit that's nearly impossible to find
  15. Any time you and beni had a matching avatar. Or any time you had a Kobatar (koba+avatar).
  16. Seimeisen

    God-dayum, that SKP re-rec/demo is killer! When it comes to re-recordings, I usually prefer the Para:noir versions, but this blows the first version far out of the water.
  17. PARANOIA is bland as fuck, but the b-sides sound very promising.
  18. It's been a day and seeing all these non-pink username colours is still weird!

    1. yakihiko


      Same lol btw, nice color transition in your avi.

  19. Seimeisen

    DIAURA - RUIN the INCOMPLETE INFECTION Comes with some comment DVDs and a microscopic sticker R指定 godrarez - Nihil Party (usually sells for ¥8,000; snatched it for ¥4,800) Some lame flyers that came with the DIAURA CDs. Go away, Gossip! Oh, and a tour schedule brochure from late 2013 (good lord, Ains).
  20. Digging the preview. Nothing incredibly different, but still sounds nice.
  21. I won't be celebrating Valentine's Day today as I'll be working in the afternoon. I will celebrate it the next day by eating lots of candy and watching TV.

    1. Seimeisen


      ...... and possibly drinking

    2. anakuro


      The second half of that plan is A+

  22. Nowhere near as amazing as 九尾, but decent. Kinda digging the b-side and the D-type bonus track.
  23. USDJPY is getting worse every single day. I'm officially on Japanese shopping hiatus until things turn around.

    1. stylelover


      ^ that were the good times

    2. inartistic


      Eh? The dollar is worth less JPY again? That sucks ;(

    3. Seimeisen


      @inartistic No, it's not that bad. On Forex, it's 111.97; on evil PayPal it's 108.

      On the bright side, it's not as bad as 2012 where it was once as low as 70.

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