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Everything posted by Seimeisen

  1. Seimeisen

    I was gonna re-watch LOST, but... one day, a few months ago, I was sick, felt like watching something I haven't seen before, so I started watching Buffy... and then my life went away For a week or two, I didn't feel like starting season 7, because I just felt like things could have ended as they were at the end of season 6. Now, I'm about two episodes into season 7 and it's actually good. There was just a certain character dynamic development that, during seasons 4 and 5, I really liked, but in season 6 it all went straight to hell. I'll probably finish up season 7 after I get through season 2 of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt And then I'll need to re-watch how to get away with murder season 2 And I'll be binging Archer in between on the side, because that show is everything And then I need to watch The Office (US) because one of my friends told me I have to And then ...... I'll think of something to watch ...... oh, maybe I'll watch Angel. Is there something else? I feel like there's something else...
  2. Seimeisen

    I wouldn't be surprised if ARROW OF THE LIGHT was a re-recording. Although it'd be cool if they just remastered the demo version. As for the anthology release, I'm SO GLAD they're doing this release! Now I won't have to hunt down that 5th press of 自責の筵. Only thing missing will be the album version of 死化粧, 夢宴, and all those intro tracks. Although, I think the way they handled the tracklist was kinda weird with the s/t album tracks. I'm really hoping someone gets the limited edition and ups the DVD. I just plan on getting the regular version. I don't feel like spending an extra $100 for a t-shirt I'm never gonna wear. :/
  3. Seimeisen

    In addition to their anthology release, they will also release one last single on June 23rd, 2016. 『輪廻転生』(The Circle of Transmigration) There will be a live-limited version limited to 1,000 copies, and a nationwide version limited to 500 copies. Both versions will have different artwork, but will have the same content, and will both cost ¥2,160 (¥2,000 before tax). Tracklist 1. 輪廻転生 2. 残像 3. Bloody Mary 4. ARROW OF THE LIGHT Source for news: http://ameblo.jp/karma-avelcain/entry-12150699898.html
  4. AvelCain will release a 3 disc anthology, entitled:『六道輪廻』親愛なる従者たちへ… "The Circle of Transmigration" Dear Servants..., Release date is set for May 25th, 2016 There will be a standard edition available in select shops (fiveStars, 自主盤倶楽部, ライカエジソン, Brand X, etc.) that will be limited to 1,000 copies, and cost ¥4,104 (¥3,800 before tax). Ordering bonus will be a set of buttons designed by 業 -karma-. There will also be a special limited edition box that includes everything from the standard edition, plus: a DVD (with music videos, the short film for 片想い, and something extra), a band pamphlet, and a t-shirt designed by 業 -karma-. This version will be limited to 500 copies, cost ¥14,904 (¥13,800 before tax), and will only be sold by mail order (Shimizuya shop, I presume). The tracklist is as follows: DISC 1 蛇と姑獲鳥, 懺悔、寡黙ナル君ニ…, 籠目歌ノ呪縛 月蝕, 裁 囁, 自責, 手首の切り方, 赫い部屋, 揺り籠 DEVIL’S SANCTUARY, 狐狗狸, 花一匁, 手鞠唄 ID, 病, 彼岸花 DISC 2 PSYCHO -サイコ-, 喪失 彩虜-あやとり-, 操り人形, 嘘つき, 千羽鶴, 鋏 死化粧, いろはにほへと, 空蝉 踏切少女, 猫又, 蟷螂 BELIEVE, 御手紙, 蛾 折り紙, 雪女 DISC 3 片想い, 相合傘, 午前二時, おやすみなさい 紅-べに-, 過食症 月-MOON-, 影, 夜光虫 蘇-よみがえり-, 罠, 弟切草 ヒマワリノウタ DVD (exclusive to special box edition) ID (MV), 片想い (MV), 月-MOON- (MV), 蘇-よみがえり- (MV) メンバー出演短編映画『片想い』(short film starring band members) etc… Source for news: http://ameblo.jp/karma-avelcain/entry-12150699119.html
  5. Seimeisen

    OMG O___O *resists temptation to listen* must ... wait ... until I get my copy ... :agh:
  6. Seimeisen

    They weren't a real street team, they just called themselves that. I mentioned this before, but I had no problem with their YT channel being taken down, since all they did was repost stuff that was readily available elsewhere (on the label's official channel; other fan's YT channels; etc.; and the reposts were shit quality) and wound up getting 2x more views. They had nothing to offer that wasn't available somewhere else on YouTube. On the other hand, getting videos taken down that weren't already available elsewhere (i.e. your and kyo's Lycaon PVs) pisses me off! Especially the DAHLIA PV.
  7. Seimeisen

    @peffy yeah, they're in the scans section, on the first page, one of the first few threads.
  8. Here we go!

