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Everything posted by Seimeisen

  1. Seimeisen

    That's true that many bands probably have little-to-no awareness of their overseas fans. But what about iTunes/レコチョク distribution for fans that are in Japan? It's too bad that Bandcamp is not popular in Japan! I think it would be absolutely awesome if VK bands distributed live-limited material (at the very least) on Bandcamp! The bands can distribute it themselves entirely, I guess commissions are low (all BC does is take 10-15% commission), people can choose to pay more than asking price for many releases (a fan can choose to pay ¥7,500 instead of ¥750), and I honestly can't see something like this doing significant harm to demand for the physical CD. There are collectors and dedicated fans alike who will still want a physical copy, instead of the digital version. From what I'm guessing, distributing on Bandcamp would be worlds easier, and less costly, than distributing on iTunes (just take a look at this). I am sure that Visual Kei bands would probably only jump on Bandcamp if it was popular in Japan. I also understand that there needs to be incentive for fans to throw as much money at the band as possible, as well as incentive for fans to attend the shows to see that particular band. Also, I am well aware that digital format is significantly less popular in Japan.
  2. Seimeisen

    marionette, 壊すガラス, 赤い林檎, marionette (again) on the way to a memorial. 売女/悪女の微笑, 壊すガラス on the way back from.
  3. Seimeisen

    ETERNAL SLEEP is sooo good!!
  4. Seimeisen

    marionette once and 君を壊すガラスの衝動 twice
  5. Damn! One iPhone update and my MEJIBRAY scrobbles jump from 26 → 120!

  6. That's so weird, because KING is usually so good about this (GALLOWS, EXODUS)! If it's not up now, I'm not sure if it ever will be, but I guess we'll just wait and see. I hope it does end up on US iTunes though, 'cause I don't like MP3s and would never pay for them, and I'd much rather pay $16 than ~$30 (to buy it on JP iTunes).
  7. Seimeisen

    WARNING: EUOLGY AHEAD!! GREAT WALLS OF TEXT!! I discovered Lycaon sometime between late 2011 and early 2012, when I checked out a split CD they did with R指定, called 果し状. I heard R指定's cover of "the [1st] degree genocide holic" and wanted to discover Lycaon, so I checked out their song previews on iTunes, and downloaded their album “嘘と女と『   』,” and found it all quite interesting. I found the song "Jesus," and was absolutely amazed. The first instance of loving Lycaon. Other songs from the album weren’t what I expected, but still pretty cool. Shortly after, I checked out “Royal Order,” and songs like "Declaration of war" and "非雨" became instant favourites of mine. Around this time, they released a single that just didn't jibe with me (麻薬/眩暈-めまい-), but I wasn't going to leave them. I continued to follow the band, but I just didn't consider them a big favourite of mine. Fast forward to early 2013 when their single "薔薇 ~Rose~" comes out, and I'm delighted to hear their improved sound. I listened to it a few times here and there, was highly impressed by "朦朧." And then in September, we get "MASOCHIST RED CIRCUS," a step in a whole new direction. While I didn't listen to the whole thing until several months ago, I immediately noticed "覚醒" and "雨音の輪舞曲," both of which I fell in love with. Early 2014, "馬鹿ね。" and "悪女の微笑" came out, and while I downloaded them, I never made a point to listen to them. Although songs like "馬鹿ね。" and "月は無慈悲な夜の女王" would come up in iTunes shuffles time to time, and I would be impressed. Later that year, a music video preview of a new single called "Shadow" surfaced, and I was intrigued. I wanted more. And when the single was released, I listened to it immediately, and I fell in love with the single! I fell in love with Lycaon. All three tracks from the single were astonishing! I was so happy, and then I figured out about this new album coming out called "Camera obscura," and I was BEYOND excited for it. Gearing up for the album, I've seen the band's past works in a different light. I listened to the "馬鹿ね。" and "悪女の微笑" singles, just getting more and more fucking PUMPED for the new album. And when I heard the actual album, I of course fell in love with it. A few songs took some growing, but I love the album so much (despite the shitty production quality)! But of course, shortly after, Lycaon announced a disbandment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “Lycaon will disband” was the first thing I saw when I turned my phone on and thought it was a prank; then I found out it is so very real, and I was in a mixture of deep shock and disbelief that something like this would happen. While the (online) “memorial service” I attended (nearly all of) that day was fun, I was still very sad that they made this decision. The past few days all in all have been highly stressful, this disbanding contributing to it. It’s funny. I have always said that “I didn’t fall in love with Lycaon until Shadow,” but going over this story so many times in my head, I realise that I have always loved something about them in some way since the beginning. There have been songs that I have fallen in love with since day one. I may have been cynical of their “Erotic era,” but some kind of love was still there. We’re all searching the internet up and down and scratching our heads for theories about why this is happening and what could happen after the end, but we won’t know until it happens. Lycaon is a wonderful band, that has created wonderful music that I hope I can still enjoy happily after they disband. For whatever reason that may exist, they (mutually, I assume) made this decision and are surely at peace with it. For that reason, I want to be able to make peace with their decision too, but I know that it will be a long and difficult process… Lycaon are still here with us, and I am very excited for their last single coming soon, but I will miss them dearly when they officially leave us.
  8. I can't find it on US iTunes. :/ Just the Japanese store.
  9. Seimeisen

