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Total Saikou

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Status Replies posted by Total Saikou

  1. On MH Farewell event I'll be looking forward to add a lot of Gargoyle's party'ish upbeat and bouncy songs. Who else likes that idea? :D 

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      I'm all up for it, homie! :hum:Let's put the fun back in "funeral"!

  2. Malice Mizer has a really cute sound

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      Well, just in the GACKT era, really. Before that they were GOFF and afterwards...


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. Where do I start with Goatbed's discography

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      I started with their self-titled album (it's on Spotify--if it's region locked I can offer you a rip from my personal copy :D) and I fell in love at first listen so I recommend giving it a try!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. we lost another one 


    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      I heard "Good morning to the world's Trump Lovers" and then everything clicked 😭

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. I've counted my CD collection today. It appears I own over 220 CDs. I swear I'm gonna run out of space one day and my house is spacious xD

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      Running out of space, it's every collector's worst nightmare! :panic:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. VK is my safe space, I just realised I always come back to it when I'm at my worst.

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      As of so far, it's the only music culture that lets me be sad on my terms and for that, I find it precious as well ❤️

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. Whoa, I just realised that Visual Ioner was officially shut down last month, I can't believe it. That blog's been a great source of news for me for like... Years. It feels like an end of era in a way.

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      Me too. I wish the lovely fan who ran it kept it up as an archive of sorts because it was an absolute treasure trove of band info and photos but now it's dead, its ghost only viewable on the Wayback Machine 😭

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. @admins tradeoff pls ily

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      I second this. How about a nice holiday theme or something centering around snow or the cold :music2:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Everybody is offended by Maria Cross, I don't know why people particularly talk about that time he offended some dude named Sex

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      Yeah, I think I found his account... his username is @/beautymaria4. Looks and talks just like him but I don't use Twitter so I can't say I know for sure that's him.


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Tonight i finally made the decision not get a divorce. Wish me luck that I will get to keep my kids. 

  11. Bitches who haven't washed their face, brushed their hair, or bathed in a week and using Bath & Body Works body mist to cover up their coochie stank be like "I love Visual Kei!"... Like girl, you're worried about the wrong visuals.

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      I hope bands start getting ad deals with hygiene products, or that y'all at least stay at least 10 ft away from me

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. dabbing is the most advanced communication method in the history of humanity

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      You know too much

  13. No matter how hard I try, I can't get into Cardi B's music. I just get meangirl vibes from her music, and I'm sick of dealing with petty ass meangirls IRL, what makes you think I'm gonna handle a musician who makes it part of her music? lmao

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      Well of course you didn't like it, Cardi B makes music for the kind of people who look up and down before crossing the road

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  14. Is it just my limited taste in Vkei, or did Vkei literally just ignore grunge in the early 90's?

    (Did Grunge even have the same impact in Japan as it did in America?)

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      I'm pretty sure you're right though. For some reason, grunge never took off in Japan. All the cool alternative/experimental bands didn't even think of seriously playing it, they usually went for the shoegazer or noise route. In all my (rather short) years of being a VK fan, the only band I've ever seen touch grunge was Plastic Tree, and they dropped the genre like a hot potato after the new millennium.


      Also, I looked up "Japanese grunge" and all I got was 1 musician. Take that as you will.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. Wow... YouTube is now showing ads giving really misogynistic and downright rapey dating advice.

    If you get an ad for "the desire system", that's the one. 


    Isn't it funny how content creators have to follow these super specific guidelines just to get advertising, but the ads can literally flat out go "How to control women's minds!" And just.... wow...

    Just watch this video


    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      Hime has it down. My biggest gripe is that she says stuff like "If you don't wear modest clothing, don't expect men to not objectify you or treat you as an equal" yet she wears modest clothes and people objectify her as nothing but a MASSIVE (and I mean massive) rack all the time. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. Wow... YouTube is now showing ads giving really misogynistic and downright rapey dating advice.

    If you get an ad for "the desire system", that's the one. 


    Isn't it funny how content creators have to follow these super specific guidelines just to get advertising, but the ads can literally flat out go "How to control women's minds!" And just.... wow...

    Just watch this video


    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      Wow, that's like 100x worse than the Classically Abby (Ben Shapiro's sister 🤢) ad flood YT had a few weeks ago. I can't believe their ad standards have stooped this low, they're just begging for another adpocolypse at this point.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. Having obscure music tastes is a curse because it limits your dating pool (and I'm one of those people who can't connect with people who have vastly different music tastes) and it's like... why can't I just be like all the other girls and like P!ATD, Lil Peep, BTS and Ariana Grande? Why do I have to be into nobodies like Cuartet and DEViL KiTTY?

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      Well, there's no worse curse in this world than being a normie in my opinion

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. Babylon Bee is now my favorite website. 🤣

    When there's so much division and chaos going on, satire is what you need to lighten up your day.

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      Thanks for telling me about it, they're funnier than The Onion imo 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. Seemingly, Maisa Tsuno, from Akai ko-en, commited suicide

  20. A big shoutout to the fine chaps who leave hate messages on some visual kei download blogs ✌🏻

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      Single-handedly saving the VK industry one bitchfit at a time 🤧

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. The joint VK Bandomen Dead By Daylight stream gave me like a week's worth of serotonin. Hearing Dancho call Tatsurou a "sunova biiiiittttcccchhhh!!!!" and telling him "Fuuuuuucccckkk yoooouuuu!!!" when Tatsurou killed him absolutely made my day.

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      Yeah, each Bandomen put it up on their respective Youtube channels. It featured Tatsurou, Hazuki, Ryutaro, Dancho and Hitsugi. I saved Ryutaro's vid, here's his upload:

      It's probably the funniest gaming livestream I've seen in a while. Other highlights include Hazuki playing serial killer with his beautiful golden voice saying stuff like "You can't escape~~~" "I see you~~" I'm gonna get you~~~!!!" and when Tatsurou was a huge sweetie and let Ryutaro win on purpose 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  22. Was in walmart earlier today and outta no where some guy just casually yelled, "My bootyhole itches, Rosco!" He was by himself o.o 

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      American Wal-marts are like a whole different universe





    FF 16!!

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      MMO? I disagree, it appears to be single-player with the same combat system seen in 15. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)





    FF 16!!

  25. Imagine your favourite Eroguro song but 4kids dubbed

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