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Everything posted by Seimeisen

  1. They're liars. This will either be the second delayed release, or the third cancelled one. If they pull some shit like this the next time they "announce a CD," I will stop following them.
  2. It's almost October and still no updates? I should have known.
  3. Seimeisen

    Haven't heard the YT stream. So, should I expect a crossover of Rhapsody In Beauty and Elegance? If so, I'm intrigued! Can't wait for my copy to ship! Oh, and of course, it's now available for pre-order on iTunes (worldwide probably): https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/hallelujah/id1137911435
  4. Seimeisen

    That's disappointing, but not surprising
  5. Still haven't checked out downy's 6th album, but really digging their 2nd!

    1. CAT5


      "Kuroi ame" is my shit! How much of their disco have you tried so far?

    2. Seimeisen


      Just the second album, and the fifth one which I don't remember too much of. My favourite from their second is probably 葵.

  6. Seimeisen

    One of those songs I will never get out of my head ^__^
  7. Seimeisen

    Yeah, the beginning reminded me of MEJIBRAY's Sabbat as well. The breakdown at the end sounds cool. The rest is alright, I guess...
  8. Seimeisen

    RE: bands making "albums" that are really compilations: I don't mind this so much when the material on it was "rare" or live-limited and the tracks flow well. Personally, I find albums easier to get into than singles. Singles are what I listen to after I've listened to a band's album(s) and have really gotten into them, otherwise they slip my radar. I am interested in the MORRIGAN album, though I think they should have just branded it as a "rarities collection," focused more on rare tracks and less on mini-album tracks, and nobody would be pissed off. Also, keep in mind that not everybody downloads everything, and not everybody hunts auction sites/second-hand shops. I NEED TO FIND THIS CHURCH! It might as well be declared a tourist attraction. At least half of Pentagon's discography (maybe 75%). Almost every song of theirs I hear, as soon as the chorus hits I'm like "WTFWHYYYYYY??" Seems to get worse with every release. I think Meto just shuts up on camera because he doesn't like his voice to be recorded, but will talk at in-store events, etc. (?) I cannot verify this information, can't remember where I read it, it could be 100% wrong and totally bullshit lol.
  9. Found a ton of downy FLAC torrents... time to dive in!

    1. Original Saku
    2. CAT5


      5th and 6th are where it's at! :D

  10. Seimeisen

    WHAT WHY???
  11. Seimeisen

    I'm already looking forward to next year's album XD Also pre-ordered the fuck out of this. Limited edition is on sale at Amazon.co.jp for ¥2,819, and the shipping is faster and cheaper than icky EMS.
  12. Seimeisen

    Sounds like a joke. I will not take this seriously.
  13. Seimeisen

    Wow. This happened... okay. The reactions were both amusing and cringe-y at times, and I'm glad most of them were able to dig THE INVISIBLE WALL. Since the hosts of the video were trying to make a point that VK is a more diverse scene, and not just "ladyboy carnage metal," then they should have used PVs from some different bands and different times .
  14. They released an album, like, five seconds ago. And that look... really, guys?
  15. Seimeisen

    The joys of firing up another web browser with a slow as fuck proxy for 16 seconds of ...... that?! I could barely hear shit thanks to that stupid voiceover, but from what I could hear, it sounds like it'll be a good song. It's nothing too special, but enjoyable nonetheless.
  16. Seimeisen

    I really want to go to the SF show, but I have class 'til 7 (which is when they open doors, I guess), and my uni is an hour away, so... I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it. I'm also wondering if anyone went to one of the previous shows ( @Original Saku, @emmny ?) and what they thought.
  17. Seimeisen

    S.I.V.A was fucking awesome, but the singles kinda flopped... so, we'll see how this turns out. I'm cautiously looking forward to it.
  18. So I've decided I need the full song right now. I listened to the preview 5 times while closing at work yesterday, and I have it stuck in my head now.
  19. Can't say I'm into the wrist-cutting of it all, but I saw it coming. When a VK band uses the word カミソリ, we all know what that means. Also, trying to understand what exactly is going on in the video. My best guess: girl gets bullied, starts cutting herself, people find out about it and leave flowers on her desk?? Also, after the end of the preview, what is that man on the right handing her? Some pocket size rocket launcher to blow up her bullies? Love that scream after the chorus, though.
  20. Seimeisen

    F.A.K.E. kinda brought me back to 2012, and OUTRAGE SEXUALITY reminded me of INVADER as well (which I was expecting). The songs are definitely not "AVANT-GARDE" as the album title says, but they're still enjoyable lynch. tracks. Also, since their graphic designers always fail miserably with typography, I modded the album cover to have no text:
  21. FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!! I've been waiting for this since Royz announced S.I.V.A.
  22. Seimeisen

    Love the image they're using for the artwork, but the grey typography was a bad idea. I'll be taking this to Photoshop...
  23. I like the typography for the single, but those photos are both terrible!
  24. Seimeisen

    Somebody out there was actually retarded enough to ship a record IN A FUCKING BUBBLE MAILER. The sleeve was bent severely on every corner. Record itself unscathed. If you wanna add bubble wrap padding, fine whatever, but it's common fucking knowledge to ship a goddamn record in a goddamn RECORD MAILER BOX!!! What a goddamn fucking moron! I should have offered that seller $3 instead of $25.
  25. Seimeisen

    those bastards -___- Oh well, always looking forward to new DIAURA, and I'm glad it's not just another single.
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