    Five. Fucking. Months. Can't come soon enough!
  10. Seimeisen

    As early as it may be to ask, would anyone recommend this album to first timers? I've only heard of these guys, but I don't think I've ever listened to them. And thank you @@herpes for the iTunes link.
  11. Seimeisen

  12. Seimeisen

    I don't think SM was great at all, though the re-recording of KILLING ME was really cool! Still, if someone asks "what a MEJIBRAY is," I'll just send them Nepenthes and RAVEN.
  13. Seimeisen

    Don't mind me, just revivin' a thread! XD Sometime last year, I made a playlist of all the songs from A PRIORI, 醜詠, DECADENCE, and RAVEN 01. RAVEN 02. 月食 03. XV 04. A PRIORI 05. RISK:er 06. 嫉妬 07. DECADANCE - Counting Goats ... if I can’t be yours - 08. マダリ 09. メランコリア 10. コエガキエルマデ 11. 躁と鬱と境界 12. 醜詠
  15. Okay, after my exam on Wednesday, I'll write my little "Lycaon eulogy" for the mourning thread.

  16. I would be SO FUCKING HERE for a new album!!! And I'm really curious about the comment of longer songs! I've always wanted longer GazettE songs, maybe a 10 track album with 5-7 minute songs. You guys can snore at that idea all you want, but I like long songs, and while I have hopes for the GazettE to grow and do different things as a band and go new places, they haven't failed to impress me, so I still look forward to whatever new music they've got planned! I would also like some more composers for the next album, and especially URUHA to get more spotlight. Don't get me wrong, I like RUKI's compositions, but I was a lot more impressed by what other members wrote on BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY (I'm pretty sure EVERY member wrote at least one song for that album). Also, I would hope for more experiments with songs structure. When they were interviewed before DIVISION's release, there was something said that made me falsely expect to hear something on the "proggy side." Also, when DIVISION was announced as being a two disc release, with only 7 songs per, I have a vague memory of someone making a joke of hoping for "17 minute chug fests" lol.
  17. Seimeisen

    Hope we get some high-res artwork soon! I really like both the studio and live version of this song. They both have their differences, but both sound very, very awesome! Also, I like that I'm hearing parts reminiscent of their past songs. If anyone asks me who MEJIBRAY is, I will probably direct them to this song! Looking forward to the b-sides, and very excited to hear the next single!
  18. ...... still kinda processing everything right now!

  19. Seimeisen

    I did a play through of their discography today. It was my equivalent of an emotional roller-coaster.
  20. Okay... the disbelief is dying down..... and now, the sadness is setting in.
  21. ................................. uh..... uh...... I'm speechless; just in shock really o_O I don't even..... WHAT THE FUCK is this fuckery?! I also thought this was a prank. It's just too hard to believe.
  22. Seimeisen

    Both mini albums from DEAD IN THE MANGER Transience: Bandcamp Cessation: Bandcamp Fucking love these guys! <3
  23. I look forward to hearing this! And I hope he posts more.
  24. Seimeisen

    君を壊すガラスの衝動, 赤い林檎, and くちづけ/Rouge on the drive home from school.
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