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Status Replies posted by Gesu

  1. you are SO funny



  2. art-kei needs to get on this 



  3. im new on here

  4. wtf ONE OK ROCK..



  5. Should I change my profile pic to beautiful Tatsuya, or keep it as adorable Bridget?


  6. all the best visual kei is made between 1979 and 2019. after that it really goes to shit

  7. all the best visual kei is made between 1979 and 2019. after that it really goes to shit

  8. I love my psychology class but it's so weird. Today, we learned how to manipulate people into being nice to us at their own expense. Tbh, I'm surprised my ex-friends didn't take psychology.

  9. "2019" backwards looks like "eros" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Happy New Year! 

  10. Thank you person on the interwebZ for reminding me about "Oh yes, my name is Christmas Tree" after all this years.


  11. today my dad was watching a video of a girl auditioning for yoshiki's Lady's X in 2016 and he asked me if yoshiki is male or female

  12. mery crimmas

  13. press R to 「relate」



  14. not Vk but i gotta mention them cuz holy shit they blew my mind when i found out about them yesterday. the band is "FEVER 333" and OMG their song BURN IT is AMAZING - super catchy, great lyrics and these 3 guys are so energetic live you really need to watch 'em on yt!



  15. thinkin about that one time a dude faked terminal cancer just to have a bunch of youtubers LP his shitty mario world romhack

  16. Jesus fuck, lol. What did they do to Sonic?!


  17. I love WW2 games, but I seriously dislike a lot of the people who play them. It seems that every time I play Red Orchestra 2, there is always some ultra-political dude trying to talk about politics in the team chat. Like... THE TEAM CHAT ISN'T FOR THAT. FOCUS ON THE GAME

  18. I haven't written anything in too long... I was thinking of posting some things in the art showcase (I guess you could post writing there?) but I have no idea what to write. Any ideas from you all? I'd kinda prefer it if it wasn't fanfic (not that I have anything against it). I used to write that, but I don't really anymore. I'll give you credit if I end up writing something you suggest/request, but I can be a little slow sometimes >.<

  19. I haven't written anything in too long... I was thinking of posting some things in the art showcase (I guess you could post writing there?) but I have no idea what to write. Any ideas from you all? I'd kinda prefer it if it wasn't fanfic (not that I have anything against it). I used to write that, but I don't really anymore. I'll give you credit if I end up writing something you suggest/request, but I can be a little slow sometimes >.<

  20. No it is not too early to be cranking out this anthem stOP JUDGING ME 



  21. So, is Jiluka considered deathcore? I'm wondering bc while they have some brutal elements, there's also those clean vocals which I don't really hear in deathcore.  

  22. You keep getting into music ,games, books,tv shows, whatever...but depression is always there in the end. Always.

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