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Status Replies posted by SubThatSong

  1. uh why the white border around the profile pic >.>

    1. SubThatSong


      I hadn't noticed and now I can't help but be distracted by it 😂

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. uh why the white border around the profile pic >.>

  3. Apple has now convinced me to buy an Android.


    God the IPhone 11 looks ugly. The camera is the ugliest part about it

    1. SubThatSong


      Yes, definitely! I do recommend OnePlus warmly, have some other friends that also tried out several phones and liked OnePlus the most - they did the testing for me hah

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. Apple has now convinced me to buy an Android.


    God the IPhone 11 looks ugly. The camera is the ugliest part about it

    1. SubThatSong


      I had iPhone since the first release of it until last year. I bought OnePlus, no regrets, thought it would take longer to get used to the new OS than it did

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. Someone just fell on me in the bus and we both shared this moment of, "uhhh did that just happen?" "It's all good bro"

    1. SubThatSong


      Then it's the perfect BL story of "I'm not gay but this guy...." and the struggle to accept the feelings 😂

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Someone just fell on me in the bus and we both shared this moment of, "uhhh did that just happen?" "It's all good bro"

    1. SubThatSong


      Typical anime scene, surely you're on your way to a dramatic romance

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. da fuck are these ゑ , ゐ lol 



    (I do know now I'm just surprised somehow it's the first time I see those)

    1. SubThatSong


      Archaic fun stuff! I'm always like "oh no not again" when I see them in lyrics lol. One day I won't be like magikarp with archaic, I swear. Soon™

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. Toonami's apparently gonna deliver an animated version of Junji Ito's Uzumaki somewhere in 2020... Hope it'll be good.

    1. SubThatSong


      I'm sceptically optimistic. Whenever I look forward to anything like this I end up disappointed, but one of these days, surely it will turn out fine lol...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. It felt so good deleting a negative person off of every social media. 15 years of friendship down the drain, but I don't fucking care. I hope he can get all the help he can, if he wishes me failure. I still have a job and I'm not living under unemployment I help him get. So fuck you, dead beat bitch with no irl friends now. Leech, scumbag, etc.

    1. SubThatSong


      Fuck them leeches. Cutting out people who bring you down, no matter the history, is just sometimes necessary. I'm happy you could do it! ♡

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. watch me make an account on twitter just so I can follow vk bands... 

    1. SubThatSong


      Yup, updating websites is for some weird reason just not "in" anymore 😂

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. watch me make an account on twitter just so I can follow vk bands... 

    1. SubThatSong


      This is literally my "main" Twitter, I even retweet shit mostly for myself because it has no real followers 😂😂😂 I also initially made my IG account because some people had private profiles 😂

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. This saturday is that dimlim one man and also the final show with Taishi and Ryuya and dimlim have no more shows or anything announced after this. I wonder if theyll continue temporarily as a 3man piece like they did with the silent song, go on hiatus to find new members like dadaroma did or something else 

    1. SubThatSong


      Yeah, I saw it on my phone when they posted it, I'm really glad. The picture really surprised me!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. Anyone know the song playing in Viva rush's Ruimaru's twitter vid? It's a techno song.

    1. SubThatSong


      The one in the tiktok video? 


  14. This saturday is that dimlim one man and also the final show with Taishi and Ryuya and dimlim have no more shows or anything announced after this. I wonder if theyll continue temporarily as a 3man piece like they did with the silent song, go on hiatus to find new members like dadaroma did or something else 

    1. SubThatSong


      I'm hopeful, at least! I really wish I could go to the live tomorrow, not to mention God I want to buy that damn 喜怒哀楽. Live limited stuff makes me sad. Just give me the option to buy it on CDJapan when I'm less broke lol, I got to buy 離人 soooo long after the release, but at least I could buy it 😅

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. This saturday is that dimlim one man and also the final show with Taishi and Ryuya and dimlim have no more shows or anything announced after this. I wonder if theyll continue temporarily as a 3man piece like they did with the silent song, go on hiatus to find new members like dadaroma did or something else 

  16. This saturday is that dimlim one man and also the final show with Taishi and Ryuya and dimlim have no more shows or anything announced after this. I wonder if theyll continue temporarily as a 3man piece like they did with the silent song, go on hiatus to find new members like dadaroma did or something else 

    1. SubThatSong


      As long as they don't dare to actually quit I'm fine with anything they end up doing!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. Jury Duty has been hell. Why did they have to pick me as Juror #4?

    1. SubThatSong


      Jury duty has always fascinated me. But I'm tainted by the interesting cases made up by TV-series and movies 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. December gone be Awesome ! HELL YEAH !!!!!!!



    1. SubThatSong


      ♡ Damn you get to see them earlier tho, I've been sitting on my tickets for a few months now and the concert I'll see is 28/01/2020 😂

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. I just had a thought, are all bandmen so skinny cause they can't afford food for the most part?

    1. SubThatSong


      Uh-oh I can relate too much, other vices first food for self comes last lol

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  20. like 75% of the time i look up some vk song's translated lyrics i always end up wishing i hadn't 

    1. SubThatSong


      Hnn, I'm really not concerned about the world around me since I don't really think of lyric influence huh (yikes). But I do also suppose I'm still newish to the VK scene, I was more or less in my bubble for about 15 years lol
      I've really enjoyed the majority of lyrics I've translated, I'd say, but my judgement also most definitely isn't quite there since I don't really feel affected by any of it despite there being the bad themes 🤔
      The overly silly lyrics don't really keep me very interested, it's nice once in a while but I like my... bad dark themes lol
      Some translations are for sure very unnatural, but to be fair there's also a lot of "translations" out there. Which I personally do hate because it misrepresents the original meaning of the song, and I'm a complete nutter for lyrics, I absolutely love it when there's a proper line of thought put into the lyrics that makes you think. Well, it is what it is

      Thanks guys ^___^

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  21. like 75% of the time i look up some vk song's translated lyrics i always end up wishing i hadn't 

  22. Nobody:




    Bleh...that hurt to type 

    1. SubThatSong


      Who cares, not like I needed the brain cells that I lost reading that anyway

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  23. We finally got the Yoshiki announcement we've been waiting for! EBdbmiWU8AIK9v0?format=png&name=900x900

    1. SubThatSong


      Huh, so it really is legit. I honestly laughed even more because of that

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  24. We finally got the Yoshiki announcement we've been waiting for! EBdbmiWU8AIK9v0?format=png&name=900x900

    1. SubThatSong


      Fan made or not, got a chuckle out of me :D 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  25. Why is Kuroyume’s album ‘Drug Treatment’ so hard to find? I just wanna buy it already 

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