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Everything posted by Seimeisen

  1. Seimeisen

    Okay, NOW I'm playing! Listening to the full album, in "marionette" so far, which I fucking love already!
  2. Seimeisen

    I just signed up for last.fm a few weeks ago, as many of you may know, so if the site died or ended, I would just regret putting all the time into the site that I have. I've spent a lot of time trying to make sure I have a way to get everything scrobbled, which means I had to hunt for iPhone apps, and I've spent money on them too (only to stop using them all because of my stubborn iPhone not registering metadata changes coupled with last.fm not making a very simple artist title correction), I've spent some time uploading album artwork (it's a graphic design related obsession), I've been going through my entire iTunes library, re-tagging some of my music to make sure everything in there matches something that's already in the last.fm database... I could have spent all of that time doing other, more productive things, honestly.
  3. The tragic moment when you see an expensive rare you've been waiting/hunting for, but you can't buy it because you're trying to save your money... it's so sad. :'(

    1. kyoselflove


      Who needs to save money?! xP

    2. Seimeisen


      I do if I wanna buy rarez XD

    3. kyoselflove


      Yeah I know...it sucks lol.

    4. Show next comments  126 more
  4. Don't know if anyone's mentioned these guys (or even heard of them), but I'm really into DEAD IN THE MANGER. They are anonymous, they don't even title their songs, and I wouldn't be surprised if their physical releases didn't have any lyrics written down, all to let the music speak for itself. They have been described as having a "blackened grindcore" sound, with influences of other types of extreme metal. They just released their second mini album a few days ago called "Cessation," and here is one of the songs from that mini:
  5. Seimeisen

    shadow + Skyrim Something about it just works ETA: I'm not playing yet. Haven't listened to the album yet. Waiting...
  6. Seimeisen

    I can see why you are, but I'm really trying not to give up on them. I'm still hopeful that a release date for Fatal Error Race will be seen.
  7. Seimeisen

    Their artwork is always so cool! ETA: here's a stitch up of all the covers without the black spaces in between:
  8. CDs were shipped on 22 January, and I received them today (they were sent out for delivery yesterday, but I was not home to sign for them). Took 13 days. Danao is an excellent seller, who responded promptly to my messages and was very reasonable with offers.
  9. Last summer, I checked out their album i'mperfect. Fell in love with Metamorphose, and thought the rest of the album was really cool. But after one listen, I didn't really go back to it, as I directed my attention to other bands that were releasing new stuff, primarily in VK. ... Yesterday, I downloaded their Best of Tornado compilation and the Who What Who What single. Listened through the compilation (well, not really listening, but previewing the songs in quick look), and my interest went through the roof. I gotta say though, I'm disappointed that they didn't include a remaster of Ling on the second CD. Today, I listened to the compilation a few times. I am officially sold on this band! So far, I'm really digging Metamorphose, Missing Ling, テレキャスターの真実, 傍観, and I was music (also, funny name). However, I agree that WWWW wasn't too memorable. I guess the next album for me to check out is #4. Also, does anyone know of any specific release dates of the following releases? - #1 - として - 鮮やかな殺人
  10. 凛として時雨's Metamorphose gets stuck in my head soo easily. Not complaining, though.

    1. CAT5


      That's one of my fav. ling songs. Some really sick riffs in that one!

    2. Seimeisen



  11. Seimeisen

    曲・詞:イチノセチアキ This is how I found the lyrics! No, I don't have a copy/rip of this, I can't afford a copy. Yes, I'm bitter that this ONE song is so expensive
  12. Seimeisen

    It seems that a common complaint about ARCHE is that it's scattered, and maybe it's because of the tracklist arrangement? I came up with this: and Zero Un deux 咀嚼 鱗 Phenomenon Chain repulsion Cause of fickleness Midwife Sustain the untruth てふてふ 懐春 禍夜想 濤声 Behind a vacant image 輪郭 空谷の跫音 And then Revelation of mankind would be a single with The inferno as a b-side.
  13. Just some album covers... Upvote:         Downvote:  
  14. Here's artwork from their OHP, since saving pics from ameblo can be a difficult process: Am I the only one that thinks they look less old-skool than usual? Also, agreeing with @Bear that ¥864 is not super cheap for a one-track MERRY's NOnsenSe MARkeT - ¥2,592 DIAURA's Triangle - ¥1,979
  15. Was hoping they would have announced an album, but I guess they can't do that until they have 7 post-VID singles, lol. Still looking forward to this, given how excited I am for サドマゾ.
  16. Japan Codes LOWERED THEIR PRICES!! Best iTunes JP card prices I've ever seen. http://bit.ly/1yo09vY

    1. Shmilly


      It would be cheaper to just get someone in Japan to buy a card and send you the code! The exchange rate is better than that ;)

    2. inartistic


      Thanks for the heads up

    3. Seimeisen


      @Shmilly definitely true, but I don't have any contacts in Japan.

  17. Seimeisen

    Wait, what? ... *goes to check Japan Codes* WOW! They lowered their prices! Their cards used to be a lot more expensive. Thank you for mentioning that you got the card from Japan Codes. Edited the main post to update the section on gift code shops. Japan Codes is now the best pick.
  18. Seimeisen

    "Touhou music" involves "re-arrange songs" (i.e. covers) of music from the Touhou Project video game series. All of the music is composed by ZUN. It's not official Touhou music. All of this is fan-work, so it is part of the Doujin music scene (non-official, self-published, sold at Japanese comic conventions, or doujin specific stores such as the evil MelonBooks). I don't know much about the Touhou series, so I can't explain the scantily-clad animu girls that are on all the album jackets. My guess, it's probably just a general doujin music thing?
  19. AvelCain, in addition to the first three bands Aferni mentioned.
  20. Seimeisen

    They're making a PV of the bonus track? lol Triangle was very good, and while singles can be hit/miss with these guys, I still have high hopes.
  21. YES, YES, MOTHERFUCKING YES!!! I might buy this.
  22. So... just found out about FedEx's price hike... so disappointed. I fucking loved FedEx for CDJapan orders and From Japan shipments. :/

    1. hiroki


      FedEx is still better for my FromJapan shipments since they use volumetric weight, which is cheaper than the usual Japan post shipping options for high-density items like CDs.

    2. Seimeisen


      I never use EMS if I can avoid it. Whenever I get furniture/decor that I have to buy through From Japan, I always choose FedEx. EMS prices build up excessively.

  23. Seimeisen

    My things: Steam: PEOPLE ERROR Xbox: negativism013 Wii U: Seimeisen Just noticed I haven't added a single person on Xbox lol. Feel free to add me on any of the above!
  24. Seimeisen

    Believe it or not, this is from the GazettE's OHP!
  25. 空谷の跫音 is better than most lyric videos; there's actual video footage and it's on the minimalistic side. Whereas in a typical run-of-the-mill metal lyric video, there's some graphic in the background that's shaking (or some other stupid moving effect) and the lyrics almost ALWAYS fly in and also shake (and sometimes more stupid effects)... like those FUCKTURNAL BUTTLUST lyric videos...
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