  9. Wow, I was expecting to be let down by NoGoD's Renovate, but, 4 tracks in and it's really good!

    1. Seimeisen



  10. Happy First Birthday, Aferni!

    1. Aferni


      Thanks sei bbu

  11. Seimeisen

    Um... yeah, I'm just gonna pretend I didn't see anyone's comments and wait for my copy to arrive. Already pre-ordered the standard edition.
  12. HQ artwork for THE END just hit Amazon. And as usual, TYPE C is blank with logo text. At least I don't need to photoshop MiA out this time
  13. Boner's new PV gave me a music Royz

  14. Seimeisen

    Just dropping in to say I'm getting on a huge NOVEMBERS kick! Dumb ramblings to follow: Gave Elegance a couple spins in the past day. Loving it more and more. My favourite is probably the last track, I just can't get it out of my head! (am I the only one who gets a total '80s vibe from the mini?) The others I've listened to are GIFT, zeitgeist, and Rhapsody in Beauty. I love that all four of those releases have a different sound/concept but aren't too different (omg does that even make sense). While I wasn't too fond of the "noise rock/being on an airplane" approach from Rhapsody, the album grew on me and might become a favourite of mine. I don't have any of their other stuff, but I just got a 7CD lot of their first several releases (from ST to GIFT), which I'm SUPER EXCITED to have shipped to me and to listen to all of those. And I'll probably be scanning the booklets so someone can transcribe the lyrics. As of now my current favourites are: Moirè, We, Meursault, [that number song from Rhapsody], dumb (also stuck in my head every second of my life), 出る傷を探す血, and maybe 心一つ待ちきれないまま.
  15. Seimeisen is back with a new sig.

    1. yakihiko


      I was already scary, I thought the HQ god would be replace for the Transcode guy ^^ welcome back

  16. Seimeisen

    The Content-Aware Scale feature at its finest:
  17. Real name is Daisuke Naoto Takarai Takayuki and I buy CD in Merveilles store

    1. herpes



    2. yakihiko


      Transcode-sama is this really a 320kbps thing? ^-^

    3. Show next comments  75 more
  18. Seimeisen

    I jinxed it by saying they were the only good Starwave band that was still going strong If they reform as a new band, hopefully it won't be on Starwave.
  19. Seimeisen

    己龍: 月ノ姫 [TYPE I don't know the internet is saying one thing the obi is saaying something else what is reality] 水無桜 [TYPE D] 屡流 [TYPE C] 鬼祭 [TYPE C] 叫声 [TYPE B] 九尾 [TYPE H? IDK There's too many to keep track lol] Royz: Яevolution to New AGE [TYPE B] NOAH [TYPE B] Starry HEAVEN [TYPE C] INNOCENCE [TYPE C] All of them did include obi strips, but most of them had the TYPE B/TYPE L/TYPE Q squares cut out, so I'm just gonna throw those out. Oh, and I don't think I have room to put any of these Which is bad, because I'm gonna have about 10 more CDs on the way in a few weeks >.>
  20. I'm not, lol. I'm just waiting for the full album. XD I know it'll be amaaaaaaaazing!
  21. Already previewed a few tracks from the dispersed compilation, so I think I'm gonna skip the preview vid and just preorder the album already!
  22. Looks like my Yen hiatus is up. Wanna pre-order the fuck outta OUSIA, and bid on a CD set of THE NOVEMBERS.

    1. Seimeisen


      So long, money! We had good times together. I will miss you dearly.

    2. Chi


      get dat novembers

    3. Chi


      get 2 and mail the other to me

  23. Seimeisen

    Album is available on iTunes (JP only) Samples: 01. VAMPIRE 02. 絶頂マスカレード 03. 魔法 04. 想像グラフィティ 05. イピカイエ 06. 方舟 07. 時を越えて 08. キラー・クラウン 09. カミサマの言う通り 10. 光 11. 桃源郷へようこそ Opinion: not impressed, but curious to hear the last two songs.
  24. Seimeisen

    I think these two would be more suitable as wallpapers:
  25. Seimeisen

    Did a high-res stitch-up of the three covers. Tried my best to make it seamless, three exact squares (1534px each), and all that junk.
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