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Everything posted by 123Sandman321

  1. 123Sandman321

    @AliceParanoid Since I see Slot and don't know anything else, I'm gonna assume that all the rest is also obscure russian emo metal DADAROMA - モルヒネ#2 Dance Gavin Dance - The Jiggler MEJIBRAY - Crazed Brain DEZERT - リリィさんの美容整形術 Codomo Dragon - Epilogue George Michael - Careless Whisper Jiluka - ZONE G-Dragon - One of a Kind Protest the Hero - Tidal Develop One's Faculties - Hope
  2. 123Sandman321

    DEXCORE Shellmy (mixed with a different artist) TRNTY D:CODE THE THIRTEEN (mixed with a different artist) MIZTAVLA Insanity Injection Initial'L Femme Fatale Defspiral CodeRebirth Deviloof
  3. 123Sandman321

    99% of VK bands summed up. Thank you Still fucking heartbroken, though.
  4. 123Sandman321

    Quite weak and simple (by DGD standards) compared to their previous singles, but still, a fun song. Can't wait for the full album.
  5. 123Sandman321

    While it's nothing ground-breaking, it's miles better than their 1st album (...damn, that shit was bad), and I have some hope in them, now, after this and their last release.
  6. 123Sandman321

    "*Ba.XEL was forced to pause activities back in 2017/10/10 due to suffering from hearing loss." ...I wonder why
  7. 123Sandman321

    Oh, fucking hell, and right after I was soothed by the update of the release date. One of the albums I was the most excited for.
  8. 123Sandman321

    I love their music, but damn... "I'm staggered to shit of a golden fish that begs on you." That's true poetry
  9. 123Sandman321

  10. 123Sandman321

    Great news! I hope it's not just a re-recording of the GENGAH song, though.
  11. 123Sandman321

    I hope the music will reflect the looks. 'Cause damn, VICTIM was a genric filler-fest
  12. 123Sandman321

    A lot of them, but the ones I'm excited the most about, are Jiluka and DIMLIM. Can't wait for the album previews to drop.
  13. 123Sandman321

    Wow, can't believe I came around to making an account after nearly 3 years lurking. might be just my drunk delirium Anyway, firstly, lemme thank you for showing me such amounts of stellar music, ever since I first stumbled upon this website. From now on, I'll be happy and eager to join the discussion with y'all and get to know you. I won't just peep from the sidelines, from now on And to pinpoint my music taste...it's hard, since I can enjoy basically any genre of music, though generally heavier stuff is the closest to my liking.
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