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Everything posted by Seimeisen

  1. Seimeisen

    AvelCain - おまじない (loser edition) Sadie - Voyage (bonus truck edition) Here's the mystery bonus that came with おまじない
  2. Seimeisen

    SUICIDE ALI They announce a disbandment out of nowhere, without any reason or explanation, no comments from the band, no final release, no DVD of their last show, no proper goodbye. Listening to them makes me sad, thinking about them makes me feel somewhat bitter from time to time. Despite the lack of closure, or perhaps because of the lack of closure, I miss the fuck out of these guys. Oh... and D'espairsRay [7]
  3. Seimeisen

    I hope it doesn't get too expensive on auction sites (if it shows up at all). I REALLY, REALLY wanna fucking hear a full version of Fatal Error Race. That snippet demo (from Akane's video posted last year) is just waaaaaay too epic.
  4. Seimeisen

    So envious! If I weren't broke, I'd have bought it (maybe a few days ago).
  5. A pretty big change is upon us all...

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      did screw release something good

    2. Des


      Welcome to Preppers Heaven. Pop 10,813. Enjoy your stay!

    3. bonsaijodelfisch


      Yoshiki will be announcing an announcement?

    4. Show next comments  108 more
  6. Seimeisen

    ^ yeah that video was posted on page 8.
  7. Voyage artwork (medium quality) Type A Type B Type C Didn't think these would show up. Was afraid that I'd have to scan my copy of the CD..... whenever it gets here.
  8. ^ yeah I was wondering that myself. I wonder if it's a hidden track? If so, I hope it's also on the regular edition (since that's the version I ordered; don't wanna have to buy another copy >.>).
  9. Seimeisen

    Voyage Call the pain End of the world It wouldn't be a Sadie release without embarrassing Engrish, would it?
  10. Seimeisen

    In case you didn't know, it's the b-side from their final single, gypsy. I hope we see English translations for this song, soon!
  11. Low-ish quality artwork for -gypsy- Limited edition Standard edition According to this mbok auction, the b-side on this single is called "BALLAD" (source). According to CDJapan, the standard edition is out of print. There are a few copies left of the limited edition.
  12. All of these. Of course, I pretty much hate all pop music in general, sooooooo...... yeah. although there are some pretty hot k-pop guys here and there >.>
  13. Seimeisen

    Wow, that's kind of lame. Well, actually, I can understand that; that extra $4 pays for them to put the packages in a single box, I suppose? I still don't really like the application fee and the fact that each package is ¥300 to consolidate, instead of ¥500 being a flat rate, but oh well. Anyone who is curious: Tenso's package consolidation page
  14. Unrelated to this particular release, but I didn't really feel like making an individual thread for this. A few days ago, マモ has announced "殺愛プロジェクト (Koroai Project)" I'm not 100% sure what this is, but from what I gathered from Google Translate (please don't laugh at me), I'm guessing this is an independent music video project for their song 殺したいくらい愛してる, where R指定 fans will film themselves lip-syncing to the song, and then e-mail links of the videos to the e-mail address on the announcement page. Official announcement @ マモ's blog
  15. Seimeisen

    Not uncommon fuckery with FJ. They put two CDs in this big box, just so they could charge more for shipping! -___- If it's possible to pay with credit/debit card (or even PayPal if you're lucky), I'd suggest trying out Tenso, but FJ is pretty much your best option if you're ordering from a store that only offers COD, bank transfer, or whatever else. Maybe consider ordering more than just one item, or if you do, let it sit in the FJ warehouse for awhile (you have up to a month) instead of paying charge 2 immediately, that way you have some time to save up for the shipping.
  16. 01.「秘密」 【ひみつ】 02. Sister 03. 包丁の正しい使い方〜思想編〜 【ほうちょう・の・ただしい・つかいーかた〜しそう・へん〜】 04. 包丁の正しい使い方〜実行編〜 【ほうちょう・の・ただしい・つかいーかた〜じっこう・へん〜】 05. 包丁の正しい使い方〜終息編〜 【ほうちょう・の・ただしい・つかいーかた〜しゅうそく・へん〜】 06.「誤解」 【ごかい】 07. 大塚ヘッドロック 【おおつか・ヘッドロック】 08.「遭難」 【そうなん】 09. ゴシック [not published sadface] I might transcribe all the text on the cover later, if I feel like it.
  17. Seimeisen

    That's what their webpage said. Found an actual date for the re-issue.
  18. Seimeisen

    To further expand: Singles: 2012.03.03 - 僕の「秘密」と冷蔵庫 2012.05.01 - 僕の「秘密」と冷蔵庫 (2nd press) 2012.08.01 -「眩暈に死んだ部屋」 2012.09.16 - 飼育部屋 2013.01.23 -「ぼくの死骸と君のチョコレート。」 2013.03.31 - ~包丁の正しい使い方~ 2014.04.26 - 僕の「誤解」と右折禁止のルール違反 2015.01.10 - 変 2015.04.25 - 異常な階段 2015.09.27 - [title not yet revealed] Mini-albums: 2013.08.07 -「特製・脳味噌絶倫スープ〜生クリーム仕立て〜」 2014.01.08 - 精神科医(拒食症)のスナッフフィルム集 Albums: 2014.11.12 -「タイトルなし」 2015.04.25 -「暫定的オカルト週刊誌①」[compilation] Other: 2013.07.03 hide TRIBUTE III -Visual SPIRITS- [omnibus]
  19. Seimeisen

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, @paradoxal!! :glitter:
  20. Title track and b-side both sound really great, they seem to be going in a more indie direction, but I am not digging the bonus track. Also, profile pics:    
  21. Upvote!       Downvote!       Track title corrections: 12012 - another scene: "another scean" is incorrect! Please vote for it to be changed to another scene
  22. Seimeisen

    Isn't it truly wonderful when some of your addictions converge? very windoe indeed XD
  23. Seimeisen

    It won't be an "international" edition per se, it'll probabaly just be EU since JPU is Europe based IIRC. But still, good point. If anything, they'll probabaly just tack on the Cassis b-sides as bonus tracks. Not holding my breath for anything special, but it would at least be nice if they bring back the red velvet digipak they did for the first limited edition.
  24. Seimeisen

    This is the first May in NorCal that I've experienced with sub 20℃ weather. It's super weird. o_O As much as I love wearing jackets, I'm done with the cold right now.
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