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Everything posted by Seimeisen

  1. Seimeisen

    I only know of this store: OffGamers I use this store to get iTunes cards for my UK iTunes account.
  2. Seimeisen

    Yeah, for me, the main reason I want a turntable is so I can rip vinyl exclusive material that I can't find on CD or digital FLAC, and maybe I'll rip stuff I can still get on CD simply for observational purposes, just for the hell of it. And if I can find a USB pre-amp with a headphone jack, I'll maybe play the records every now and then, too. Since I have a very small budget and I have no interest on wasting money, my decision comes down to whether or not I want to bother paying all the extra money in a possibly futile attempt to make "professional" quality rips; if I want to buy a $600 TT with ~$200 worth of accessories for something that might not be so great, or buy some $300 thing that's great for the price, get some accessories, and just embrace the flaws. I read reviews on equipment, and I look for professional reviews, I don't read the ones on Amazon very often.
  3. Seimeisen

    Yes, I definitely intend to get a cork platter mat. I'm guessing by "very, very high" you mean $12,000 and not $600? It's going to be awhile before I make a decision on turntables, though I do have some particular turntables I'm considering. As for rare records, I'm willing to pursue them because some are not impossible to find, but just quite expensive, so I will have to save money. More on audio quality, from what I've read in this article, I think one of the reasons vinyl rips I've found online are inferior quality might be due to ripping at a high sample rate (96kHZ instead of 48kHz).
  4. Seimeisen

    I feel like I've been kinda quiet here in recent weeks. So here's what I've been up to: I'm getting [back] into vinyl, which is bad news for my wallet. Even though I don't have a turntable yet, I'm mainly focused on buying releases, and one band I listen to released a couple of rarez in the early 90s that are now worth hundreds of dollars (not as expensive as $10,000 Misfits rarez, but still expensive), so wallet rape is imminent. Also, Summer seems like a very bad time to order vinyl online (or to even buy them at a store and transport them home in a car with insufficient air con). Eventually, I will have to start saving for a turntable (so I can rip all that vinyl only stuff). Right now I'm torn between saving for a $600 TT (and getting a USB pre-amp and cork platter cover and other cool shizz) and try to make the most "accurate" high quality vinyl rips that I can... OR... just getting some cheap $250 USB TT (AT-LP120) that'll make kvlt sounding rips and I'd just embrace all the surface noise, the tape-like hissing, the electrical humming, the clicks and pops, and the crackles. So yeah, that's my ramble, that's what I've been up to lately.
  5. Seimeisen

    Added stuff to my list
  6. Seimeisen

    My fucking air con is broken. Fucking kill me, now! D:
  7. "Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants!"

  8. Definitely considering getting the version with the bonus 7", although I think they should have just tried to put the entire mini on a 10/12 vinyl (instead of only two tracks).
  9. Seimeisen

    Okay, managed to get in the group. It might be awhile before I've picked out stuff to share, I'll have to pretty much go through my entire music library, and hopefully I can select folders to not show (or else people will get easily lost in all my gaijin music lol).
  10. Seimeisen

    slsk name is Seimeisen
  11. Seimeisen

    Don't think I've ever posted in this thread... Just showing off my VK CDs, most of my non-Japanese CDs are not special or really noteworthy. I usually keep everything in my wall mounted shelves, which you can find pics of in the "Show Your Room" thread. I was planning to do a pic with just all my rare/special stuff that I treasure most, but I'm burnt out on pulling CDs out of my shelves and putting them all back, so maybe I'll take that pic another time...
  12. Seimeisen

    I don't need audio previews, I already know that I want to buy the album in some capacity. I just wanna see how the super limited edition is packaged/designed so I can decide if I think it's worth throwing my money at.
  13. The single cover looks really cool, and so does the band group pic. I almost forgot this was happening so soon, and I also almost forgot they're re-recording DOZE, so I'm pretty psyched! Also, tracklist for EVOKE (in the first post) is wrong: it's EVOKE, DOZE, GUILTY.
  14. Seimeisen

    I find it at my taste. Oh yeah, I saw it. That's the beta version I was bitching about a few months ago. I might update to 8.4 in a day or two, but I have a feeling that I won't like. I've kinda wanted to use Ecoute, but the way they cut corners on the artwork (and crop long/tall covers) is too hideous lol. My main problem with the native music app since iOS 7 is that it doesn't collapse albums (in artist view) into folders, and they're all arranged by year, descending. wtf lol. I like to sort my albums by release date, I put this in the Sort Album field: YYYY-MM-DD Title So for example, for the GazettE's new album, I'd put this in the sort album field: 2015-08-26 DOGMA /rant
  15. It's 43℃ outside... how fun.

