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Posts posted by Arkady

  1. I'm enjoying both covers VERY much (I'm lying, I'm LITTERALLY obessed with the MM one) and I'm praying baby Jesus with all my heart that the third and final one would be anything from Lareine.


    That or Cage from DeG just to teach Kyo who is the real alpha.

  2. Here they announced a tentative start of opening things up for May 4. People will be able to go see their relative and significant others (not casual relationships) that live in the same region.


    Cue to all the memes about police checking if the relationship is enough significant for the law or not.



    "But do you truly love her or do you just fuck?"



  3. e6d163dd3847c044a131752c2a18319327195566


    A bit of "new" music to play during quarantine.


    KAMIJO - Temple Blood sucking for praying lim ed.

    KAMIJO - Documentary of Epic Rock Orchestra (promo cd)

    KAMIJO - Castrato lim. ed.

    KAMIJO - Kamijo World Tour 2015

    LAREINE - Fleur (pink & blue disc)

    Bonus Raphael and Gackt singles I'm keeping because I like both editions and the songs too.

    Various Versailles promo message DVDs

  4. I wish everyone of you could understand italian, this one is a masterpiece. (This one is the "flame thrower" comment polician that got viral a few weeks ago) his Coronavirus speeches are a mix of wisdom and pure testily madness.



  5. What are some of your own country favorite "old" songs (pre 1985)? Any genre is welcome (folk, pop, etc.) as both very popular or niche.


    I would like for this thread to focus manly in non US/UK music (but if one is posted once in a while it's not a big deal, especially if it's something a bit niche), because usually classics from there are pretty know around the world and everyone and their pets has at least an idea of US/UK contemporary music history.


    I'll start with some of my favorites from Italy:


    This one I think is my favorite ever (the original song is from 1983)



    Vacanze Romane B side was almost as interesting (the lyrics are much less political than the title and the singer gestures may lead to think)



    Matia Bazar were the best good shit in the early 80's (this is from 1985)



    This one is Milva with the bleakest lyrics ever (but they make the song even more beautiful). The original version of this song called "Valery" by another singer is interesting too.



    This one has beautiful lyrics (they are in the song description, ready to copypaste on google translate).



  6. No credit cards. I like to see first hand how much money I'm spending. (here lately they are trying from above to push credit cards and similar non corporeal money, and I imagine that with time maybe they'll succeed, but us italian are culturally VERY attached to paper money)


    The only card (issued by our postal service) I have is a rechargable one where you cannot go in debt because you can only use the money you have in it, and I use it only for internet purchases.

  7. No one asked me but I'll continue to post and badly translate italian Corona memes. (the ones understandable to not italian people at least, sadly there are some truly hilarious ones that needs layers of italian cultural/pop knowledge one can have only by living here)




    "Pope Francesco, I came from the future, listen to me, there will be a pandemic you must alert the woooorld."


  8. First case confirmed in my small town today. Time to grow our own vegetables. (My father is 65 and my mother is very at risk)


    Meanwhile hordes of teens and not are thirsting over our prime minister. 😆



    "All will be alright, we will get through this together." (from his last discourse)


    "Today let's stay far apart, to hug more warmly and run faster tomorrow. We'll make it all together." (still from his last discourse)




    Sorry for the shitty english.

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