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Everything posted by Seimeisen

  1. According to the poster that @Yukami posted, ヒマワリノウタ is the one that's going to be released next month and 紅-べに- is going to be the 聖子-seiko- single. Never mind, I guess the first poster had a mix up. I'm going to hold any kind of excitement or looking forward to these releases until I'm sure there's a way that I can buy them (without spending 10x the original prices). :\
  2. Seimeisen

    Not live limited (as far as I know). It was included in the limited edition of a photo book they pressed in 2006. You must be thinking of 十四歳のナイフ (Juuyon-sai no Knife). Also, I'm pretty sure one of these three CDs was actually fan club limited, but I'm not sure which one.
  3. Amazon.co.jp can go fuck themselves. My copy of DOGMA was originally supposed to arrive on Saturday, NOW, the shipping estimate is indefinite. FUCK!

    1. Tetora


      Shipping: Saturday > Indefinite > When we get around to it > When Kenta comes back from vacation, he's the only one who knows how to work the FedEx Software > Kenta quit > Never.

    2. yakihiko


      This sucks very much, isn't it because of the weight?

    3. Seimeisen


      @yaki I don't think it has to do with the weight. I'm pretty sure this has to do with item availability.

  4. Seimeisen

    I'm predicting that their next release will be in November and/or February, since those are [presumably] the months of the 3rd and 5th movements. And I'm guessing "THE FINALE" will be a 14th anniversary show in March to end THE OMINOUS YEAR.
  5. Seimeisen

    I got a malformed box Brand new and sealed, only cost $45 after shipping! I bet someone who got it brand new from CDJapan two years ago paid $120 for it.
  6. Ugh, I don't that title at all. I like that the themes of "DARK" and "EVIL" are being used, but... the title immediately made me think of MUCC's "T.R.E.N.D.Y. -Paradise from 1997-".
  7. Kinda concerned about the USDJPY. One week ago, it was 124.41, now it's ~119 and has gone as low as 116 today.

    1. whitegrey


      Bitcoin is also down... buying quite some of it now as i expect it to rise again :P

    2. Show next comments  96 more
  8. Seimeisen

    Oh my god, you guys are acting like he's not gonna upload anything else! This guy would probably be scared shitless that PSC would execute him if he leaked the entire thing so early... idk! :shrug: He said that he's not gonna leak the entire album all at once, but I'm sure he'll upload something else soon. I don't understand why people are getting so butthurt and saying that he's "stringing us along" when he's showing an unboxing vid, uploading DVD screenshots, asking what songs people want to hear the most, and uploading a CD rip of a song that has been leaked (in lesser quality). He may be a tease, but it looks like there's more to follow. Not trying to be a dick, here. If this were some [super rare] live-limited release and he was making all of these teaser posts, I would understand the anger, and I would join in on it, but this is a widely anticipated album that will be available in many formats in presumably many countries, therefore very accessible, and will leak in a few days. Trust me, the wait for this album is driving me insane, and I'm doubling the torture by staying away from audio previews/leaks. Basically, what I'm taking away from the unboxing video and screenshots is more stuff to look forward to in the coming days. And if I were going to cave in and listen to the music ahead of time, I'd be glad for an HQ rip of OMINOUS and anticipate more stuff to follow. Be patient, and let the guy get some sleep!
  9. Seimeisen

    UGH! Can't Amazon just ship out our fucking copies early?! I don't wanna wait until next Saturday for mine to arrive!
  10. Seimeisen

    I'm assuming it's a radio rip? That's usually how these tracks leak, anyway.
  11. 少女喪失 ... "losing the girl"? Well, Okay then... 6/16 tracks were already released, and one of them is the last track. Almost exactly as I predicted, though I assumed they'd use 包帯男 instead of さらばビッチ. I kinda hate it when bands make the last track something that's already been released. I'll need to go back and listen to the song to know how I feel about it closing a long album. I was hoping 七星 would have composed an instrumental track for this album, as I fucking loved 狐の参列 (from VISUAL IS DEAD), but I'm still looking forward to hearing his track, O.D. And the first track won't just be some intro SE, which I'm glad about. Nothing else to say yet... These are my attempted track title translations if anyone's interested. They could be totally wrong, though. 帝都に死す = Die In The Imperial Capital 少女喪失 = Losing The Girl (?) 終身旅行 = Journey Of A Lifetime 晩秋 = Late Fall 病んでる彼女 = Ailing Sweetheart (?) 白いキャンバス、赤い絵の具 = White Canvas, Red Paints 八幡の薮知らず = The Labyrinth 君はサブカルチャー = [You Are] Subculture (???) 殺したいくらい愛してる = I Love You So Much, I Want To Kill You 廃人間 = THE INVALID 焔 = Burning Passion さらばビッチ = So Long, Bitch!
  12. It is way softer, but I still like it a lot! I honestly don't really like GUILTY at all, so my expectations aren't too high for VARIANT.
  13. The name changes to the last.fm thread are making me happy. BRUTAL and savage death indeed!

