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Total Saikou

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Status Replies posted by Total Saikou

  1. Does anyone have cats that have weird music preferences? My bebby Faerie loves it when I play Javanese Gamelan music

    (obligatory picture of the baby)

  2. Just realized how... adorable was yukari as a solo artist after baiser's hiatus.

  3. google should make instant suicide available for download instead of those useless helplines.

  4. i love japan period


  5. Does last.fm culture exist presently? Is there any social utility to getting on last.fm?

  6. went to art school for this shit

  7. Is it cute? Is it cursed? I can't decide.


  8. Just realized an absolutely terrifying thing that I started to be a hardcore LAREINE fangirl two years after their disbandment. Jesus I'm so old.

  9. I remember asking this guy in my Japanese class if he listened to Jrock and he responded with "Yeah, I like that guy from Smashing Pumpkins" and I still think about that sometimes.

  10. Who knew that Animal Crossing NH would have discourse at all? People pressed about people time travelling, and for how their towns look even. 

    Let people play how they want, if you're competitive at Animal Crossing then it's probably not the best game for you.

  11. Thanks you to follow me 🤗.

  12. Yay thank you for following!🌹

  13. who are the super mario bros. of visualkei

  14. Hi! Thank you for the follow~ Followed you back ^^ Also love the avatar!

  15. Thanks for the follow~ ^_^

  16. MALICE MIZER is the greatest manifestation of art in the entire history of humanity.

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