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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by monkeybanana4

  1. Damn, I was just thinking of buying something there yesterday. Looks like that isn't going happen ;w;


    Man, this is sad to hear. Aside from Like an Edison and Zeal Link, Brand-X has been one of the main VK stores I've shopped at ever since I became heavily invested into the scene. Well, sadly it looks like I'll never get to use those Brand-X point cards either (whenever I made it to Japan one of these days).

  2. D55Kpa9U0AA4ybo.jpg




    Kiryu will release a new single titled 「手纏ノ端無キガ如シ」(Tamaki no hashina kigagotoshi) on 2019.07.10 in four types.


    Type A Limited Edition (CD+DVD)
    1,800 yen (+taxes)


    -MV of「手纏ノ端無キガ如シ」

    - Making-of video
    All Type Privilege Purchase: Application ticket "A" and application postcard


    Type B Limited Edition CD+DVD

    1,800 yen (+taxes)


    - MV of「手纏ノ端無キガ如シ」

    - マルチアングルMV (Multiangle(s) MV)
    All Type Privilege Purchase: Application ticket "B"


    Type C Regular Edition
    1,500 yen (+taxes)
    All Type Privilege Purchase: Application ticket "C"


    Type D Regular Edition
    1,500 yen (+taxes)


    All Type Privilege Purchase: Application ticket "D"


  3. Before the internet explosion, I remember either finding out about new music from friends or hearing songs on the radio. And when I could finally afford to buy a release, I felt excited and thrilled to be able to purchase a CD and listen to the release for myself. Afterward, I would put it on repeat for weeks on end, soaking myself into the release and sorting out how I felt about it. I guess it was like a journey starting from anticipation and ending on my fully fleshed out thoughts. On a random side note, I still remember using the now-outdated CD player since portable MP3 players weren't in wide use yet.


    With the internet, things have changed. On the pro side, I managed to discover Japanese music, and as a result, stumbled upon VK, finding so many popular and esoteric bands, which I have come to enjoy. As others have mentioned, and for me personally, the internet became a gateway into the world of VK (and music in general)  and helped to expand my tastes in music. No longer was I listening to the radio and asking friends for recommendations. I ended up digging info as to what was being released and who was what (artist) from different (fanmade) websites, forums dedicated to anime shows/Japanese music/etc., and YouTube (although, it was quite a different beast back in those days). So, thanks to the Internet, I've managed to widen my music library, enjoy great stuff, and connect with amazing people who share the same musical interests even if we don't live in the same place.


    The downside, as people have already mentioned, is the amount of time spent on an album/single/release/artist is much less because of the sheer amount of music that gets released. I feel I have less time to mull over on a particular release. Instead, I listen to it a few times to gather my initial thoughts, and then move on to listen to the next latest thing that's being released. Thus, it makes it hard to really dig deep into the music and truly give it the time it most likely deserves. Also, as someone mentioned earlier, I barely use my physical CDs nowadays except to rip it since I mainly use my computer or phone to listen to music as opposed to the ancient CD player, lol.

  4. To add to the list, I also buy my CDs from Brand-X, which usually comes with photosets/comment DVDs for pre-orders, and doesn't require a shopping service since they deliver overseas. If it's second-hand/used CDs, I buy it from ClosetChild since they also take orders from overseas.

  5. D5tvAAZUYAAIFQ7.jpg







    It also seems like they will be releasing three live-limited singles titled 「フルニトラゼパム」, 「196番地の女」, and 「DEAREST」. It will be on sale starting from their one-man live at Hokkaido on 2019.05.11. There also seems to be a contest in which users can retweet/vote these songs, and the one with the highest will have an MV made for it.



  6. 8 minutes ago, suji said:

    Random necro, but I really wish Sui would update his Global store more often ;w; I've noticed that nothing else has been added since Stigmata, probably because not as many people shop there. Maybe if they would implement cheaper shipping options like SAL like Spook Jack's store, then I would definitely buy more stuff from there since I would like to put up some exclusive scans on my Sui blog :3


    It was bad enough having to pay an extra 2400 yen to ship a 5000 yen pamphlet RIP.............

    Wow, that's an insane for one pamphlet 😕 The problems of being a VK fan overseas ;w;

  7. I'm not familiar with that particular song, but I do love Miyano Mamoru's voice! (I blame it on Uta no Prince sama for making me a fan of him, lol.) And thumbs up for the super catchy Uta no Prince sama song!


    1. Aimer - コイワズライ (Koi Wazurai)

    2. vistlip - Reincarnation

    3. Exist Trace - Just One

    4. ViViD - Precious

    5. ダウト (D=out) - 飛行少女

    6. Versailles - Rosen Schwert

    7. SCREW - 邪心に爛る子守唄

    8. DIV - Teddy

    9. Royz - DOLL 

    10. Stereopony - Over Drive


    A hard list to choose from! I'll have to go with vistlip for this one. Rosen Schwert is another great song, too.

  8. More stuff in no particular order.


    Alice Nine/A9 - 絶景色 (Zekkeishoku)

    Alice Nine/A9 - Vandalize

    Alice Nine/A9 - DISCOTHEQUE play like A RAINBOWS -enter & exit-

    SCREW - 大きな古時計 (Ooki Na Furudokei)

    SCREW - Wailing Wall comment DVD (Skull Rose)

    Trading cards - SCREW, etc.

  9. 2 hours ago, Gesu said:

    In case you wanted to know just how good at dancing Hitomi is. He's really got some moves! The song is until 4:17; the rest of the video is basically just a couple of spots to promote the single.


    Amazing song! Reminds me of this music video by them as well. (Hitomi also has some great dance moves in here as well, lol.)



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