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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by monkeybanana4

  1. D will release a new single titled "道化師のカタルシス" (Doukeshi no Catharsis) on 2019.07.10.


    Type A (CD+DVD, 2,400 yen + taxes) - 3 songs


    1. "道化師のカタルシス" (Doukeshi no Catharsis)

    2. New Song A

    3. New Song C (Instrumental)


    "道化師のカタルシス" (Doukeshi no Catharsis) MV+ Making-Of

    - Includes booklet


    Type B (CD, 1,500 yen + taxes) - 4 songs


    1. "道化師のカタルシス" (Doukeshi no Catharsis)

    2. New Song A

    3. New Song B

     4. "道化師のカタルシス" (Doukeshi no Catharsis) (Instrumental)

  2. 5 minutes ago, Gesu said:

    Ayy, that's the one! I think Yuki's sounds interesting... that, and he's probably my favourite member if I had to choose one because he's the funniest X) anyways, idk what BPT stands for, but I like to think it means "Beautiful Prince Teru".

    I've always liked Yuki from Versailles for his humor (and drumming skills, too) xD


    As for rare items...

    - Kagrra's last live dvd/pamphlet that doesn't cost my liver

    - Diaura's live-limited releases

  3. Many thanks to @Biopanda, @Valicious, and all the staff at Rarezhut for these amazing items! (I can't wait for another auction to happen so I can spend more of my money for all the rarez and nonrarez goodies you guys provide XD)


    In no particular order:


    Japanese Collection Cure DVD featuring Vidoll

    SINCREA - Pandora 2010 Live DVD

    Monolith - Aquarium (Type A)

    Vidoll - Special bonus live-recorded song (Brand-X)

    Diaura - Special bonus live-recorded song (Zeal Link)

    Zeal Link Tour 2014 magazine

  4. 20190521_munounalucid_01.jpg








    無能なルシッド (Munou na Lucid) will release a new live-limited single 「自我殺傷」(Jiga Sasshou) if you attend their live on 2019.08.25 at Takadanobaba AREA and have a live ticket(?). Furthermore, they will release digital singles, which looks like it'll contain one song each, on 2019.08.15. Each song will cost 250 yen. 


    Song Titles

    「嘘ノ麻酔。モウヒトリノ私。」(Uso no masui. Mouhitorino watashi)
    「紐は解けた」 (Himo wa hodoketa)

  5. The album, "Artist", has been postponed, and a later release date will be announced.


    HOWL 1st Full Album「Artist」の発売日を延期することになりました。













    source: https://howl-official.com/562/

  6. 16 minutes ago, Gesu said:

    I like Kanon Wakeshima, particularly her older stuff. I'm not counting her as VK because a) she's more goth-loli than VK, and b) she's kinda moved away from gothic stuff since her career started.

    I remember reading she was managed/found(?) by Mana, which I guess explains her initial gothic-lolita look. But yeah, I really like her older releases as well.

  7. First introduction was through Nightmare from Death Note and An Cafe (from a friend). Since I had no idea what it was I perused through the Internet discovering other bands like Dir En Grey and the Gazette, although for some reason it was difficult to find and listen to their music (It was 2006, and I was ignorant in the ways of the Internet, lol) So I ended up veering towards bands like Kagerou and Merry, which began my endless journey into the void of digging through obscure sites to find one song to listen to it. Finally, I think Alice Nine was the clench pin that had me hooked onto VK forever :P  

  8. Hey, nice reviews! (Apologies for the late comment ^^; I finally had time to sit down and watch your videos) I still remember picking up and reading comic books when I was young. Now, I'm tempted to start reading it again thanks to your video =P


    Keep up the great work!

  9. 3 minutes ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    Never heard of him? Is he a solo artist or was he part of a band?

    He used to be one of the guitarists from VK bands like Moran and Sugar. He plays really well and has some great guitar parts. @Gesu would know more :P 


    EDIT: Here's one of their songs where his playing shines, lol




  10. 17 minutes ago, Gesu said:

    Speaking of a sharp edge, I want Sizna to lacerate me with his jawline


    He has many amazing looks, but this is one of my favorites xD (Still super sad that he's basically disappeared ;w;) 

  11. 1 hour ago, Gesu said:

    I actually think social media is a good thing as it allows for broad communication, but I guess I just don't like the way a lot of people act on it and how vitriolic they get over it. I prefer a more neutral community where people can discuss things like adults (like MH! After all, I guess this counts as social media) instead of saying "if you don't agree with my point and share it then your mum will die LOLOLOL", but that's just my take on it.

    I guess it counts as social media, but this statement reminded me of YouTube as well and how zealous people can become on there. (Especially when it comes to things people stan very much)

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