    1. Koike


      Woow. That kind of heat sounds dangerous D:

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      around 40 here, so good ^^

    3. doombox


      Wuuuut? (゚Д゚?) That is crazy. Hope it doesn't get any worse.

    4. Show next comments  102 more
  16. Seimeisen

    Wait a minute, hold up here! Apple. Made the iOS 8 music app. BETTER? I'm gonna have to see how many screenshots I can find of this... I saw screenshots of the 8.4 beta version music app a few months ago and thought it looked god-awful.
  17. I made audio rips of all their stuff, you can get them here. Decided to post here and not the DL section 'cause y'know, they're YT rips.
  18. Seimeisen

    The only two that I really know of are From Japan and Tenso. There are also quite a few independent shopping services on places like Facebook. I would recommend From Japan if you intend to buy from an auction, or you plan on buying from a store that doesn't offer credit card or PayPal payment. I have used From Japan a lot, and so have other people that I know. Their fees are alright, but they used to be better. They charge ¥200 per item you purchase, so keep that in mind. I haven't used Tenso (though I do have an account), but I would recommend it if you plan on purchasing a large amount of items from a shop that accepts credit card/PayPal payment. With Tenso, you are not having somebody make the purchase for you, they are a mail forwarding service. Tenso gives you a free Japanese mailbox address that you can have items shipped to (you can use this mailbox address if you plan to get a Japanese iTunes store account, as well).
  19. Mini album is available on US iTunes store: here I will be buying it there soon! I checked out a bit of all the songs from the rip that leaked and was quite impressed.
  20. Seimeisen

    Oh, so he was just jokin' around? Whew! Guess he doesn't belong in that "fuck shit noodle" support group with the NB lawsuit guy. I still don't understand that "cannot say that to pamper to say that because foreigners" tweet though. Google Translate fail.
  21. Seimeisen

    LOLOLOL, 壱世 (Issei) and that... guy who's name I forget, from NOCTURNAL BUTTLUST could start a support group for money-hungry bandomen (who seem to think that the solution to piracy is filing). Although I do have to say that IMHO, these demo tracks not leaking wouldn't have killed me. The CD did say "please wait until the original release" or something like that which, at least to me, ultimately implied that final versions of these two demo songs will be formally released in the near future. ETA: akane was more mature about it, saying that CD leaks are inevitable in our time, but he's still disappointed that this particular demo CD leaked. I mean, yeah, maybe it was pointless to say "don't upload on the internet," but at least he's not talking about fining people and raping their wallets.
  22. Wanna see some high resolution fuckery?! TYPE A: TYPE B: Standard edition:
  23. Don't buy a SAMSUNG external optical drive. Just don't. It will die after, idk, 20 CD rips?

    1. nekkichi



  24. Seimeisen

    Official details on the album release: PROJECT DARKAGE Summary: Special limited edition is ¥10,800. It has the main album, two DVDs (one of them only having one music video, the rest having other stuff, so kind of unnecessary), and two A4 sized books. Second DVD has a 13th anniversary documentary, DEUX music video, OMINOUS lyric video, making of “DOGMA” (music video), and all the album trailers. One of the A4 books will be a photo book, the other will just have a bunch of text. Not-special limited edition just has one DVD with a DOGMA music video, for ¥4,320. Regular edition has nothing special and is ¥3,300. My thoughts: Since there will be a lyric video for OMINOUS, it looks like it won’t be some outro track. We haven’t had an album end with an actual song since DIM; looks like one of my wishes will be coming true. ;D Also, I don’t think the GazettE has ever made a title track for an album. I think the prices are pretty ridiculous. I think the only one that’ll be worth the money is the super expensive one, actually, so I’m saving up for that one. And what would a Seimeisen post in the news section be without artwork?
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