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Everything posted by 123Sandman321

  1. 123Sandman321

    "Let's put synths everywhere, to cover up the fact that we can't write any interesting guitar melodies whatsoever." The vocalist sure tries, but his voice, lisp aside, is so unappealing to listen to. Plus...I'm still waiting for the day, when vocalists who can't scream for shit just stop forcing that stuff in. It's plain terrible. I really wanted to get into them, to understand what y'all find so good about them, but everything they've released so far is just so half-assed and comes off as kinda incompetent. I'll give the album a spin, but...eh, I don't expect it to get much better. Killer visuals, tho. 5 stars
  2. 123Sandman321

    Neither Gamushara nor White Dust are bad, per se, they are quite fun, but ultimately kinda generic..just unremarkable, but still, give them a spin and make your own opinion definitely different people, Ryo (ex. Girugamesh) works mainly as a producer, nowadays (to my great regret )
  3. 123Sandman321

    I'm glad they are back, but I expected something more compelling. It feels like every band has a song exactly like this.
  4. 123Sandman321

    Now, that's what I like to see. This project has easily been his best work, so far.
  5. 123Sandman321

    Kamijo buys a new pair of boots Karasuna Mei's new project goes rap-core B.P.R. execs discover that there are more letters in the alphabet besides A, B, C and D Hazuki will abandon music and follow his life-long dream of becoming a fisherman Seiya (ex. Deviloof) will join a fabulous oshare-kei band
  6. 123Sandman321

    I appreciate your essay, but it doesn't change anything. "Brutal" is up to preference, actual vocal ability isn't. I like all those vocalists you talk about, but they lack any refinement and would wreck their voices if they went on. Furthermore, stop putting words in my mouth. I never said that. I see you must've skimmed through my profile, but if you wanna poke at me, do your homework properly.
  7. 123Sandman321

    Not a single vocalist you listed can't scream/growl properly. They are objectively trash, absolutely zero technique. Contrary to them Keisuke actually has a proper technique, combined with an insane range. Choosing to reject such an obvious evidence is just misguided. Did you even mean what you said? If so, I can't really take you seriously.
  8. 123Sandman321

    Have you heard of a concept called an opinion? Negative, positive, doesn't matter. It's a great thing which prevents taking things too personally once you understand and respect it.
  9. Tyrant just a room away, cue the licker and to top it all off, cunts I killed 2 hours ago come back to life...fuck me. But damn, is the game good.

    1. RaeDesu


      Ah, you must be playing the new RE2 remake. 

  10. 123Sandman321

    Anything post Gamushara, that gives you 3 mini-albums. EVIL MAD SCIENCE, URGE and LAMENT. They had some passable songs even before, but they were spread too far inbetween all the trash, especially on their first album, so...no need to bother picking through the garbage, when you can just spin the actually listenable stuff.
  11. 123Sandman321

    Oh, time for round two. Here's hoping I won't stop updating when winter comes, as last year
  12. 123Sandman321

    That piano is one the biggest red flags for generic bullshit, yet it seems somewhat listenable.
  13. I've found out about them just recently, but they instantly became one of my favorites. This just reinforces it.
  14. 123Sandman321

    Progressive vegetarian grindcore
  15. The choruses couldn't be more generic, especially the a-side. They are definitely not bad overall as a band, quite the opposite, but nothing groundbreaking either. I don't understand the hype.
  16. BMTH 2019: Coldplay "jacked our steez" a few years back. Let's get back at them by copying their music.


    Seriously tho, it's a really solid pop album. It's what I expected, but feared of getting. Not one song on the album resonated with me the same way as any of their previous works. Their songwriting definitely hasn't lost it's edge, but...it just feels kinda soulless.

    1. Seelentau


      Are some of the tracks even songs? I listened to it only once for now, but some of the tracks just began and ended without me noticing it... their previous album was better, imo.

    2. Tokage


      this is just as weird of a change of style as nickelback doing the weird 'almost alt-metal/nu-metal' thing recently

  17. 123Sandman321

    I really don't understand why you'd want Issei out. Sure he's a dick, but a competent dick. And as far as I know, no other member has shown any actual ability to write anything amazingly compelling to be able to pull what DIMLIM did with Retsu.
  18. I might be oversimplifying it a little bit, but it seems to me, that you got it all figured out, while needlessly debating the semantics. Nevertheless, after a rejection, it's never healthy to think that you aren't good enough and after a while you might convince yourself to remain that way...and that's a pit from which it's really hard to crawl out of. It might be difficult to move on, but it's the best course of action. In the end, you'll always end up a better person and grow to handle these situations in a much better way. And considering not being able to be yourself...I've come to understand that that's a lie we tell ourselves, when we aren't comfortable talking to strangers. I used to be that way, hiding behind that thin veil...but whatever choice you make, whatever face you put on, it's always you, because people will continue to perceive you that way for the better or in most cases, worse. What I'm trying to say, always be your "true" self, whatever the situation, you shouldn't lie to yourself or to people around you. And if the infrequency of those enjoyable moments hurts you...change the game, turn the odds in your favor, it's very possible, you just gotta take action trust me, I've been there Anyway, sharing that experience is always the first step, never forget that you are never alone, there is always someone who will listen. Well, I really hope I'm making at least some sense...there is a nearly downed bottle of wine next to me : D
  19. I gave quite a few spins to the majority of NAZARE's full length, and I gotta say, the potential is there, but the inexperience of anyone but Issei kinda shows. The album itself is nicely written and varied, but...although the guitarist has the (quasi)-technical department down, he lacks the ability to write any compelling solos, it's just "basic" guitar-wankery. The vocalist is good and the potential is there, but someone should really hit him over the head whenever he tries those highs and refuses to stay in his range, he ain't Sho or Akane. No complaints on the bassist, he's just there, quality rumble from down under. It's a fun record and I'm excited for what's next.


    Let's just hope they are given the time to evolve, before someone fucks it up, and stop being just a poor man's D.I.D.

    1. Kyo_Toriko


      Thank you for the link to the FIXER II, and thank you in advance for the NAZARE !!

    2. suji


      @123Sandman321 go ahead, but make sure you let people know why the tracks are missing and the other track cuts off. I'd also suggest marking it as a "spotify version". Someone else will be able to upload the full version in the future.

    3. 123Sandman321


      @suji I was talking about NAZARE's album (not FIXER II), which I've got from ROPPU's channel, before they were taken down. Does your permission still apply? :D

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  20. 123Sandman321

    The harsh parts are everything that is wrong with "brootal"-kei. Who green-lit this trash? The rest is fine, I guess, not anything that warrants much interest.
  21. This just screams blandness. Already calling that the PV will be in tasteless 60 FPS, compensating for a lack of cinematography with shitty effects and taking place in a random warehouse #3206 (since all the other ones were used by lynch. in the past and we have to keep it slightly original). ...yeah and don't forget the synths, the trebliest synth samples with the lowest bitrate they can find.
  22. 123Sandman321

    I was rather skeptic, going in, having heard the previews and Phalaenopsis in it's entirety, but after digesting the whole package, it was really pleasant. Karma's, let's say, unique voice in unison with the great bassist really carried the EP.
  23. 123Sandman321

    The drums, thankfully, don't sound like utter trash, this time. The drumming itself could still be better, though it's not as jarring at least. But, compared to their first two records which were some of the best stuff from 2017, this just seems rather weak and uninspired, even the production took a nose-dive. Well, the whole thing might still surprise me...hopefully
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