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Total Saikou

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Status Updates posted by Total Saikou

  1. (Dasha) I can't believe I found you on here too


  2. *On the Ellen show*

    "So, I heard you like X Japan."

    "Yeah their older works are great!"

     "And what would you say if you could meet your favourite member right now?!"

    "Omg Ellen you didn't"

    "Here he is!"


    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Ellen would just bully you for liking men that dress like women tbh 



      Then take a selfie with Yoshiki and Jair Bolsonaro

  3. Fricking love the new banner. Reminds me of the drawings of Jrockers I used to do on my 3DS a few years ago, bonus points if you can tell who's who:






  4. If you want a good Christian alternative to celebrating 420 by smoking weed then you can celebrate Hitler's birthday by listening to some Nazi-kei instead



  5. Normies: "Ew, metal is so gross, isn't it annoying listening to guys scream all the time?!?!"

    The music they listen to:


  6. (っ •︠ ᴗ ︡•)っShane!

    1. shane


      Hey! I finally made an account here. Maybe I won’t post much but I’ll keep lurking 😅

  7. Bitches who haven't washed their face, brushed their hair, or bathed in a week and using Bath & Body Works body mist to cover up their coochie stank be like "I love Visual Kei!"... Like girl, you're worried about the wrong visuals.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cheesy_VK_Freak


      There is no problem with dis IMO.

    3. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      I hope bands start getting ad deals with hygiene products, or that y'all at least stay at least 10 ft away from me

    4. fruitfork
  8. Broke: This is a Dir en Grey ripoff

    Woke: This is a Kuroyume ripoff

    Ascended: This is a Japanese glam metal ripoff

    1. Cantavanda


      Up late I see!

    2. Himeaimichu


      Bespoke: This is just BOOWY

  9. Everybody is offended by Maria Cross, I don't know why people particularly talk about that time he offended some dude named Sex

    1. anadentone


      lol reminds me of the story of a guy who got kicked out of the KKK for being too racist/violent towards minorities, it's like , damn wtf?

      does the little shit even have a twitter account?

    2. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      Yeah, I think I found his account... his username is @/beautymaria4. Looks and talks just like him but I don't use Twitter so I can't say I know for sure that's him.


  10. Happy birthday Bottle! :lovely:Enjoy your special day!

    1. fruitfork


      Happy belated birthday ^_^

    2. bottlechan


      :drums:  thanks :yeah:

  11. Happy birthday, Beatrice! I hope you enjoy your special day :blob:

    1. Triangle


      Thank you so much!! 💕🥺 Wishing you all the best as well!

  12. Happy birthday, Cinny Minny :glitter:I hope you enjoy the rest of your special day! 

    1. cinnymoncinder


      thank you! :tw_face_frog: I hope your day is special as well

  13. Happy birthday, homedawg! :glitter:

  14. Happy birthday, monkeybanana4! I hope you have an awesome rest of your day! :neko:

    1. monkeybanana4


      Aw, thank you so much~ ❤️ 



  15. Happy birthday! I hope you have lots of fun on your special day!:glitter:

  16. I nearly forgot what today is... It's my VK fan anniversary! Today marks 4 full years of being a fan. It's not about the time I've been a fan for, it's more about everything that makes me so grateful to be a part of this community and to have accidentally stumbled upon this music scene all those years ago. I've made lasting, deep friendships, I learned to become a nicer, empathetic person, and I've been given so much and have barely started to give back. Above all, my hobby brings me so much joy and I'm forever thankful to every bandomen, big or small, for making music that makes me (simply put) feel. And of course, to the lovely fanbase that has treated me so well over these past years. My passion hasn't wavered in the slightest, even from when I first became a fan. I feel like I'm in for the long run and I'm glad I have such a wonderful community in it with me. Thank you.

  17. I remember asking this guy in my Japanese class if he listened to Jrock and he responded with "Yeah, I like that guy from Smashing Pumpkins" and I still think about that sometimes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. YuyoDrift


      Bro I know what you mean lol.


      I have so many stories of people who try too hard to impress or "show-off" that it's embarrassing for me to be the one too correct them, most times I don't and those stories haunt me in the shower sometimes 😆.

    3. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      Man, I wish I had it in me to correct him. At first I thought he just didn't know what Jrock is, but my soul left my body when I realized that he thought that James Iha's inclusion to SP means that the whole band counts as Jrock [Iha is Japanese]. I couldn't muster a word back. I bet he's still walking around thinking that.

    4. YuyoDrift


      Oh shit LOL this is the equivalent to my version where my dude said that Linkin Park was the same shit since there are anime videos with Naruto and shit made by "Japanese" people.


      Good times man lol

  18. I'm sorry for doubting you, America. I'm happy for you guys--just this once 😝

  19. Idk which mod/admin made my topic featured but thank you! It's an honour, really. I didn't think that the silly things that come out of my mouth were worth the designation lol

    1. Arkady


      Right?! When I too saw my Yoshiki one there I got all "Oh, yes, me an intellectual."

  20. If you're looking for an alternative to Last.fm, I started using Wavy.fm [add me, username is same as here] last month and it's pretty good. It only tracks Spotify plays as of now and is more simplistic than Last.fm but the devs add new features like every week so it feels like they actually care about the damn site which is nice.

  21. If サンドイッチで120分? isn't playing at my funeral then I'm not going

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      They're one of the best things that ever happened in Japanese music and no one can tell me otherwise

    3. Jigsaw9


      rollin' in my grave to 晴天日記 so hard I drill through the planet core

    4. 少女椿


      The best may be only Eiji and takken acoustic cover band (I laughed hard at their recordings, they were like "why we are not popular?.." "why we are not...", and so on)

  22. Imagine your favourite Eroguro song but 4kids dubbed

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. fruitfork


      No, I don't think I will

    3. Himeaimichu


      Amano from Guruguru Eigakan already fits the bill for "kidz bop singer"

    4. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      You really didn't have to roast him like that @Himeaimichu

  23. Is recommending me lots of region locked albums Spotify's way of telling me to go fuck myself or is it just quarantine getting to me

    1. Manabu


      It's express VPN telling you to invest in a monthly subscription

  24. It's amazing what quarantine boredom and 5 minutes in MS paint can do

  25. Just found out that one of my blog posts was used as a reference in the J-fash Wiki so I think I can call myself a credible Visual Kei historian now

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