  14. Seimeisen

    Both limited editions of DOGMA are on sale for 25% off at Amazon.co.jp Deluxe Limited Edition: ¥8,352 Plain Limited Edition: ¥3,224 (about the same price as regular edition) If you are interested in buying the super limited edition, I definitely recommend buying it from Amazon.co.jp! You will save a lot of money. I'm paying $75 buying it from Amazon.co.jp, compared to spending around $100 if I were to buy it from CDJapan.
  15. Abandoning my last.fm page. Uninstalled desktop app, logged out of scrobbler iPhone app, will be removing profile link from my signature, intends to shut up about it. Time for me to move on!

    1. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      Deleted my account now 2. Those fucking tiny ass round pics on ones library now took away the visual gratification of going through 30 pages of visual kei bands.

    2. yakihiko


      I want to delete too, but when I try to login on web, the pag go for "bad gateway"

    3. Wicked Teletubby

      Wicked Teletubby

      says there, 'bad get away.' :)

  16. Seimeisen

    Not that it matters to you anymore, but I was able to get artwork URLs without viewing source; it's all very low resolution though. Last.fm was the place for me to upload HQ album artwork. Images that have uploaded there in the past still exist, ones I've embedded in download threads here are still up, but finding images that haven't been embedded is just not gonna happen. I guess I'll go back to uploading covers on imgur and, I dunno, I can create some makeshift HQ VK cover database for anyone else that gives a shit. I don't even know why I bothered scrobbling what I listened to today. I'm starting to ask myself why. Why bother trying to keep up with a site that's ran by people that don't give a single fuck what their users think? I honestly don't see the site staff getting their shit together at all, and I don't like how the community aspect has changed. I liked the "what your friends are listening to" and "what your friends are loving" sections of the front page, but now there's none of that, just fucking recommendations. I do not care about recommendations made by that site! I know that last.fm staff have been trying to make the site all about computer generated recommendations and fucking goddamn radio substitutes for a long time, but I never cared about that. I only used last.fm to display the stats of my music listening habits, and keep up with listening habits of other people. I guess I'll also go back to actually, y'know, asking people if they listened to something and what they thought of it. Le Gasp!
  17. Seimeisen

    I'm pretty sure that's one of the petitions that I linked earlier. I don't really have faith/confidence in these petitions. Last.fm staff seem to be running on a business model of snubbing their users. If they say that they appreciate or read to feedback, I am certain that it is bullshit! ETA: Personally, I'm still scrobbling with my iPhone app (I haven't tried scrobbling with last.fm desktop for OS X), but if I encounter even one slight inconvenience with scrobbling, I will go on indefinite hiatus from last.fm.
  18. Seimeisen

    There is already an online petition to make last.fm revert their website to the previous design! ETA: there are at least two petitions Not that I have faith in petitions... or the idea that last.fm staff will actually listen to a word that other people say. Considering the fact that the developers seem to be snubbing all of their users entirely, I'm about ready to abandon last.fm & scrobbling and go back to looking at play counts on iTunes. >.>
  19. Seimeisen

    I'm assuming that Sony Music Japan will be distributing DOGMA on the US iTunes store, like they've done with every release since TOXIC. Unfortunately, JPU Records doesn't release/distribute anything in the US. They snub us completely. (pretty sure there are legal reasons for it) ETA: I really hope that every GazettE fan with a US iTunes account buys the album there! I hope it'll do well in the iTunes US Top 200. BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY made it to #156 around the time it was released.
  20. I don't wanna say goodbye to last.fm. We had a very short run. It was a good run, but a very short one.

  21. Seimeisen

    Last.fm forcing the new beta site on users is very disheartening. It looks bloated and fucking hideous! I really don't want to hate this site enough to stop using it. I signed up 8 months ago and put a lot of time into perfecting my experience with the site (correcting song/album title metadata, searching for scrobbling apps, image upload rampages; time that could have been spent more productively), and now it seems to be going down the shitter! This! Amen!
  22. Seimeisen

    The GazettE were featured on Metal Injection six days ago, how the fuck did I miss this? "THE GAZETTE's New Song Is Japan's Answer To Bands Like KATATONIA" - Metal Injection I still haven't heard OMINOUS, but as a Katatonia fan, an article name like that inspires confidence.
  23. USPS update: a neighbour was holding onto the box 'cause she knew I was gone; tracking site wasn't lying.

    1. doombox


      Glad to hear you finally got it. Maybe next time they should leave a note. ^^;

    2. JRD


      That's great, but also bad lol I'm glad you got it though!

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