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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by monkeybanana4

  1. 20 minutes ago, yomii said:

    watching this i used to dream how i'd buy lenses like yomi's, become a cool yankee just like them and beat the fuck out of my classmates

    Haha, yes, same here! When I re-watched it just now, I was thinking how I still wanted those contact lenses XD


    Also, here are some more I thought of ^^;


    D'espairsRay - Garnet




    SCREW - Vanquish




    D - Huang di ~ Yami ni Umareta Mukui ~




  2. 36 minutes ago, Gesu said:

    I've also gotta hand it to DIV for their super-cute Taste Of Life video...

      Reveal hidden contents

    I totally forgot about this music video! I really enjoy the song and the light-hearted, playful video :3 


    8 minutes ago, yomii said:

    naito - tokyo shonen

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    This music video really brings back lots of memories~ It was one of the first songs that I discovered by Nightmare. I remember I loved watching this video on repeat many times, lol.

  3. D7udsZ5UcAEDS5D.jpg


    Frantic EMIRY ~second crisis~ will release a new mini-album titled 『EDEN』on 2019.07.17. 


    Limited Edition (CD+DVD; 2,800 yen+taxes)

    「Amethyst Rain」
    「Blue Romance」
    「Cruel Pain」
    「Dusty mirror」
    「Holy Night EMIRY With The Witch」
    「World End」Music Video


    Regular Edition (CD; 2,300 yen+taxes)

    「Amethyst Rain」
    「Blue Romance」
    「Cruel Pain」
    「Dusty mirror」
    「Holy Night EMIRY With The Witch」

  4. 25 minutes ago, Komorebi said:

    Well, if you go to lives to have fun and you are no longer having fun and have a miserable experience every time whats the point in spending time and money going? Especially if you are short on both.

    Idk, I wouldn't quit that easily, but I think we all have an understanding of both the importance of a sense of community for Japanese people and the effects bullying has there. I can't also affirm that is the reason ALL those girls quit, but a shitty attitude from fellow fans adds salt to any wound.

    This reminds me of a bangya who I met a long time ago. She wanted to attend the lives that Daizystripper played at but at the same time she didn't want to go because she wanted to avoid a certain friend whom she got into a fight with. Not exactly sure what it was about since she was a little vague on the exact details, but when we attended a taiban live where Daizystripper was playing, she saw her friend there. And her friend, including the girls her friend was hanging out with, completely ignored her even though they knew she was there. Basically, the whole group ostracized her like she was unwelcomed/unwanted there. I'm not sure what her exact feelings were, but I could see it made her feel awkward, unsettled, and depressed. (Not sure if she totally quit going to Daizystripper lives or not.) Being raised from a more Western perspective, I wouldn't quit so easily, but as @Komorebi perfectly stated, the social situation in Japan is different, and when you start to attend more VK lives/events/etc., the same people tend to show up, so it'd be hard to avoid these bullies sadly 😕 

  5. 10 minutes ago, nomemorial said:

    Also, so many people in the scene give off this vibe of band/artist fandom ownership, like they're more entitled to be a fan than someone else. Seems kind of esoteric, but I can't be the only one who notices this?

    Yeah, I remember seeing it around on places like LiveJournal and Tumblr (especially on member-centered communities/pages - i.e. "[insert bandomen's name]_a_day_community) I don't think anything is wrong with the communities itself, but that kind of behavior doesn't make sense because each fan in said communities like the same bands/people, right...? Some things I will never understand ^^;

  6. Great live report! It sounds like you had an amazing, fun time. It's always such a treat to see these bands play live on their home turf (i.e. in Japan). And being able to experience the intimate and exciting atmosphere these bands exude when playing at these smaller livehouses is always a bonus. Looking forward to reading your next live report!


    14 minutes ago, nomemorial said:

    It was one of my first nights in Tokyo and I am a bit, uh, directionally challenged without the aid of a map in larger city settings, so despite leaving quite early I missed my first train changeover and ended up turning a 15 minute trek into a 45 minute anxious train ride, landing me at the show 15 minutes late and a few songs into eStrial's set.

    Reminds me of how I usually leave hours in advance in an unfamiliar place because being directionally challenged, lol. Not being fluent in the language doesn't help either ^^;

  7. Necroing this thread :P 


    The topic reminds me of a status update convo I had recently. Before I discovered J-music/VK, I was listening to mostly Western mainstream music and various types of Western rock music (i.e. Evanscence, AFI, Paramore, Linkin Park, Within Temptations, etc.). Also, because of my background and family, I was listening to Western "oldies music" (The Beatles, John Denver, Tom Jones, The Eagles, Rolling Stones, The Carpenters, The Temptations, The Fifth Dimension, etc.) and Chinese/Canto-pop (Teresa Teng, Jenny Tseng, Roman Tan, etc.) Also, listened to some classical music artists since I took music classes. Thanks to J-music (mainly anime OPs/EDs), I was able to discover VK, which in turn helped broaden my music tastes even further. It's that experience that helped to cement my interests in language, culture, literature and history. I'm not sure how much of a different person I would have been without J-music/VK, but it's now thoroughly a part of who I am and has helped me discover things I like to do (i.e. travel to countries, try new foods, etc.)

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